Zhang Ping knows very well that this piece of black ice is hard to come by.

But what to do with this piece of black ice makes him a little bit difficult.

The main reason is that this piece of black ice has too many uses.

He can eat it, he has a probability of gaining new abilities, he can also be transformed into weapons, and even special equipment.

I have eaten it.

If you don't get the ability, wouldn't it be a loss?

Become a weapon.

The problem is that he is less and less dependent on weapons, which are actually useless.

Only special equipment.

Zhang Ping must admit that he does not yet make special equipment.

Although through Appraisal Technique, he has witnessed the evil manufacturing methods of many special equipment.

But if he wants him to use those methods to make special equipment, he definitely can't do it.

After some thoughts, he looked at Xiaoxiao and asked: "Xiaoxiao, can you make more of this kind of black ice? I can exchange things with you!"

As a mature adult, of course he wants it all!

But Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Ping, but his eyes turned into contempt. At the same time, he pointed his tail to the broken black egg not far away.

That is its own'egg shell'.

Zhang Ping's expression suddenly collapsed, he knew what a little meant.

This black ice is made in a special way. If it has not been born, it is possible to produce the same black ice, but it has already been born.

Although Zhang Ping doesn't quite understand the difference between birth and no-birth, he also understands that this kind of black ice, I'm afraid they can't make it again.

In fact, this is also the root cause of the fluctuating high and low technology of this world, and finally the four differences.

Some technologies can only be realized by relying on a certain awakened. Once that key awakened dies, the technological products produced will directly become a swan song.

So, whether it is Pearl City or a certain time in the past, it all prospered because of awakened, but also declined because of the death of awakened.

Zhang Ping looked at the best black ice on the ground, thought about it, and wrapped the black ice with his thoughts, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Since mass production is no longer possible, we can only take a gamble.

Compared with weapons and equipment, it is still more capable.

After Zhang Ping swallowed the black ice, the next moment he felt his stomach was frozen, and then the ice spread quickly. He hurriedly twisted his neck and watched the frozen body collapse. Down.

He turned his head into pure water, then picked up the bracelet with his mind, took out a bucket of water and poured it on himself, then he turned back into flesh and blood again.

"It's dangerous, almost no one is gone."

Zhang Ping looked at the headless corpse on the ground, and said with lingering fear.

But then he was taken aback suddenly, and quickly used Appraisal Technique on himself. When he saw that his ability finally added another line, the whole person was shocked.

New ability:

【Low temperature resistance: When the temperature is below zero, it greatly improves its resistance to low temperature. ]

He didn't even digest much black ice, but he still got the ability!

This black ice is indeed an incredible treasure, but it's a pity that they can no longer make it again.


Zhang Ping suddenly thought that this is a parallel world, what about his original world?

As long as the Earth Dragon still exists, Xiao Xiao and them will definitely exist. As long as he doesn't force Xiao Xiao to be born in the past, he can still mass produce Black Ice.

"Xiao Xiao, how long did it take you to make this piece of black ice?" Zhang Ping looked at Xiao Xiao and couldn't help asking.

Little stretched out three fingers.

"Three years..."

Zhang Ping is speechless, and three years is too long.


Little Xiao looked at Zhang Ping in surprise, but it still couldn't understand. How did Zhang Ping know that its three fingers represent three years, not three months , Three days?

This is amazing too.

Zhang Ping is generally an open-minded person.

He won't suffer from gains and losses for what he can't get. After making sure that it is difficult for him to get a lot of black ice, he decisively gives up.

"Forget it, I'm lucky to lose my life."

Zhang Ping muttered to himself, and then looked at his headless corpse.

Although he had been beheaded once before, his body fell back to the original world that time, so he did not have the opportunity to observe it carefully.

Now looking at his corpse, he has a strange feeling.

This corpse has been covered by black ice, so there is no blood flowing out of the neck fracture. Except for the head, the whole corpse is okay.

Zhang Ping used his mind to take out the black ice from the corpse, and as expected, the black ice simply didn't change much.

He glanced at his headless corpse, then opened his mouth and swallowed the black ice again.

Probably because of the ability of low temperature resistance, he feels much better this time.

However, the low temperature resistance still cannot hold Black Ice. He persisted for fifteen minutes, but he broke his neck helplessly, separating his head from his body.

When his head leaves his body, his body freezes quickly.

Next, he repeated the old tricks, turning his head into pure water form, and pouring distilled water again, his body quickly recovered.

In fact, he didn't recover so quickly before.

The body of pure water also takes time to transform water into a flesh and blood body, but after the advanced high level awakened, his transformation speed has been greatly increased, and this is how inhumane it is now.

Change to intermediate awakened, it is basically impossible to do this kind of thing.

"Don't get the ability?"

After Zhang Ping recovered his body, because he didn't feel the new ability, he used Appraisal Technique on himself.

Sure enough, he didn't get a new ability this time.

"Come again!"

Zhang Ping closed the attribute panel, looked at his second headless corpse, gritted his teeth and prepared to continue.

On the side, Xiaoxiao was already dumbfounded. .

Is this human?

The killing move they finally made was only food in the eyes of humans.

Humans are too terrifying!

Sure enough, staying is the most correct decision. It is too difficult for him to get along with humans.

Above the big pit.

Sweeping Earth Dragon was also shocked.

It is a dragon that has seen the world, but it has never seen such a human in the past.

"Fortunately, I am obedient. As expected, what Anian said is true. If I am not obedient, he will definitely eat me." Sweeping the Earth Dragon and watching Zhang Ping swallow the black ice again, I thought to myself.

At this moment, Zhang Ping broke his neck again, and another frozen corpse on the ground.

Fortunately, this time he feels new abilities.

New ability:

【mysterious sewer: consumes physical strength and spirit strength, creates a magical manhole cover out of thin air on the ground. After opening the manhole cover, you can enter the mysterious sewer. 】


Zhang Ping blinked, this ability is something.

He has a feeling that he listens to what you say is like he listens to what you say. It means that he has not watched it.

At the moment he gained the ability, he knew that he could press his hand on the ground to create a manhole cover.

But the role of mysterious sewers is still unknown.

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