Zhang Ping currently has 33 abilities!

It can be said that his understanding of abilities is much deeper than most awakened, but this mysterious sewer really makes him puzzled.

The activation of this ability is very simple. He can master it with a familiarity, but what happens after activation?

A sewer with no end in sight?

Zhang Ping is not that he can't bear the smell of the sewers. After all, he is very capable now. The full version of Nethermist is not difficult to block the smell.

The main reason is that this ability tests people's patience too much.

He is already in this sewer one day, one night. He is very worried about everyone in the original world. He wants to return to the original world quickly and continue to waste time like this. When he returns to the original world, everything may be possible. It's too late.

Will Yuju Zhu Family attack Pearl City during his absence?

Will Moon Prince take the opportunity to kill Situ Shibai?

There is too much uncertainty.

What he needs is the ability to return to the original world instead of wasting time in an unfathomable mystery sewer.

But then, he still patiently continued to advance in the sewer, and even tried to attack the walls of the sewer, but it was still of no use.

It's as if it's here, no matter what you do, it's just like that, it stays the same, never changes.


"Why not this ability is actually a cage, right?"

"If it is really infinitely long and cannot be destroyed, then I can completely throw the captured enemies into the sewers and let them fend for themselves."

Zhang Ping looked at the dirty stuff in the sewer below, thinking of the result of being locked up here, I suddenly felt shudder.

Then he started to divorce, after all, he had to go back and return to the original position.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Zhang Ping's mind.

If he walked back but couldn't find the well head of the sewer, wouldn't he be locked here forever?

At this moment, he finally realized what he had overlooked.

He has been looking for answers in the sewer.

But never thought that the answer has always been in his hands!

He floated to the top of the sewer, pressed his hand upwards, and an exit slowly appeared at the top of the next moment.

"Sure enough, how come I didn't expect it!"

Zhang Ping looked at the exit and couldn't help knocking on his head, both happy and depressed. .

I am happy that I can finally leave this ghost place. I feel depressed because I feel too dull. I was thinking about the outlet of the sewer, but didn't expect the outlet to be made by myself.

He flew up quickly, then pushed open the manhole cover, and came out directly from the sewer.

A hot wind blows.

He found himself on the edge of the volcanic crater, and looking down on the left hand side was a hot lava.

This place...

Zhang Ping recognizes this place. This is the volcanic crater he met Su Qingbo.

"Is this a parallel world, or... my original world?"

Zhang Ping looked at the lava in the volcano, feeling a little uncertain.

Because of Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo's'home', strictly speaking will not erupt, Zhang Ping's original world, volcanic eruption is caused by Sun God bird.

If it is a parallel world, will Sun God birds still appear?

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, the next moment soaring into the sky, thinking so much is useless, when he returns to Pearl City, everything will have an answer.

Pearl City, Guilou.

In the living room.

Zhang Shouzhong continued to make pistols, and then turned the pistols back into fat energy.

On the side, Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu are also honing their abilities. Zhao Yanlong controls the poison insect and sometimes flies and falls. Zhao Yanhu controls a few snakes to spin around.

Little Theron was lying on the chair listlessly. Cheng Xuejie was holding a bowl of milkshake and coaxing it to eat in a low voice.

During this period, Pearl City spread the news that Zhang Ping was dead.

Awakened originally wanted to change the title to Zhang Ping. Now everyone is tacitly not talking about it, so Zhang Ping's title has not changed, and he is still a giant.

Although some elders became captains of a team because they were jealous of Zhang Ping at a young age, and they were even more concerned about Zhang Ping's death taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, no one in Pearl City dared to darken it. The idea is superficial.

After all, if Zhang Ping really died, he was also unfortunately killed in the process of defending Pearl City.

Therefore, Zhang Ping is a hero and should not be humiliated by anyone.

If anyone dares to laugh at Zhang Ping's death, any awakened will not let him go. After all, everyone may fight to protect the home in their hearts someday in the future.

Fight, then there may be death.

No one wants to die for their own protection, but it becomes a joke.

"Little Theron, Zhang Ping is definitely not dead. Don't believe those bastards' guesses, they are all nonsense." Cheng Xuejie looked at Little Theron, softly comforted.

She looked at Little Theron, both distressed and helpless, wishing to tear up those big mouths yesterday.


She took Little Theron to play outside.

Little Theron heard someone discussing the life and death of Zhang Ping.

Most people think that Zhang Ping is dead, after all, headless bodies have appeared.

living, then must see the person, dead, then must see the corpse.

Generally speaking, seeing a corpse, even without a head, can be regarded as death in Pearl City.

It's just that Zhang Ping's head can't be found. Jin Bo City Lord has always pressed this matter, so there is no official announcement.

Little Theron heard the comments of the residents, and then burst into tears, then his emotions went down sharply.

No matter how she coaxed Cheng Xuejie, she couldn't coax it well.

When Cheng Xuejie was distressed about how to make Little Theron happy, suddenly Little Theron eyes shined and quickly jumped off the sofa, and it ran to the door and looked at the door eagerly.

The others were all taken aback and looked at the door one after another.


Yuju Zhu Family!

Zhu Chengmian sat alone in the central hall.

His eyes are gloomy, and he clasps his hands tightly from time to time, but then loosens them.

So many days have passed, Zhang Ping's headless body also appeared, but his father still did not let go.

"old bastard, why don't you change your mouth now?"

"You are so in love with Position of Patriarch?"

Zhu Chengmian has been determined, Zhu Taihao doesn't want to Make him a patriarch.

Obviously he has killed Zhang Ping, obviously the Position of Patriarch has fallen on him, Zhu Taihao... he damn it!

"Father, please, forgive me!"

On the table in front of Zhu Chengmian, Zhu Jiuyang has only one head left. At this time, Zhu Chengmian, who looks at the face looks sinister, trembled Crying.

"Jiuyang, you are my son, how could I harm you? Now I want you to do one thing. If you do well, I will reward you many times. If you fail, you will always be Come on!" Zhu Chengmian looked at Zhu Jiuyang, and suddenly said with a smile.

Zhu Jiuyang is even more frightened. He is not afraid of Zhu Chengmian's straight-faced face, but he is extremely afraid of Zhu Chengmian's smiling face.

Because several big brothers in front of him have seen Zhu Chengmian's smile before he died.

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