
Zhang Ping can only look at the only option, the inheritance test.

Although I don’t know if there is any stock in the inheritance test, this is the only hope.

He simply closed the points mall, and then clicked the inheritance test.

[Please select the difficulty of the test]

[Great Emperor][Marshal][General][Crab General][Shrimp Soldier][Cannon Fodder]

Zhang Ping Looking at Guangqiu, he hesitated and said: "What do you think?"

"Shrimp soldiers and crab generals are directly excluded from the cannon fodder. General inheritance may not be insured. I think the selection of the marshal is almost the same." Zhang Shouzhong suggested.

Bai De agreed: "Yes, I also think the marshal is almost the same."

"Not enough insurance, I think I must choose the most difficult, Zhang Ping classmate, I think With the appearance of the Great Emperor, it is correct to choose the Great Emperor." Cheng Xuejie objected.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "The level of Ancient Ruins is not the same as the level we recognize. The Great Emperor may correspond to King. We want to have the power to deal with King. It is more appropriate to choose the Great Emperor. "

"Old Mister Situ, what do you think?" Zhang Ping couldn't help asking.

Situ Shibai responded: "Sorry, I don't know how to choose. I haven't experienced all of this. At that time, I went directly to the test and finally got the reward."


Zhang Ping looked at the options on Guangqiu, feeling dilemma.

"Master Zhang Ping, can I speak?" Zhao Yanhu couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Of course it can."

"I think the Great Emperor is more secure. We finally came here. If the marshal is chosen, the only weapon we get is Suitable for dealing with top awakened...I think everyone will be uncomfortable." Zhao Yanhu said.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a bitter smile: "That's right, I don't want to do it again."

"Then choose the Great Emperor!" Bai De suggested.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and reached out to press the Great Emperor difficulty.

After he chose the difficulty, the light disappeared directly, and then the silver space quickly became larger and turned into a wilderness at the same time.

【Please defeat the three ancient Great Emperors! ]

Finally, a line of words appeared in the sky.

When the word dissipated, a man wearing animal skin appeared out of thin air. He was almost two and five meters tall, he was very burly, and his hair was very strong. The whole person looked like It's a savage.

He was holding a thick wolf fang club in his hand. When he walked barefoot, all the gravel under his feet was turned into powder by him.

"For the first time, the first time someone dared to choose the Great Emperor difficulty, kid, whether you know or don’t know what the Great Emperor difficulty represents, come and announce your name!" tall and sturdy man When he walked in front of Zhang Ping, the wolf fang club stuck to the ground, looked at Zhang Ping from a high position and said.

Zhang Ping wanted to use appraisal on men, but the result was a series of appraisal failures. At the same time, the analysis of mind power ended in analysis failure.

He thought about it, opened the mouth and said: "senior, Junior's name is Zhang Ping, I don't know the name of senior Gao?"

"You don't know me? No way , No way, you don't even know me?" tall and sturdy man was taken aback for a moment, then made a fuss about nothing in front of Zhang Ping, pointing to his face and asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "I don’t know."


tall and sturdy man as if was struck by lightning, and then lost Turned around and squatted on the ground.

"Senior, then...are we still fighting?" Zhang Ping's response to tall and sturdy man was that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so he had to ask.

His task is to defeat three Great Emperors.

This is only first.

He didn't expect the other person to be so personal.

"Yes, I want to test you!"

The tall and sturdy man remembered his mission, so he stood up again, turned around and looked at Zhang Ping and said.

He grabbed the wolf fang club with one hand and introduced himself: "First introduce myself, I am the first Great Emperor of Human Race, Chang Man!"

"Pu chi!"

Zhang Ping couldn't help turning his head and laughing out loud.

"Is my name that funny?" Chang glared at Zhang Ping with a dissatisfaction, and asked.

Zhang Ping hurriedly lowered his head, folded his hands together, and apologized: "Senior, sorry, but... this name does not match your temperament, I didn't mean to laugh at you."

"hmph, kid, you make me very dissatisfied, so don't let me release the water next, I will use the wolf fang club fiercely to teach you!" Chang Man glared at Zhang Ping with an unhappy expression on his face.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Come on, senior, please let me see the power of the Great Emperor!"

"I will give you half a minute to prepare, and when you are ready Start!" After Chang Man finished speaking, he carried the huge wolf fang club with one hand, glare like a tiger watching his prey and stared at Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, the metal coating quickly covered the body, and instantly he became a three-meter-high Little Giant.

"I'm ready, come on, senior!" He looked at Changman and said seriously.

Changman said with a slight smile: "Then I am coming!"

When Zhang Ping heard his voice, the whole person had already flew back quickly.

He later realized that he had been knocked into the air.


Zhang Ping feels that the situation at this time is like a novel of some stream of consciousness.

The previous moment was fine, and the next moment was at a loss.

"You are too slow!"

Sure enough, when Zhang Ping heard the constant full voice again, his body changed direction again and he was beaten again.

"Boy, this is your strength? A tortoise shell?"

He often holds a wolf fang club and moves at a very fast speed. When he catches up with Zhang Ping, he immediately Waving wolf fang club, fiercely give Zhang Ping.

In his hands, Zhang Ping has completely become a sandbag.

But he only hit Zhang Ping for more than a hundred times, and then Zhang Ping's size swelled wildly, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a hundred-meter giant. His wolf fang club fell on Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping completely motionless.

"senior, have you hit enough?" Zhang Ping asked Chang Man with his eyes fixed on him.

Chang Man squinted his eyes said with a smile: "Not enough, your body is quite strong, so next...I will be a little serious!"

His body also swelled instantly , Turned into a giant almost as big as Zhang Ping, and even the wolf fang club became incomparable gigantic.

"Destroying the mountain and blasting!"

Changing the wolf fang club with both hands, he hits directly.

This great power is extremely terrifying, and even the air is slightly distorted. The front part of the wolf fang club even generates crimson flames due to air friction.


Zhang Ping crossed his hands and ate the wolf fang club forcibly, and his body was directly beaten back and slipped his legs.

"Your tortoise shell is really hard enough!"

Said with a smile often satisfied, eyes seem to have golden rays of light flowing, and then the wolf fang in his hand The club quickly became golden.

"it's impolite not to make a return for what one receives, senior, you also take my fist!"

Zhang Ping sees Changman rushing in quickly, and immediately said with a smile .

His body has grown bigger again, turning into a huge giant of 1,200 meters, punching out from top to bottom.


The eyes are often bright, the body is high-speed rotation, and then the wolf fang club fiercely hits Zhang Ping's fist.

But the result is actually doomed, this fist directly overwhelmed Chang Man.

Zhang Ping now weighs far more than Chang Man, and he is attacking condescendingly. No matter how powerful Chang Man is, it is impossible to overthrow him.

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