One of the bomb gems among the King’s Gems, a formidable power alone is not too big.

But when multiple gem bombs are detonated at the same time, the formidable power will overlap each other and get a multiplier increase. The maximum number of stacks is ten.

The bomb gems spilled by Zhang Ping this time were not ten, but thirty.

This is quite close to the detonation of a large-yield nuclear missile. One can imagine how big the formidable power is.

After the explosion.

Everyone looked at the sky in disbelief, because even the clouds in the sky were blown away by a big hole.

Although there is no mushroom cloud, the scope of the explosion is extremely wide this time, even if it is several dozen li, you can feel the formidable power of the explosion.

For a while.

Awakened all reacted and started discussing everyone talking at once.

Although everyone is shocked, they are not afraid, but very excited. After all, Zhang Ping is from Pearl City, so naturally the stronger the better.

"Giant Zhang do I feel that the title of'Giant God' is not right, or...Great God Zhang Ping?" Awakened muttered to himself.

But a girl awakened objected: "Great god, it sounds weird, not as good as a giant."

"Why call Divine King?" said Awakened.

Another awakened retorted: "Divine King, it sounds like a death, why not call the king of the gods?"

"Zhang Ping is strong, but he has Is there a powerhouse that can be called a god? This title is not appropriate, not appropriate." A nerd said quietly.

A young man whispered: "The one who just fought with Sao Junfu is actually a bit strong, or...give him a title, such as...the envoy?"

"The envoy, obey the king of the gods, this is really a bit of a taste." Awakened said, rubbing his chin.

In the discussion, Zhang Ping and Shi Jun fought again.

Shi Jun was not injured in the explosion, because his shield was not a normal shield, but a shield that could form a space barrier.

In fact, the most terrifying aspect of Shi Jun is the inhumanity of the trench!

He has too many equipment, no matter what method Zhang Ping uses, he has corresponding equipment defense.

At this moment, a copper-colored circle with a diameter of one meter appeared behind Shi Jun, his hand reached into the middle of the circle, and slowly pulled a huge Bone Blade.

"Since you like being in the air, then I will play with you." Shi Jun looked at Zhang Ping in the air, said with a smile.

The Bone Blade in his hand is 33 meters long. It is a bit similar to the shape of Asari Renji Zanpaku in the "Death God" comic, but the back of this Bone Blade Each joint is like a volcano, and there is a vague outline of a whale.

"This knife is called the Eight Million Whale Slashing Knife. It is made by the spine of the overlord'Volcano Whale'. Its most terrifying ability is volcanic eruption!" Shi Jun controlled the Bone Blade slowly Drill into the ground, then introduced.

next moment, the sea of ​​earth erupts with terrifying heat. With the stone army as the center, all the ground outside the city turns into lava.

Zhang Ping didn't want to interrupt Shi Jun, but he couldn't do it. His attacks were all resisted by the Sea of ​​Earth, and he could only watch Shi Jun operate.

At this time, Shi Jun gently pulled up the eight million whale-cutting knives, said with a smile: "Be careful, the next attack will be very hot!"

The skull of the whale-cutter knife suddenly made a terrifying roar, and a large amount of smoke erupted from its mouth, and then billowing black smoke came out of the volcanic-like part of its back, next moment...the eruption of a volcano.

One after another lava jets from the back of the eight million whale knives towards the sky, directly forming a lava net hiding the sky and covering the earth.

This move is enough to make Pearl City overwhelming majority awakened completely desperate.

Its strike range is too wide, formidable power too terrifying.

"The local tyrants are terrifying."

Zhang Ping could not help sighing as he watched the densely packed lava fly over.

While speaking, he was covered with layer after layer of metal coating, and finally his height increased by more than ten centimeters.

This defense may not be enough to withstand the stone army's attack, but it is enough to deal with the erupting lava.

Zhang Ping punched the lava flying below, aiming at Shi Jun's 8 million whale-cutting knife with his eyes, and his pupils suddenly turned into green diamonds.



Then he continued to deal with Lava, and the metal coating on his body became sharper and sharper.

Suddenly, he swooped down and slammed Shi Jun's cheek with a fist. Shi Jun probably didn't expect him to get close. Unprepared, he immediately controlled Lava into a shield to resist.


A loud noise.

Lava was punched through a big hole directly by Zhang Ping.

However, this also bought precious time for Shi Jun. Eight million Whale Slashing Knives were raised by him. One of the joints happened to collide with Zhang Ping's fist, and there was another loud noise.

The two sides retreated at the same time, Shi Jun's expression was slightly solemn.

He knows that Zhang Ping is only intermediate awakened, and no equipment is used.

"What a little monster!"

Shi Jun secretly sighed, and the next moment stimulates fighting spirit, even if Zhang Ping has the strength to crush him in the future, at least now he will win.

He roared and wielded eight million whale-cutting knives towards Zhang Ping. At the same time, the all around lava quickly surrounded him and turned into crimson lances to stab Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping's pupils instantly turned into the shape of an hourglass, and all attacks slowed down. He flew towards Shi Jun and directly punched towards Shi Jun's face. Although Shi Jun did not react, the equipment on his body worked automatically, and a faint golden light blocked Zhang Ping's fist.


A large amount of lava sprayed out from the head of the whale knife, and drowned along with the stone army. Zhang Ping flew out of the lava, with scarlet rays of light in his eyes, and shot directly at the lava, and the lava exploded one after another. Open, Shi Jun bears the brunt.

However, a shield appeared in Shi Jun's hand and directly blocked the laser. The lava transformed by the sea of ​​earth changed their spearheads and all stab Zhang Ping.

"first under the heavens sickle!"

As soon as the lava approached, Zhang Ping took out the fear sickle from the golden treasure house and waved it. All the lava collapsed and all fell to the ground.

He is holding a sickle, and Nethermist rushes out of his body. Death God's face covers his face, falling from the sky, and a sickle is slashed towards the stone army.

"The Spear of Poseidon!"

Shi Jun raised his shield to block the sickle. With a wave of his next moment, a lava spiral turned and pierced Zhang Ping.

This spiral lava speed is extremely fast, Zhang Ping has no time to dodge, so he has to add metal coating crazy.

Pu chi!

With a crisp sound, the spiral lava breakthrough metal coating actually pierced Zhang Ping's body.

"You lost!"

Shi Jun saw this scene with a triumphant smile.

But in the next second, a tail appeared out of thin air, directly piercing his abdomen, and piercing Zhang Ping's body from bottom to top like lightning.

The two are like meat on skewers, interspersed by this tail.


Faced with the sudden change, the giant lizard in the distance was on the back, and the others complexion greatly changed.

In Pearl City, the awakened who had been watching the show were also smiling, all of them staring at the horrible scene outside the city in horror.

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