Twenty minutes ago.

Pearl City East, Taiyan Mountain.

Situ Shibai looked back at the flickering red light in the distance, slightly sighed.

He then looked at the old man in front of him and asked: "so that's how it is, you lure me here. The goal is...Zhang Ping."

"Huang Failure, don't be hypocritical, don't you want Zhang Ping to die?" The old man's cloudy eyes seemed to see through Situ Shibai, and at this time he said with a smile mockingly.

Situ Shibai didn’t make any excuses, and said indifferently: "Should I say that you are confident or stupid? Zhang Ping has plenty of wings. How can you Stinking Insect hiding in the gutter threaten to fly? The eagle in the sky."

"Huang failed. Are you reminding us that Zhang Ping is not so easy to kill? Indeed, Zhang Ping has grown up, but he is not you after all. If he has half of you Forbearance, maybe in time, it will really become our strong enemy of the Sun Clan, but it's a pity that he met you." The old man said regretfully.

He stood up with difficulty and said with a sneer: "For more than two hundred years, Pearl City really has no infinite awakened? I don’t think it’s true. They were just secretly removed by you. If not for this time We, the Sun Clan and the Moon Clan, have joined forces. I am afraid that Zhang Ping was killed by you a long time ago. Now that Zhang Ping's strength has grown, even you have a lot of worries, so I put him on the bright side, isn't it just for us to shoot Get rid of him for you!"

"talk nonsense, Zhang Ping, he is very kind, and he must be the pillar of Pearl City in the future, I am cultivating him!" Situ Shibai frowned.

The old man suddenly laughed.

He looked back at Situ Shibai for a while, and said indifferently: "In this case, you don't go back quickly, I can't stop you."

"Old Zhu Yan, What is your idea?” Situ Shibai did not act rashly, but stared at the old man in front of him, solemnly asked.

Old Zhu Yan!

Zhu Family's first Great Elder!

It can be said that the old man in front of him stomped his feet, and the entire Zhu Family was shaken.

Situ Shibai couldn't figure out, how dare Elder Zhu Yan appear in front of him in person.

"Actually, fifty years ago, I once worshiped you and thought that you were a great hero. Although you and Zhu Family have different positions, at least for Pearl City, you did better than Zhu Family. "

"But then I checked a lot of information and saw many doubts. Do you remember Zhao Shufang 70 years ago? His ability is called Dimensional Reconciliation. I checked the family According to the data, in theory, this ability will be promoted from the guardian level to the infinite level as long as it is advanced once, but he is dead."

"There is also Wang Chengcai, his ability is called'Zhou Jian Daqian ', it is also an ability with infinite level potential, and he is also dead,"

"Many people may think that infinite level ability is inherently infinite level, but you and I all know that some abilities are only correct The advanced level will slowly evolve into infinite level, because they need advanced skills as a supplement to make their abilities truly perfect."

" killed them, right?"

"Only you, the Pearl City First Kill player, Guizheng has such an ability!"

Old Zhu Yan looked at Situ Shibai and said word by word.

After speaking, he looked at Situ Shibai with piercing eyes, waiting for Situ Shibai's answer.

"Old man Zhu Yan, you are here to talk a lot about Chase, what is the purpose? What kind of jealousy is it? It is necessary for the old man to pretend to be this kind of clown? As for what you said Zhao Shufang and Wang Chengcai, I simply haven't seen them. Did you pour dirty water on me to instigate separation?" Situ Shibai squinted slightly and looked at Mr. Zhu Yan and asked.

Old Zhu Yan sighed: "You are too cautious. I just want to know an answer to draw an end to my dream when I was young."

"If you have said enough , Then... go to hell!" Situ Shibai glanced at the giant that suddenly appeared in the distance, and immediately raised his hand and said.

A beam of light shot from Situ Shibai's fingers, but was blocked by Zhu Yanlao with a cane.

Old Zhu Yan said with a smile: "Don’t worry, since I appear here, I shall be ready to die. Unfortunately, you are still unwilling to confuse a dying person. This is not good, very No, I will die."

"How can I admit what I haven't done?" Situ Shibai said lightly.

While speaking, a tiny ball of light is formed behind him, and countless light rays shoot out from the ball of light, densely packed towards Zhu Yanlao.

Veteran Zhu Yan blocked his cane in front of him, and all the light was absorbed by the ruby ​​on the cane as soon as he approached.

He squinted his eyes and said: "With your strength, you can make me scattered ashes and smoke dispersed in the blink of an eye. Sure enough, you are releasing water. What are you waiting for? Zhang Ping's death?"

"You are not old Zhu Yan, who are you?" Situ Shibai asked.

He was very puzzled just now, why did Elder Zhu Yan dare to appear in front of him, and now through two trials, he concluded that this is a fake.

I'm afraid, the opponent is afraid that he will see through, so he has been defending his attack with his stick instead of using his own ability.

Because once he uses the ability, his disguise will be self-defeating.

Old Zhu Yan taunted: "Why don’t you dare to answer my question? Are you waiting for Zhang Ping to die?"

"I just don’t think you can kill Dead Zhang Ping, although his ability is still flawed, he will not lose to you!" Situ Shibai said in a tranquil voice.

Old Zhu Yan suddenly said: "You are telling us that Zhang Ping's ability is still flawed, so it can be killed?"

"You damn it!"

Situ Shibai is too lazy to argue.

At this time, one after another fine crack appeared in the space. Before Zhu Yan had time to retreat in the future, a similar crack appeared in his body.

A piece of human skin fell off the face of'Old Zhu Yan', and a fox appeared in front of Situ Shibai.

"Huang failed, your hypocritical face will be exposed by the world sooner or later."

"I will always look at you, look at you!"

The fox's body fell to the ground piece by piece, and before its head shattered, it made a sharp sound.

For a while, one after another golden light kept falling, and the fox's corpse was completely scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Situ Shibai solved the fox, turned and looked in the direction of Pearl City, muttered to himself: "Zhang Ping, a powerhouse must endure countless hardships and experiences. This is your disaster, but it also belongs to Your test."

He believes that Zhang Ping will be able to tide over the difficulties!


In a dimly lit room, Mr. Zhu Yan looked at the picture in the crystal ball and couldn’t help saying with a smile: “It’s the idol of my childhood. Don't show the weak spot."

"Great Elder, do you want to provoke the relationship between Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping?" a woman asked softly.

Old Zhu Yan looked at the self-talking Situ Shibai in the crystal ball, and said meaningfully: "Hehe, provocation? Who knows."

At least, Zhao Shufang and Wang Chengcai are indeed dead unfathomable mystery, even their Yu Beast Zhu Family cannot investigate the cause of their deaths.

There are not many people in Pearl City who can do this. How could he not doubt Situ Shibai.

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