Falling from the air, Zhang Shouzhong experienced another attack from various clouds. When he was about to fall to the ground, Zhang Ping happened to catch the deposit.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Ping asked with a smile.

Zhang Shou Center has lingering fears: "I feel as if I have experienced a reincarnation. Birth, aging, sickness and death have all gone through once, and then I have experienced it again when I fell. I want to fully understand and see through the world."

"Don't be mean, what's the situation above?" Liu Sishan said solemnly.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately told everyone what he had seen. He solemnly said: "Although I didn't see it, when I fell down, I vaguely heard a monster roaring near the clouds. Just the sound I'm a little scared."

Everyone is frowned after listening. Fortunately, Zhang Ping is not stupid and insists on climbing. I really insist on it. I don't know how much danger it will encounter.

Clouds are one of the dangers, and the alienated beasts living in the clouds are another danger.

This kind of monster that can live in the clouds must have a powerful body, and may even possess some terrifying superpower.

Before playing, even Zhang Ping didn't dare to say that he would definitely win. After all, gold swallowers also have various shortcomings and are not truly invincible.

Once you encounter the ability to resist, there is actually not much difference between the gold swallower and other abilities.

A caterpillar that may live in the clouds just has the ability to restrain the gold swallower, so a small insect hair penetrates the metal coating formed by the gold swallower and directly explodes Zhang Ping heart.

In the super-powered world, everything is possible.

"Then try Zhang Ping's method first. If it is useful, it will not only save a lot of time, but also avoid many unnecessary dangers." Liu Sishan thought.

Zhang Shouzhong agreed: "Well, give it a try, although...I'm so scared!"

"You are a man, so don't hang on'I'm so scared' Is it on your lips?" Cheng Xuejie couldn't help but vomit.

Zhang Shouzhong was not convinced: "It's not you who fly, of course you are not afraid!"

"Wait, everyone should not follow Zhang Ping to take off!" Cheng Xuejie retorted.

Zhang Shouzhong insisted: "But I flew back and forth three times!"

"Okay, fatty, get ready, is this angle right?" Zhang Ping pinched Zhang Shouzhong Looking at the Heavenly God peak, he asked directly.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at the peak of Heavenly God, opened the mouth and said: "A little further down, I would rather hit the cliff of the peak of Heavenly God than fly over my head. I don't want to do it again. "


Zhang Ping adjusted the angle a little, and then used force to throw the deposit to the top of the mountain leading to the Heavenly God peak.

In an instant, Chu Qi turned into a meteor, and only a series of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves by Zhang Shouzhong could be heard.

"Fatty is too timid." Cheng Xuejie couldn't help but vomit.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Actually fatty is already pretty good, but I still insist on doing it if I am afraid. This is actually more brave than some so-called'brave'!"

Some People, the so-called bravery is actually stunned.

Zhang Shouzhong's quality of knowing well there are tigers in the mountain go deep into the mountains, even if afraid, will stick to the end, Zhang Ping's eyes are truly brave.

"We are also ready to set off."

Zhang Ping took out the storage contract, and then took out a Wu Qi, looked up at the Heavenly God Peak, and said solemnly.

Others entered Zhang Ping’s pockets. Zhang Ping protected himself with a metal coating, and then quickly took out the weapons in the deposit, instantly the weapons turned back to fat energy, and then they were income by Zhang Ping To Vuqi.

Zhang Ping held Wuqi in his hand, and was immediately pulled towards the Heavenly God Peak by a huge force.

At first, the Heavenly God Peak really exerted a huge force on him. The problem is that under this force, Wu Qi also burst into greater power.

The final result is Zhang Ping unable to move even a little bit, can only let Wu Qi take it and fly upwards.

"It's really useful, but unfortunately I cannot move even a little bit. I hope I can recover when I reach the top of the mountain, otherwise..." Zhang Ping thought about countermeasures.

Led by Wu Qi, he approached the top of the mountain at a very fast speed. When he passed the cliff, the bamboo-tailed monkey roared, but his speed was too fast, and he disappeared with a sigh Above the clouds, only stunned, as if looking at God's bamboo-tailed monkey.

In the thundercloud, Zhang Ping was struck by countless lightning strikes.

The metal coating is not insulated, so Zhang Ping was numbed by the electric body.

Fortunately, the power of the Heavenly God Peak fixed him, so he didn't let go.

Soon, the thundercloud layer was left behind by Zhang Ping, and then the air temperature dropped rapidly. Zhang Ping instantly added a layer of ice crystals, but the metal coating became harder as a result.

"There are two more floors!"

Zhang Ping recovered, and said silently in his heart.

The thunder cloud layer is followed by the ice cloud layer, followed by the fire cloud layer and the gold cloud layer.

Now Zhang Ping is located in the ice cloud layer and will soon enter the fire cloud layer.

The two layers are not dangerous, because the metal coating will enhance the defense when it is cold, and it will become sharp when it is heated.

The real problem is that the gold cloud layer behind, just in the thunder cloud layer, is actually a bit dangerous, but the metal coating on Zhang Ping's body is not that absolutely does not have, and it has been weakened by layers. Later, there were not many thunder and lightning that really fell on Zhang Ping, so he just felt pain, but it was not fatal.

The next light is hard to say.

For a moment, Zhang Ping entered the red fire cloud.

The temperature of all around rises rapidly, and the ice crystals on the surface of the metal coating instantly melt and evaporate.

In the fire cloud layer, Zhang Ping vaguely heard the roar of the monster. Just as Zhang Shouzhong described, just listening to the sound has a sense of horror. At least Zhang Ping can be sure that the opponent is definitely not small, at least There are three-four hundred meters.

Fortunately, the other party may not have thought that creatures would fly up from the clouds, so they didn't find Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping quickly emerged from the fire cloud and instantly entered the golden cloud.

The densely packed rays of light immediately landed on Zhang Ping's body, and the metal coating was slightly sunken under the attack of the dense beam, and then one after another beam of light chased wildly.

"The First Layer is broken!"

"The Second Layer is broken!"

"So fast!"

Zhang Ping enter There was a layer of metal coating on the golden clouds.

However, it was not shot through by a beam of light, but was shot through by dozens of beams constantly attacking the same location.

Next, the metal coating was continuously broken through, and he quickly soared towards the top of the mountain.

No one knows what happens when the golden beam hits the human body once the metal coating is breakthrough.

Zhang Ping dare not take a breath, constantly counting the number of breakthroughs in the metal coating.

It only took about two seconds from the very beginning to be breakthrough one level to the back one hundred levels, and it was at least thirty seconds before he left the golden cloud layer.

Metal coating has a characteristic, that is, the more layers are stacked, the higher the defensive power.

In other words, every time a metal breakthrough is penetrated, it will speed up the breakthrough speed of the beam. Therefore, the more dangerous it goes back, even Zhang Ping is not sure whether the metal coating will be completely penetrated.

In the restless, suddenly a golden rays of light shot from the peak through Heavenly God and directly shot through the clouds.

Zhang Ping is only more than ten meters away from the rays of light. He was shocked and immediately looked at the location where the rays of light came from.

On the sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, a golden lion exudes golden light. Its majestic gaze locks on Zhang Ping. That mighty and majestic posture is extremely beautiful.

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