I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [027] Training Level (4,000 words long chapter, please save it)

Four o'clock in the morning.

Liu Sishan is back.

Her eyes under the mask looked slightly tired and sad.

Going around the bonfire, she entered the tent and saw Zhang Ping doing push-ups.

"Sister Sisi, you are back."

Zhang Ping, sweating profusely, raised his head and said hello with a smile.

After the level was upgraded to level 9, although attributes such as strength still did not improve much, his main attributes of physical strength and mental strength improved a lot. The most obvious change is that he now only needs an average of three hours of deep sleep a day to replenish his energy, and he even feels like he has too much energy.

Nothing to do.

He simply ordered his body to do 5,000 push-ups to warm up.

Liu Sishan knew that Zhang Ping woke up very early, so she walked to the side and sat down, nodded and said, "Well, good morning."

"Sister Sisi, how is the situation in Pearl City now?" Zhang Ping took a breath and then asked.

Liu Sishan took out a kit and dumped a bunch of messy things on the wooden bed. While sorting these things, he said sadly: "There is a magic light sky curtain. Tian Changhu has been trapped in the city lord's palace. In the past two days, Prince Yue has led his men." When they came out to look for food, there were more than 200 victims.

My teammate Jin Bo couldn't see it and insisted on taking people to test its strength. As a result, Prince Yue was much stronger than expected. Jin Bo was seriously injured and two teammates responsible for plundering the formation died.

Your training can only end here. We will return to the city at dawn. "

"What abilities does Prince Yue use?" Zhang Ping's expression gradually became serious.

Liu Sishan stopped his movements and replied: "It only moved its tail. Its tail has the ability to fork and stretch freely. It is not only extremely penetrating, but also flexible and very fast."


After hearing this, Zhang Ping couldn't help but think of the vision he had seen in his premonition on the watchtower.

If he had used the identification technique on Prince Moon at that time, his head would have been instantly blown off by Prince Moon's tail.

Half an hour later, 5,000 push-ups were completed.

Zhang Ping stood up and sat on the wooden bed opposite Liu Sishan, wiping his sweat with a towel.

Then he saw the various metals and materials on Liu Sishan's bed and asked, "Sister Sisi, did you go back to Pearl City to get these things?"

"Yes, don't you have the ability to gain a corresponding physique when you eat something? So these are the materials used to test your ability." Liu Sishan nodded.

If Zhang Ping could transform his body into steel or even super alloy, his defense would be greatly improved.

And compared to transforming into soft water.

Harder and heavier metals will undoubtedly have greater lethality.


It requires extremely strong mental strength and control to function.

She only developed lethal moves after her mental power improved. In the early stages, she manipulated pure water to fight, but she was actually quite powerless.

Zhang Ping's main attributes are physical strength and spirit, while hers is pure spirit.

Therefore, every time Zhang Ping upgrades, two attributes share the upgraded attributes, while for her, a single attribute is improved.

Zhang Ping wanted to train the pure water body's damage to her level, which was far more difficult than hers.

To use an analogy.

At level 1, Zhang Ping's mental power is 2, her physical strength is also 2, and her mental power is 4.

When both of them reach level 2, Zhang Ping's mental power is 3, his physical power is also 3, and her mental power is 6.

By the time she reached level 3, Zhang Ping's mental power was 4, her physical power was also 4, and her mental power was already 8.

By the time she reaches level 4, Zhang Ping's mental power is 5 and her physical strength is also 5, but her mental power has reached 10!

If you only look at the changes in mental power, the gap between the two is clear at a glance.

Therefore, after knowing Zhang Ping's main attributes, Liu Sishan has been thinking about how to train Zhang Ping and how to use his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

Unfortunately, because Jin Bo was seriously injured, several other combatants in the cleaning team were also injured. Now she must return to the cleaning team to replace Jin Bo. The idea of ​​training Zhang Ping in person has come to nothing.

After careful consideration last night, she applied to the organization for these materials to see if they could help Zhang Ping obtain a more suitable physique. Zhang Ping would then think about it on her own when she returned to Pearl City.

Zhang Ping stood up and reached out to pick up a piece of black iron and asked, "What if I get metal poisoning?"

"I have brought the corresponding antidote, feel free to take it." Liu Sishan encouraged.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and his mouth and throat gradually turned into pure water. Then his mouth opened like a snake and he directly swallowed the iron-colored iron in his hand.

His stomach did not turn into pure water, and he could feel the iron falling into his stomach.

After about a while, he felt uncomfortable and asked: "Sister Sisi, what kind of metal is the iron piece I just ate?"

"Didn't you say that? Iron block." Liu Sishan said with a smile.

Zhang Ping frowned, and his abdomen simply turned into pure water. He stretched out his hand to take out the iron block in his stomach, and denied: "This is definitely not an ordinary iron block. Ordinary iron won't be that uncomfortable even if you eat it. What is this?"

What metal? "

"Then why didn't you ask me before eating?" Liu Sishan smiled.

Zhang Ping rolled his eyes. He was just too lazy to think after exercising, and also out of trust. After all, Liu Sishan had no reason to harm him, but it was this lack of vigilance that made him suffer now.

He's not a particularly smart person.

Just like all ordinary people, he can be lazy and have many small thoughts. When he first crossed over, he was even lying down.

If it weren't for the special ability of the contract gem, he would have been eaten by Tian Changhu now, or he would be working in the fields or sweeping the streets and collecting night fragrance.

Seeing that Liu Sishan was trying to show off, he simply used identification on the iron block, and the result was that it was an iron block coated with a layer of poison.

This is really just a piece of iron, just poisonous!

He looked at Liu Sishan, frowned and said, "Sister Sisi, why do you put poison on the iron block?"

"In order to test your resistance to various toxins and harmful substances, since the pica can absorb even my pure water, why can't it absorb the toxins and transform it into a highly toxic body?" Liu Sishan replied.

Although her pure water looks harmless, it is actually more poisonous than poison.

If other people drink pure water, not only will their life and death be controlled by her, but once the pure water enters the brain, it can even control the other person's thoughts.

She originally wanted to teach Zhang Ping a lesson not to eat any drinks or food given by others, but who knew that Zhang Ping had digested her pure water before she even started.

However, after knowing that Zhang Ping has the ability to be a pica, there is no need to attend this class.

Zhang Ping felt a little dizzy, but couldn't help complaining: "The results have come out, that is, I am about to be poisoned to death."

"Then why not try turning into a body of pure water?" Liu Sishan suggested.

Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, and the next moment his body transformed into pure water form, and sure enough, the feeling of poisoning disappeared.

He said in surprise: "It's really good. It turns out that the pure water form can also detoxify and remove negative states."

Then he tried to change back to flesh and blood, and sure enough the poisoning disappeared.

Liu Sishan was not surprised, because pure water has a characteristic, which is to repel and purify all unclean things. This is how the dust on Zhang Ping's body was repelled before, and even the dirty things hidden in the body will be purified, such as impurities, Urination and defecation.

This is more efficient than cutting hair, washing marrow, and spraying shit out of pores.

"Zhang Ping, I asked the captain for you how to train a person with abilities like you.

The advice given by the captain is to focus on one or two abilities, and the other abilities are only used as supplementary means.

Because you will definitely have more and more abilities in the future, but it is impossible for you to know every ability thoroughly, nor to practice every ability to the extreme.

The strength of your ability all depends on how much energy you put into training. The higher the level of training, the stronger your ability will be.

So you have to make a choice about which abilities you should focus on. "

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and said seriously.

Hearing that it was Situ Shibai's suggestion, Zhang Ping accepted it humbly.

He knew who Situ Shibai was and how powerful this old man was.

Those who copy abilities.

Just by hearing the name, you can tell that Situ Shibai has a lot of superpowers.

Situ Shibai's advice was of great reference value to him.

Most awakened people only have one ability, so they have no choice but to tap into the full potential of this ability. The level of practice of this ability is naturally very high.

As for multi-ability users like Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping, having too many abilities will distract their energy, and their ability training is definitely not as good as those with a single ability.

Such as the body of pure water.

Zhang Ping just discovered that it can detoxify after being converted into pure water form.

This is a sign of insufficient training.

It means that he is not familiar with this ability enough and does not have strong enough control over it. If he understands this ability well enough, he will complete the form transformation and remove the toxin from his body at the moment of being poisoned.

Appraisal can let him know basic information about abilities, but this does not mean all information.

How to develop capabilities.

How to train abilities.

This requires him to invest time and energy in research and try.

The higher the level of ability development, the higher the level of familiarity, and the easier it will be to fight with ease.

Therefore, Situ Shibai's suggestion was very timely.

At least Zhang Ping woke up at this moment. The more abilities the better, but he must know in his mind which abilities need to be focused on training and which abilities are just supplementary means.

At present, among the abilities he possesses, first excluding abilities such as Contract Gem and Night Walker that cannot be practiced, and then excluding purely auxiliary identification skills and Pica, the strongest one is the body of dark mist, followed by the pure water In the body, those who eat fire are the last.

These three abilities made it difficult for him to choose.

The body of the dark fog is very strong. The problem is that he does not understand the nature of the dark fog at all. It is very dangerous for an ability that he does not understand to encounter an enemy who understands it.

For example, during a battle, being targeted by the enemy

Attack the weakness of the ability, but you know nothing about this weakness. If you are caught off guard, you may be facing life or death in minutes.

The body of pure water has a very strong life-saving ability, but its essence is too easy to see through and easily restrained by the enemy.

For example, the Fire Element Awakener is also at level 9. If Zhang Ping only fights with a pure water body, he will almost be beaten by the Fire Element Awakener. If the opponent is hit by 9 fireballs, the pure water body can absorb the fireballs in the air. Water molecules heal injuries, and the entire body may be evaporated in an instant.

This is equivalent to being killed instantly.

Fire Eaters have a similar problem and are too easy to target.

Moreover, his fire element storage is limited, so it is difficult to continue to fight through a battle, and it may burn out in the middle of the battle.

He thought for a moment and then looked at Liu Sishan and asked, "Sister Sisi, what is your captain's most highly practiced ability?"

"You want to refer to the captain's ability? As far as I know, the captain's strongest ability should be light element control." Liu Sishan realized Zhang Ping's intention and continued to answer.

Light element control?

It seems that abilities like light are not easy to restrain, and the attack speed is extremely fast and the power is extremely great.

The question is how to have this ability?

Eat it all?

Look up to the sky and open your mouth wide to let the light shine into your stomach?

Zhang Ping thought about it and felt that his idea was completely unreliable.

"Don't rush to choose now. Let's eat these materials first and see if we can get better abilities. It's not too late to choose then." Liu Sishan saw that he was embarrassed and said.

Zhang Ping looked at the various materials on Liu Sishan's bed and couldn't help asking: "Sister Sisi, are these materials all coated with poison?"

"Some are coated, and some are highly toxic. Let's try it first. Even if the pure water body cannot detoxify, I also have detoxification potions." Liu Sishan replied.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and finally decided to eat it.

Sometimes you can only get what you want if you are a little bit cruel to yourself. It is impossible to have both comfort and everything.

He picked up various materials and ate them one by one. He took them out when he felt uncomfortable, and repeated this process.

A few hours later, he felt that he really couldn't eat anymore. He still felt full even though he had taken out all the food in his stomach.

"Sister Sisi, I can't do it anymore. Your method doesn't seem to be reliable." Zhang Ping said in pain while lying on the bed.

He didn't gain any abilities.

These metals were not absorbed at all, but the toxins he applied made him feel very uncomfortable.

In order to gain abilities, he endured the severe pain. Every time he endured it until he couldn't bear it anymore, he transformed into pure water to detoxify.

But the result was still useless, and no new abilities appeared at all.

"Why is this happening?"

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping, feeling very confused.

Yesterday, Zhang Ping gained three abilities in a row, and she mistakenly thought that Zhang Ping could easily gain abilities.

But from the current performance, it seems that this is not the case.

Zhang Ping felt uncomfortable for a while, and simply turned into pure water form and collapsed on the bed. In the pure water form, all the uncomfortable feelings disappeared, replaced by a keen sense of temperature.

The campfire outside the tent, Liu Sishan on the bed opposite, and the salt transporter who was eating breakfast in the tent farther away, each person had a different temperature, and he could feel these temperatures.

"It turns out that there is such an ability in the pure water form."

Zhang Ping was amazed in his heart. The more he used the ability, the stronger it became, and the more he used it, the more he understood it.

He controlled his body to become a snake shape, twisting around on the bed like a snake, and then turned into a wolf and tried to walk on all fours.

Finally, he turned into a bird, but no matter how he adjusted, he couldn't fly.

The bird he turned into had a wingspan of three meters, and its abdomen was hollow. Although it couldn't fly, it should be no problem to jump from a high place and glide.

Finally, he turned back into flesh and blood, looked at Liu Sishan, and said, "Sister Sisi, it turns out that abilities need constant practice to become stronger. For the time being, I will focus on practicing the Dark Mist and Pure Water Body, and make plans when I have new abilities."

For the time being, I will look for a new horse while I am still riding a donkey.

Since there is no other choice, he is too lazy to continue to struggle.

He already has an idea of ​​the development direction of the Dark Mist, and he also has preliminary plans for the Pure Water Body after the training just now.

The Dark Mist Body will follow the path of the God of Death in the future.

The black cloak, the black skull mask, and the huge sickle make the appearance very intimidating. It is estimated that the enemy will lose half of their courage before they fight.

The Pure Water Body follows the ever-changing route.

First, focus on training the transformation speed of the flesh and blood body and the pure water form, and then simulate various animals, ever-changing, and can adapt to most environments.

And these two abilities can be used together.

Using the Dark Mist to cover the pure water with a layer of shell can not only be used to isolate high temperatures, but also form a new form.

When you think about it this way, there is actually a lot of potential when these two abilities are combined, and the future is promising!

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