Zhang Ping was a little embarrassed at this moment.


Counseling is counseling.

There is no distinction between a big counsel and a small counsel.

In a word, Zhang Ping is horrified at this moment.

He looked at the King of Nethermist, worriedly said: "It won't hit me?"

"No!" The King of Nethermist replied.

Zhang Ping looked at the king of Nethermist, and the king of Nethermist added: "If you don't hit it, it won't hit you."

"Well, I'll go!"

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, nodded agreed.

He wants to return to Pearl City.

He misses Liu Sishan and them.

He is worried about the current situation in Pearl City.

He has been delayed for several days, so he must go back.

Zhang Ping looked at the huge moose, gritted his teeth and flew forward, the closer he gets, the more he can feel the terrifying imposing manner.

This is definitely not a King-level alienated beast, but an existence beyond the King-level.

Just getting closer, Zhang Ping has absolutely no idea of ​​confrontation.

This big guy may sneeze him to death.


The huge moose obviously doesn't care about the incomparable Zhang Ping. It moves slowly, causing a hurricane with every breath, stirring the clouds every time it walks, and even triggering thunderstorms.

Zhang Ping's heart thumped and thumped, and finally landed on one of the hairs of the giant moose, and flew up along the hair.

So thick!

So big!

So long!

The hair of a huge moose, each of which is about the same thickness as Zhang Ping, probably requires two Zhang Pings to hug.

Zhang Ping flew upwards along the hair and found that there are actually many animals on the huge moose, but these animals are all very quiet, some lying on top of a hair, some simply on top of the burr Sitting, there is a huge black spider, weaving a huge web between hair and hair, resting on the web.

These creatures also noticed Zhang Ping, but Zhang Ping’s current image is a black cloak with the face of Death God, so they seem to regard Zhang Ping as one of them, and are not hostile to Zhang Ping. .

After flying for about five minutes, Zhang Ping landed on the knotted moose beard. The space here was very large, and several alienated beasts he did not know were sleeping on their stomachs.

Because of his arrival, these alienated beasts stood up one after another, showing vigilant eyes.

Zhang Ping took a step back a little, and looked at these alienated beasts equally vigilantly.

Three gibbons.

Two eagle dogs face monsters.

There is also a sloth.

After Zhang Ping one after another identification, I feel a little relieved that these alienated beasts are only top-level alienated beasts, and there is no king beast.

Suddenly, the two eagle dogs grinned and made threatening sounds, as if they wanted to drive him away, and the remaining alienated beasts immediately responded in the same way.

It is worth mentioning that these two eagle-body dog ​​face monsters are really not alienated from ordinary animals. They belong to alienated beasts and special individuals born by alienated beasts.

After some animals become alienated beasts, their only ability is'no reproductive isolation'. They can freely produce offspring from different creatures.

There are similar alienated beasts around Pearl City.

It's just that if the offspring of these alienated beasts do not become alienated beasts, they will often be very short-lived.

And the combination of two races may not be a good thing. It may be that the advantages of the two are combined, but it may also be that the shortcomings of the two races are combined.

For example, if a fish has no reproductive isolation, it lays eggs in the water. These eggs are accidentally caused by a passing bear, so a bear with fins is born, but it has no gills...

This combination obviously failed.

So will die soon.

After all, bears are mammals and they are basically dead without mother feeding.

Zhang Ping looked at the harpy face monster in front of him, knowing that it was a successful combination of two.

If it weren't for the giant moose, he would definitely try to slaughter them and taste them.

Whether it is good or not is not the point.

Mainly to satisfy curiosity, after all, their parents are dogs on one side and eagles on the other.

Then their taste is the taste of eagle, or the taste of dog meat?

But now Zhang Ping doesn’t want to conflict with them. Looking at these alienated beasts with swords drawn and bows bent, he opened the mouth and said: “Wait, we can actually live together peacefully, just in case. It is angry, we will all die!"

Several alienated beasts suddenly hesitated.

After all, if Zhang Ping attacked the giant moose recklessly, they would also be affected. Once the giant moose became angry, they would be dead.

The eagle dog face monster let out a low growl, and finally returned to its original position.

The other alienated beasts saw the two eagle dog face monsters shrink back, so they also sat down again, but their eyes were fixed on Zhang Ping. Once Zhang Ping made any action, they would immediately counterattack.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Zhang Ping confirmed that these alienated beasts would not do anything, so he looked at the sloth and tried to talk.

But the sloth just glanced at him slowly, and then went on in a daze.

Zhang Ping at first thought it was slow to respond and it would take a while to respond, so he waited patiently.

He has watched "Zoo City" in his previous life, and the sloth in it is just like that.

But after waiting for half an hour, he felt wrong.


Zhang Ping looked at the sloth and tentatively shouted.

"Shut up, don't talk to me." The sloth cursed impatiently.

Then it turned around flexibly and simply turned its back to Zhang Ping. After all, other alienated beasts are staring at Zhang Ping, and it is not afraid of being sneak attacked.


Zhang Ping understands, people just don't want to talk to him, not slow response.

Sure enough, animations are all deceptive.

Zhang Ping simply shifted the target and looked at the three gibbons.

These three gibbons are very distinctive. The first left arm is longer than the right arm, and there is a bunch of flame-like hair on the top of the head. The second right arm is longer than the left arm. At the same time, the hair on the top of the head is blue, the last one is as long as the two arms, and the hair on the side of the head is green, and it is especially like a hat.

When Zhang Ping looked at them, the three gibbons immediately showed arrogance, as if to draw a line from Zhang Ping, a bit like a child's performance after drawing the 38th line.

"Hello!" Zhang Ping squinted slightly and greeted with a smile.

The three gibbons both hands crossed near chest, looked up at Zhang Ping squint, and sent out coldly snorted.

It's a pity that Zhang Ping's gold treasure chest bracelet has been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke with the 8th layer, otherwise he can take out the fruits to bribe the three gibbons.

And now he can only rely on a mouth.

"Let me tell you a story!"

"A long, long time ago, there was a Flower Fruit Mountain..."

Zhang Ping didn't see it at all I have read the Journey to the West novel, but I still watched the TV series, and then I dryly dictated the TV plot to the three gibbons.

At first, the three gibbons tried to maintain an expression of disdain.

But when I listened, my expression gradually turned into longing. All of them looked at Zhang Ping's mouth eagerly, as if substituting in Sun Wukong's monkey birth.

At this moment, Zhang Ping stopped suddenly and looked at the three gibbons with a smile.

The gibbons wanted to be arrogant but reluctant to part with the story of Zhang Ping. In the end, they all showed a squalid smile.

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