I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [019] Powerful Sky Curtain

Pearl City, on the watchtower.

Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan stood together, both looking at the three Tianchang Foxes walking on the street in the distance.

"Sister Sisi, are we here to watch the Tianchang Foxes kill people?" Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and frowned.

Liu Sishan looked at the Tianchang Foxes and said calmly: "Keep looking down."

The three Tianchang Foxes thought they were walking on the street, but in fact they had turned into the ring square.

Zhang Ping then noticed Jin Bo and others following the three Tianchang Foxes.

He immediately realized that they were members of the cleaning team.

Because of the wind whisperer, he knew the names and abilities of most of the members of the cleaning team, but he had never met them, so he couldn't match them.

Only after they showed their abilities could he match the names with the people.

"Are you going to attack the three Tianchang Foxes?" Zhang Ping guessed.

Liu Sishan shook his head and said, "No, this is just a test. The Moon Prince you mentioned before is the key. We need all the information about the Moon Prince."

"You want to lure it to attack, but will it come?" Zhang Ping looked at the City Lord's Mansion in the distance.

Now the Tianchang Foxes are shrinking in the City Lord's Mansion, waiting for the invasion of the alien beasts, the purpose is to make Mingzhu City chaotic first.

After all the strong men among humans have taken action, they will clean up these strong men in one go.

What they need is not beasts, but poultry!

Liu Sishan said calmly: "It doesn't matter, if it doesn't come, then it won't come."

If it doesn't come.

Then the three Tianchang Foxes will surely die.

If it comes.

It may not be saved.

The opening of the illusion sky curtain originally has multiple meanings. One of the goals is to trap the Tianchang Foxes to death. As long as the Tianchang Foxes dare to come out, they will be killed as many as they come.

Although this trick only treats the symptoms and not the root cause, it will be directly ineffective once the Moon King wakes up, but at least it is very useful now.

The battle is about to begin.

A large number of golden lightning lines appeared on Jin Bo's body, and his hair stood up and became golden.

"Wow, Super Saiyan!"

Zhang Ping was surprised when he saw this scene.

It was the first time he saw Jin Bo take action. Although he knew a lot of information about Jin Bo through the wind talker, it was still a big gap from seeing it with his own eyes.

Jin Bo's ability is called 'Golden Blood'.

This ability makes his blood have a variety of uses, and this transformation is one of them.

In addition, his blood is rich in vitality, which can heal wounds quickly, and is immune to most toxins. Even as long as there is enough blood, it can make the elderly rejuvenate.

He has almost no weaknesses.

The only one who can kill him is an enemy with a higher level than him.

He took action.

Jin Bo's muscles bulged all over his body, and the golden lines were like real lightning. He took a step forward and punched the target with all his strength.

Faced with the attack, Yue Yi reacted the fastest.

It turned around the moment Jin Bo approached, but it didn't see anything, and the phantom sky blocked its sight.

But at the moment when Jin Bo's fist broke through the sky, it blocked its body with both hands in the blink of an eye, and then was punched dozens of meters away, and its body hit the concrete of the ring heavily, turning the " "口"-shaped ring into an "ammonia" shape.

When Jin Bo launched the offensive, the other two cleaning team fighters also attacked simultaneously.

Yue Er and Yue San were even more unlucky than Yue Yi.

The fighters Lu Han and Ding Chen attacked them respectively.

Ding Chen's ability is to cut light, which is an extremely pure offensive ability.

His eyes can emit cold blue light,

This cold light has no temperature at all, but it has extremely terrifying cutting ability.

Lu Han's ability is psychic control.

He has self-generated psychic energy in his body, which can be controlled by his will. Attaching to weapons can greatly enhance the essence of weapons, and even remotely control flying swords, playing the role of a sword fairy.

Both of them are awakened with high attack and low defense.

In a deliberate plan, Yue Er directly lost an arm and blinded one eye.

Its arm was hit by the light from Ding Chen's right eye, and its blinded eye was hit by the light from its left eye. If it hadn't dodged at the last moment, it would not only have lost one eye, but its head would have been instantly pierced by the light.

Yue San had a deep bloody scar on his chest cut by Lu Han, and he fell directly to the ground, breathing out more than breathing in, and was not far from death.


Yue Yi roared when he saw this scene.

There was a layer of sky curtain on the three people, and the form presented in Yue Yi's eyes was not human, but three strong white apes.

If the opponent was a human, it would definitely try to disturb the opponent with words, but facing the same alien beast, it could only compete with strength.

"Quick battle!"

Jin Bo didn't speak, stretched out his hand and gestured to the other two, and then rushed towards Yue Yi.

As soon as the two sides got close, they punched each other's heads. Yue Yi was three meters and a half tall and had a two-meter arm length, which was obviously more advantageous.

The problem was that it saw a fake Jin Bo.

In its eyes, Jinbo was a three-meter-tall white giant ape, so it attacked at a height of about three meters above the ground, but Jinbo was not that high at all, so Yueyi's punch missed.

Then it was hit in the jaw by Jinbo's punch, and its teeth were instantly shattered, and its body flew into the air.

The following battle was no surprise.

One mistake, then another.

Jinbo punched wildly, as if he wanted to vent all the anger accumulated during this period on Yueyi. Yueyi's arms were broken, his internal organs were shattered, and his whole body was beaten.

"Here they come, retreat!"

At this time, the member in charge of the raid said.

Jin Bo took a last look at the unconscious Yue Yi, stepped on Yue Yi's head and immediately turned and left.

All the members of the cleaning team were covered by the sky curtain and disappeared outside the square in a blink of an eye.

"So strong!"

Zhang Ping looked at the square and was shocked.

The entire ring square looked like it had been bombed by artillery shells for more than ten rounds. The three bodies of Tianchang Fox were even more horrible. This time, Jin Bo and his team deliberately did not take the bodies away.

"It seems that we overestimated the strength of Tianchang Fox." Liu Sishan said.

Originally, they thought that Jin Bo and his team would have a hard fight under the same level, but the result was that Tianchang Fox was killed instantly.

"No, it's just that they don't want to tear off the human skin on their foreheads. Once the human skin is torn off, it's not so easy to deal with." Zhang Ping said.

Through the wind whisperer, he knew that the human skin on the forehead of Tianchang Fox was actually one of the conditions for the activation of its ability.

As long as the forehead of the Tianchang Fox is still covered with human skin, it means that they still maintain their abilities, which is actually a kind of weakening. If they tear off the human skin and completely release their abilities, then it will not be so easy to fight.

At that time, the battle will become very strange, equivalent to a pure illusion battle.

After all, the Tianchang Fox is actually a spiritual alien beast, and hand-to-hand combat is not their strong point.

While Zhang Ping was talking, Prince Yue suddenly fell from the sky and landed right on the ring square.

In fact, Prince Yue noticed the fluctuations of the battle at the moment when Jin Bo and Yue Yi fought, but

it did not find the exact location of the battle.

It had already flown into the air, but it did not find the battlefield when looking down from the high altitude.

It was not until Yue Er and Yue San were killed that it locked the position by the smell of blood.

But it was obviously too late.

Prince Yue stood between the three corpses, and his breath became very terrifying.

In the distance, Zhang Ping was about to use the identification technique, when he suddenly had a terrible premonition, and even seemed to see a picture. Once he activated the identification technique, his head would be blown up by a tail in the next second.

"Identification technique cannot be used!"

Zhang Ping clenched his fists, his forehead full of sweat.

"What's wrong?" Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and asked.

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth and said, "My ability will alarm it. Unless someone holds it back, I will die."


Liu Sishan frowned slightly. They were more than a thousand meters away from Prince Yue. It was still not safe?

On the other side, Prince Yue's breath became more and more terrifying. Suddenly, a hand grabbed its ankle. It immediately squatted down and looked at Yue San. Yue San's chest was still bleeding, and it opened its mouth.

"Don't talk, I will treat you." Prince Yue wanted to tear off the human skin on his forehead.

But Yue San stopped his action. Now the Moon King was asleep. Once Prince Yue tore off the human skin, he would be exposed. Without the blessing of the Moon King's ability, Prince Yue could not withstand the siege of humans no matter how powerful he was.

"White ape, the one who attacked... us... is the white ape clan." Yue San panted, and finally insisted on finishing his words.

After he finished speaking, his eyes gradually dimmed, and he had no breath.

White ape?

Prince Yue thought it was a human, but it turned out to be a white ape?

He doubted what Yue San said, but the problem was that Yue San insisted on waiting until he arrived, so it was impossible for him to give him wrong information.

Tianchang Fox itself is a spiritual alien beast, with extremely high resistance to illusion and hypnosis. It doesn't think there is any enemy that can hypnotize Yue San.

Has the white ape clan entered Mingzhu City?

Prince Yue thought about it, and always felt that something was wrong.

At the same time, Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan came down from the watchtower, and Liu Sishan took him to the outside of the city.

"Sister Sisi, where are we going?" Zhang Ping took two quick steps and caught up with Liu Sishan.

Liu Sishan answered as he walked: "The sky curtain can only last for a week at most. We only have one week. We must find a way to figure out the strength of Prince Yue. I don't know how strong you need to be to activate your ability on Prince Yue, but your current level is obviously too low."

"So?" Zhang Ping asked puzzled.

Liu Sishan said calmly: "The fastest way for awakeners to upgrade is to fight, so in the next five days, I will take you to conduct special combat training, and return in the remaining day, and find an opportunity to confirm Prince Yue's ability. I hope you will grow to that level by then."

"Can I not go?" Zhang Ping said a little resistant.

Liu Sishan replied: "Yes, but next time you are targeted by Tianchang Fox, I will not save you again."

"Okay, I will go."

What else can Zhang Ping say? After all, although he resisted, he was not very determined.

He then thought of Iron Soul and Beast King Boxing Gym, and asked: "What about my work at Iron Soul and the courses at Beast King Boxing Gym?"

"I have asked Wang Jieming to ask for leave for you." Liu Sishan replied.

In fact, Zhang Ping did not reject any method that could improve his strength, but he did not want to give the initiative of training to Liu Sishan. After all, Liu Sishan did not know his specific situation, and the battles arranged by him might not be of much help to him.

But at this point, Zhang Ping had no choice but to follow Liu Sishan out of the city.

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