"I am the wind, I am the wind, I am the wind..."

Although the wind is invisible and colorless, the sound of the wind is everywhere.


"He doesn’t have wings, why can he fly?"

"Don’t go there, it’s dangerous, I’ve seen humans like him eating Xiaoli."

"Who is Xiaoli? Are you carrying me to hook up other birds?"

"No, Xiaoli is my younger sister."

"Liar, you told me before that all your brother sisters were pushed down from the birdhouse!"

Two big birds that resemble cuckoos flew in the air and suddenly hit When he got up, the male bird wailed and fell quickly to the ground.


"senior, the wind is coming, I am leaving."

"Although the time we spend together is very short, please don't forget Me."




"No, I Don't be separated from Yun'er, aaahhhh!"

The two clouds were blown away by the wind, leaving only the sad voice whistling in the wind.


The sky is very lively.

Zhang Ping glanced at the falling large cuckoo, then quickly dived towards Mount Everest.

He landed on the top of Mount Everest and found no human traces. He simply squatted down, knocked on the ground, and asked: "Old Brother, did someone stay on your head just now?"


"cough cough, young man, old man is almost 100 million years old this year, your name is old man Old Brother, isn't it a bit unsuitable?" The old voice of Wang Everest rang in Zhang Ping's ears.

Zhang Ping quickly changed his words: "Then great grandfather, can you tell me, did someone stay on your head just now?"

"There were indeed two brats just now The head stayed on my head for a while." Wang Everest replied.

Zhang Ping immediately asked: "Where did they go?"

"I don’t know, there are always messy little fellows running around, if I care about this every day Can you live so long?" Wang Everest asked wisely.

Zhang Ping helplessly said: "Okay, then I won't bother."

He got up and walked to a rock and asked: "Brother Stone, you know those two people Where did you go?"


Stone did not respond.

Zhang Ping stood for a while, had to walk under the big tree next to him, and asked: "Brother tree, do you know where those two people went?"

"What What two people?" Dashu asked in a low, muffled voice.

Zhang Ping had to repeat the question again, and then asked: "So those two people, did you see where they went?"

"I know this, but I want to ask you for one thing. If you are willing to help, I will tell you the answer, okay?" Dashu said dullly.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Yes, tree brother, what's the matter?"

"I have a bird's nest on my shoulder, you help me tell the bird's nest Master, a snake found its nest yesterday. It is best not to lay eggs in the bird nest, or it will be eaten up by the snake." The tree said slowly.

Zhang Ping thought: "Where is the snake? I just help them kill the snake."

"How can you be so cruel, I just don't want the snake Eat their eggs, but you want to kill the snake?" The tree said in shock.

Zhang Ping rubbed the temple, then opened the mouth and said: "How do I know when the bird nesting on your shoulder will come back? Or you can tell me the answer first, and I will look back. Notify those birds?"

"No, what if you don't come back?" Dashu refused.

Zhang Ping sighed, took out the war sickle of fear, and said indifferently: "Then I also give you a choice. Either tell me the answer now, or I will chop you down for firewood!"

"Why are you so savage, as expected, all animals are savage creatures!" Dashu said in horror.

Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes and slowly moved the sickle to the trunk of the tree. The tree was scared and said: "I said, I said it's not possible, you guys are too terrifying."

"Say it quickly." Zhang Ping said lightly.

Dashu replied: "They went further north."

"You better don't lie, or I will come back to clean you." Zhang Ping put away the fear scythe and said Turn around and leave.

The big tree grieved: "I don’t know how to lie, how dare you suspect that I lie, it’s too bad!"

"It’s a beautiful job, I’ll just say the tree next to me It's a bitch, how much space it occupies, how much sunlight it blocks, how many grasses have been killed, but now it is pretending to be a Holy Mother, which is disgusting." At this time, a pine tree beside the big tree said with a big smile.

The other trees burst into laughter.

Zhang Ping didn't care about the sounds of these trees, he had already figured out the principle of his ability.

In fact, no matter whether it is trees, rocks, or mountains, there is no thought or self-consciousness.

The ability to communicate with all things temporarily activates them, so they come alive, and can derive a variety of unique personalities based on the information they have obtained in the past.

For example, their languages ​​are actually based on languages ​​that Zhang Ping understands.

Sometimes they speak the language of this world, sometimes they even speak noon, and sometimes they will add a few sentences in English.

The creatures, plants, and dead things in this world, of course, do not speak Chinese, but they can speak English even more impossible. In fact, these are all affected by Zhang Ping and are presented in a way that Zhang Ping can understand. .

The knowledge that Zhang Ping does not know, and the things that cannot be understood, will not appear.

For example, if Zhang Ping doesn't understand Russian, then he will not speak Russian when he communicates with anything.

"Hua younger sister, can you tell me, can the master of this footprint go there?"

Zhang Ping continues to move northward and gradually deepens into the mountains, but fortunately his strength This is not what it used to be, so I didn't feel any danger in the mountains.

He quickly found a few'fresh' footprints, so he asked a wild flower next to the footprints.

"Big Brother, they are going forward." Wildflower replied delicately.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Thank you, would you like me to water you some water?"

"No, it rained the day before yesterday, I am not thirsty." Wildflowers replied .

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Then I'm leaving, remember to grow up."

"In fact, they have grown up." Wildflower said sorry.

It blooms so big and gorgeous flowers, in order to multiply its offspring!

Zhang Ping continues to move forward, because the five senses have been strengthened, he gradually found more clues, and then he does not need to ask all around plants, just follow the clues to find them Cheng Xuegong.

"I found you!"

Zhang Ping glanced at the inconspicuous footprints in the grass, and immediately accelerated.

There is the smell of the opponent in the wind, and there are traces of the opponent walking on the ground. Some plants and trees have rubbed against the opponent's clothes, leaving very small hairs.

Two people, one in blue costume and the other in white costume.

One of them should be about 1.87 meters tall, and the other one is slightly shorter, with a height of only 1.77 meters, but this short person is heavier and should be a fatty!

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