
Pearl City has many sharp-eyed awakened people, and they have noticed that Zhang Shouzhong's imposing manner has changed.

Generally speaking, this kind of change will quickly become obscure. The problem is that Zhang Shouzhong is directly advancing in front of the public, so even Xiaobai can feel the difference at this moment.

"What did you say just now? Whose father?"

When Zhang Shouzhong thought, the white matter slowly dispersed, revealing Jun Fu's face, he looked at Jun Hua Said the husband.

"Can you tell me what the hell is this?"

The bloody nose and swollen face, which was beaten by the white matter when his face was wrapped in white matter, He spat out a tooth and then asked.

"Although I really want to explain to you, based on your IQ, I might not understand."

"I wanted to punch you a few more times, but forget it."

Zhang Shouzhong fisted on the nose of Hua Junfu, suddenly feeling dull.

He turned around, and all the white matter immediately followed him away.

Shuno Hua lost the support of the white material and fell from the air, but just before it fell to the ground, a big hand-shaped wave appeared on the ground, which directly grabbed him and threw it to the giant lizard in the distance. On his back, it happened to be caught by tension.

"Saohua, you also have today." Zhang Li holds Jun Fu Hua, said with a smile taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Hua Junfu shrugged his shoulders with a grin, and said indifferently: "Anyway, there is a boss, there is no need to be too real for the moment."

"If you want to be more serious, don't you Can you beat each other?" a woman with an exploded figure said coldly.

Hua Junfu quickly begged for mercy: "Sister Xiang was merciful, I didn't expect him to advance in that situation, and his strength is so abnormal."

"Indeed, the other party is very strong. Except Captain among us, I am afraid that no one is sure of winning against him." Zhang Li agreed.

Zhang Chen asked in a low voice: "What on earth are those white floating objects?"

"They are all robots, but shrunk." Shi Jun said with a smile.

Shunfu Hua suddenly realized: "so that's how it is, he made a lot of tiny robots, and then use them to defeat me."

"It's not that simple, those robots should There are other functions, but he is not without weakness. The white halo on his head is probably a device used to control those robots, so as long as that halo is destroyed, all robots’ actions should be temporarily stopped.” On giant lizard, just now. The man who didn't speak at this moment said.

Tension said with a bitter smile: "Even if the average person knows the weakness, I am afraid that there is no way. There are too many robots, and probably only Nangong can do this."

"Then the next battle, it's up to me. I remember that there are not enough people in the Gui team. I am afraid that if you don't make any more moves, then you can only watch Captain and Zhang Ping fight." Nangong Shouming stood up and said.

In the wild, he can only deal with all kinds of alienated beasts. What he likes most is playing against people.

On the other side, the top of the Guilou building.

Zhang Shouzhong landed on the rooftop with a face of asshole, triumphantly said: "Dear viewers, do you think I am handsome or not?"

"Don’t be stinky, I was just beaten. I'm half dead, and I haven't seen you fight back." Cheng Xuejie despised, and her tone was a bit sour. After all, Zhang Shouzhong is now top awakened.

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "Congratulations, eat this first."

While speaking, he handed a contract gem to Zhang Shouzhong.

As soon as he advanced, Zhang Shouzhong’s various attributes have been multiplied several times, directly squeezing all the potential of Zhang Shouzhong.

If his potential is higher, perhaps the innate talent can be even more abnormal.


His innate talent and three advanced skills are very powerful.

【Fat Technology: It can turn your own fat into energy to form various technological products. After leaving the body, it will turn into energy and return to the user's body, and then return to fat. 】

First of all, innate talent, no longer needs one's own understanding.

In short, it can be copied directly, without understanding the circulation method of science and technology.

[Intermediate-Remote Delivery: All the technological products that are transformed from fat, the recovery distance has increased to 10,000 meters. 】

Next is the intermediate advanced skills.

Directly from the original 100 meters to the current 10,000 meters, the shooting result has been greatly improved.

Actually, Pearl City overwhelming majority top awakened, the attack distance is only more than ten meters. For example, Fenglaixian, in his normal state, the maximum attack distance is only about 100 meters. This is not based on ability. , But rely on the Profound Truth of Beastmaster Fist.

Even in the form of the Great Sun Red Emperor, Fenglaixian’s attack would not exceed one kilometer.

So 10,000 meters is enough.

[high level-fortified fat: fat can store more energy, and the maximum storage capacity is increased by 333333%. 】

High level advanced skills are also greatly enhanced.

From the original 333% to 333333%, Zhang Shouzhong’s fat is now more cost-effective and can store more energy. However, if he wants to store up his energy, he must continue to eat everything in the future. Kind of food.

【Top-Tech Transformation: The existing technology can be transformed, and an ability is randomly assigned. 】

Zhang Shouzhong’s top-level advanced skill is very special. You can’t feel its power by just looking at it, but as long as you see the white matter around Zhang Shouzhong, I believe you all understand the terrifying of this ability.

These barely can be said to be white matter of "nanobots", and the attribute they possess is "energy absorption".

They can absorb wind energy, heat energy, light energy, kinetic energy, electrical energy, and biological energy, and then convert them into the energy they need. So what maintains their existence is not Zhang Shouzhong, but everywhere in space. Kind of energy.

In short, these nano robots can always exist, and they will not cause any burden to Zhang Shouzhong.

As long as Zhang Shouzhong is not stupid and will not turn them back into fat energy, because the next time these nano robots are made, it is likely to have another ability.

"Wait a minute, I will continue on?"

After Zhang Shouzhong finished eating the contract gem, he felt like he was a little better, so he asked.

"If Team A includes Shijun, there will be five top awakeneds. Senior Sister and I are only high level. There is no chance of winning against top awakeneds, so the only thing we can participate in here is Zhang Ping. And fatty, fatty, how much stamina do you still have?" Liu Sishan asked thoughtfully.

She was originally going to make a move.

But after confirming the strength of the members of Team A through the water mirror, she knew that neither she nor Cheng Xuejie could get involved in this competition.

Zhang Shouzhong felt his physical condition and replied: "There should be more than half of it, mainly because the advancement itself requires physical strength."

"Forget it, fatty just advanced. Get acquainted with your own state first, and leave the rest to me. Except for Shi Jun, the remaining three are not difficult to solve." Zhang Ping said decisively.

Cheng Xuejie frowned: "Zhang Ping, can't the two seniors whom you asked before play?"

"No, they are not members of the investigation team. This investigation will be easy afterwards. I know, now is the battle between the investigation team and the investigation team. The winner is up and the loser is down. If we want to win, we must win dignified." Liu Sishan said seriously.

In the final analysis, they are in fact a battle between the old and new investigation teams.

Zhang Ping They won.

In the future, you don't have to be constrained by ten days of work. You can support whoever you want to support.

I lost.

Then it can only be obediently and honestly according to the previous rules.

These are unwritten rules recognized by everyone in the investigation team. No one can be an exception. If Zhang Ping and they still don’t know how to bow their heads after losing, then they will have to be careful when they go out of the city to investigate.

Those who do not follow the rules, all the investigation teams, punish them together!

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