I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [025] Bloodline of the King

Zhang Ping felt something was wrong.

He looked at his hands, and the next moment they turned into pure water.


There was sudden silence in the tent. Liu Sishan's eyes widened and he watched Zhang Ping's whole body turn into a puddle of liquid.

It took about a minute for her to react. She walked up to the liquid with a serious look on her face. She stretched out her hand and dipped a little of the liquid into her hand. She frowned and said, "Pure water?"

At this time, Zhang Ping's voice came from the liquid: "Sister Sisi, you poked my stomach."

"Zhang Ping, are you still alive?" Liu Sishan took back his hand and asked in surprise.

Zhang Ping replied: "She should still be alive, but her current condition is a bit strange. Let me get used to it."

He feels very special now, his body seems to become a whole.


It should be that the body turned into a ball of water.

Not right either.

How to describe it?

Anyway, there is no distinction between head, neck, body, arms, legs, etc., but it seems that it can form a head, neck, body, arms, legs at any time, and can even grow a large number of heads, completely composed of heads.

This is a bit difficult to control.

Zhang Ping worked hard to adapt, and slowly controlled himself to grow an arm, and then another arm grew next to the arm.


Looks wrong.

He grew shoulders first above his arms.

Liu Sishan stood nearby and watched Zhang Ping return to his human form little by little.

Finally, after half an hour, Zhang Ping completely recovered, but it was a human form made of water, not a human being.

Liu Sishan looked at the waterman Zhang Ping in front of him and asked: "Zhang Ping, can you still change back?"

"It should be possible, but I haven't found the trick yet. Please wait for me to identify it first." Zhang Ping replied.

He raised his hand and immediately activated the identification technique.

[Identification successful]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 99】

[Level: Junior Awakener]

【Level: 9】


[Contract Gem: It can consume physical strength + mental power to condense the Contract Gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the Contract Gem, the life, soul, and consciousness will be dominated by the Summoner, but at the same time, it will also be blessed by the Summoner’s potential and luck. After taking it for the first time , taking it again will slightly increase your own potential, and there is a 1% chance of awakening new talents. Note: Summoner Zhang Ping's innate ability was obtained by overdrafting his IQ, potential, and luck. Although it is very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Being too ambitious does not seem to be a good thing. 】

[Absolute command: You have absolute control over the summoned beast, and the summoned beast cannot disobey your orders]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s orders, and you will faithfully execute the summoner’s orders]

[Collector's Edition Identification Technique: The target can be identified, with a 60% probability of obtaining target information. If the first identification is successful, the subsequent identification success rate will increase to 100% for the same target. Note: The natural abilities born from the thirst for knowledge of the summoned beast Zhang Ping and the summoner Zhang Ping]

[Nightwalker of Dark Mist: Obtains dark night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, the movement speed is greatly increased, the weight is reduced, and the person is completely invisible in the shadow. When the body is shrouded in the dark mist, the sense of presence is greatly reduced. 】

[Fire Eater: Can restore physical strength by swallowing flames, and convert excess flames into fire element energy and store it in the body. After releasing the energy, the flame entanglement effect will be temporarily obtained until the fire element energy storage is exhausted.

This ability will gradually increase the user's heat resistance.

Note: Potential is just potential after all. Only when it is realized into strength can it be the real power]

[Wind Whisperer: The wind will bring you all kinds of news, whether you want to know or not.


Note: There is no wall in the world that is impervious to wind, and there is no secret that the wind does not know]

[Pica Eater: When swallowing special items, there will be a 10% probability of obtaining the corresponding special physique.

Note: Why does this kid eat everything? 】

[Body of Dark Mist: It can be transformed into controllable Dark Mist by absorbing the fear of living things.

Note: Your fear is my food! 】

[Pure Water Body: The body can be transformed into a pure water form. In the pure water form, it can absorb water to restore physical strength and injuries]

It really has another ability.

Zhang Ping closed his attributes and felt that today was his auspicious day.

This night, not only did his strength greatly improve, but his abilities also became more comprehensive.

He is now completely confident to challenge the next level, let alone the intermediate level. Even if it is a high-level awakened person or a high-level alienated beast, he feels that he has no chance of winning.

"How about it? Can you change it back?" Liu Sishan asked with concern.

Zhang Ping's change was caused by her. If Zhang Ping can only live in this world in this form of neither human nor ghost, she has the responsibility to help Zhang Ping recover, even at all costs!


Zhang Ping replied with a smile.

From the description of the ability, we can know that the body can be transformed into a pure water form, and the pure water form can definitely be restored.

But he still needs to study how to restore it. After all, this ability comes out of nowhere. He doesn't know whether it is the effect of the contract gem or the effect of the Pica.

"The body of dark mist, the body of pure water..."

If the body of dark mist is really the effect of Pica, then the body of pure water is most likely also the effect of Pica.

So far, most of the abilities of the contract gems are various "bodies", such as night walker, fire eater, wind whisperer, and alien eater. The abilities brought by the alien eater are various "bodies".

Zhang Ping guessed in his mind.

He was not sure that he had guessed it right. After all, there was an exception to the 'appraisal technique'.

However, based on the above speculation, he believed that there must be similarities between the body of dark mist and the body of pure water. He tried to concentrate and feel his body carefully, and gradually his body transformed into a human form.

In the blink of an eye, he transformed from a waterman back to a human.

"It's done!"

He opened his eyes, clenched his fists, and smiled happily.

Then he found that all the injuries on his body were healed, and his body was clean and spotless.

"Put on your clothes first!" Liu Sishan threw Zhang Ping's change of clothes on him, turned his back to Zhang Ping and said.

Zhang Ping suddenly felt embarrassed and quickly put on his clothes. Then he found himself sitting on old clothes with a layer of dust on them.

Will pure water repel impurities?

He thought to himself, and turned his arm into water to sweep away the dust on the ground. Looking again, it was still spotless.

"Go on and eat the Salt Frost Fruit, don't waste it."

Liu Sishan turned around and saw that one of Zhang Ping's arms was still in the form of pure water, and said angrily.

She admitted she was a little sour.

Zhang Ping's growth rate is too fast, especially the pure water form, which is simply the ability she has dreamed of.

If she could possess pure water form and increase her strength by at least 200%, she would be sure to win even if she faced the top awakened ones.

It's only been one night.

Sure enough, Zhang Ping's ability was infinite, not useless as assessed by the school.

Infinite level, too strong.

Having unlimited abilities is equivalent to being destined to become a strong person.

Just like her most respected captain Situ Shibai, he not only has a long lifespan, but also has nearly omnipotent abilities. He is like a sea-fixing needle in the entire team.

But she doesn't envy others who are more capable than herself.

Because Situ Shibai once said that every awakened person's desire for power is far beyond ordinary people, and every ability is a feedback of the awakened person's deepest desire.

The more powerful the ability, the greater the price that needs to be paid.

It’s just that some prices are clearly marked.

And some prices are invisible and intangible. Only when you need to pay will you understand that this is the price!

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Zhang Ping was woken up by Liu Sishan.

The two came to a deserted valley. Zhang Ping ate a compressed energy bar and asked, "Sister Sisi, what are we going to do today?"

"Test your new abilities first. Your strength has improved too fast. I'm not sure whether the plan I arranged before will be useful to you." Liu Sishan replied.

Zhang Ping's face suddenly fell and he said bitterly: "Sister Sisi, actually I think your arrangement is of no use. If I hadn't been lucky last night, that rabbit alone would have killed me."


Liu Sishan stopped talking and just looked at Zhang Ping calmly.

The two were silent.


Zhang Ping finally raised his hands in surrender and said: "Okay, okay, come on, let's test it."

"Then let's get started."

Liu Sishan was immediately surrounded by water, and water balls formed quickly.

A stream of water whip swept towards Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping's body turned into the form of pure water. He ate the water whip without dodging or dodging. After the water whip merged into his body, Liu Sishan immediately felt that the water he controlled was less.

"Sure enough...this ability just restrains my ability!"

Liu Sishan thought to himself.

Awakened ones, especially those of the elemental type, are inherently interdependent beings.

When she saw Zhang Ping's pure water form last night, she had an intuition that her normal attacks would hardly pose a threat to Zhang Ping.

Because Zhang Ping's body is entirely made of water, and the only water she can affect is the water she controls. She cannot affect natural water or water created by other people with abilities.

Next, she tried to attack Zhang Ping with ice picks and boiling water, but after a series of attacks, Zhang Ping was still intact.

Although Zhang Ping screamed very loudly when he was attacked by ice picks and boiling water.

"Sister Sisi, is it okay?" Zhang Ping asked weakly.

In fact, the pure water form is not invincible. Fire, lightning, ice, boiling water, and even fists can cause damage. However, he can recover from ordinary injuries by absorbing water molecules in the air, so he does not appear to be injured.

But this kind of repair has a limit. Once it exceeds the limit, he will still be killed.

Liu Sishan created a bubble to wrap himself up and said, "Now you attack me and let me see how strong your attack power is."

"Oh, I like this." Zhang Ping nodded repeatedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Mingwu flying knife appeared an inch in front of Liu Sishan's eyebrows, and the blisters protecting her had been pierced.

Liu Sishan looked at the flying knife hanging in front of his eyebrows in shock, and it took him a while to react.

If Zhang Ping had murderous intentions just now, she might not even have time to react.

Although she was careless, the ability of Ming Wu was too terrifying. Once a high-level awakened person underestimated the enemy, it was very likely that he would capsize in the gutter in front of this ability.

"Sister Sisi, why does the ability of the Dark Mist Alien Beast cause damage beyond the level?" Zhang Ping waved his hand, and the Dark Mist Flying Knife turned into black mist and returned to his hand, and then he asked.

Liu Sishan came back to his senses and replied: "Some scholars have speculated that the Dark Mist Alien Beast may be the descendant of the King Alien Beast. Because it inherited certain characteristics from the King, its ability has the ability to cause harm beyond the level of the King."


Zhang Ping couldn't help but think of Prince Yue.

If the Dark Mist Alien Beast is really so magical because it has the blood of the King.

What about Prince Yue?

And what about the Moon King who is the King himself?

Zhang Ping didn't dare to think about it any further, because the more he thought about it, the more desperate he felt.

He didn't even know if Mingzhu City could be saved?

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