I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [030] Holy Mother

In the next few days, Zhang Ping learned how to mine with Qiu Qiang at Iron Soul during the day, and he learned boxing with Wang Jieming at the Beast King Boxing Gym in the first half of the night.

In the second half of the night, he put on the black windbreaker he bought, wrapped in dark mist, and wandered the streets of Pearl City. Some drunks and homeless people accidentally encountered him, which always provided him with a lot of fear.

He didn't mean to scare people, but was looking for the rapist hidden in Pearl City.

The cleanup team has monitored the entire city, but still has not found any abnormalities. This in itself is the biggest anomaly.

Zhang Ping can be sure that if the descendants of the beast-controlling Zhu family are really planning something, then now is the best opportunity.

One day, Tian Changhu was in charge of the city lord's palace, and Situ Shibai did not dare to act rashly. Tian Changhu was counterattacked by the elimination team, and he was also blinded.

As long as the beast-controlling Zhu family hides from the surveillance team, no matter what they want to do, no one will know.

Zhang Ping didn't know how these people evaded surveillance or what their purpose was, but he wanted to find these people and teach them a lesson.


The autumn wind is a bit cool.

Under the pale moonlight, Zhang Ping's body was wrapped in dark mist, and the face of death on his face changed in various shapes, turning into the appearance of death for all living beings, which was horrifying and horrifying.

But he couldn't see his own face, so he didn't feel scared.

"Hey, wake up."

He was cruising the streets and saw a drunk adventurer lying on the roadside, so he walked up and patted the other person on the shoulder. His voice became ethereal and hollow through the mist.

The drunk man was slapped several times, and he frowned and opened his eyes. Before he could curse, his eyes suddenly bulged when he saw Zhang Ping's face. The next moment, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

The quality of fear is good!

Zhang Ping lifted the drunk man up with satisfaction and put him in a safer place.

Although Pearl City is protected by a cleanup team, no one can guarantee whether any alien beasts will sneak into the city. After all, he has encountered armored poison-tailed rats in the small park before.

A drunkard who is extremely drunk, even if he is not weak when he is sober, he will not be much stronger than ordinary people after he is in a coma.

Even if you encounter the weakest alienated beast, it is still very dangerous.

After settling the drunkard, Zhang Ping continued to patrol the Pearl City at night.

In Pearl City, roads extend in all directions.

Because the construction of houses is not standardized, there are even many buildings themselves built by awakened people, so the structure completely violates architectural mechanics. However, such buildings not only do not collapse, but can even stand for hundreds of years. Whether it is earthquakes or floods, these buildings cannot be protected. Construction has an impact.

These strange buildings separate many of the roads in Pearl City, winding them like a maze.

Once entering these places, people who are not familiar with Pearl City can easily get lost.

At this time, three men wearing copper rings on their heads and holding green lanterns walked out of a house. They walked silently through the alleys, and finally came to a mansion.

"Are you sure the person is inside?" one of the men asked.

This man is nearly forty years old and has an ordinary appearance. The only special thing is that his eyes are vermillion.

"Master, although Chen Xueli hid her very tightly, today is her 14th birthday. I can guarantee with my head that she will be inside today." The man's subordinate said with certainty.

The man nodded and said: "Get ready to take action. Place the Dragon Suppressing Stone first. Go!"

Then his two men quickly separated and began to arrange around the mansion.

Not far away, Zhang Ping, who happened to be here on night patrol, leaned his back against the wall and silently observed the three people.

After the three people dispersed, he quietly launched the appraisal, but the appraisal failed a series of times. After confirming that it could not be authenticated, he took out the badge left for him by Situ Shibai from the gold treasure house.

This badge can only contact Situ Shibai and Liu Sishan.


Sister Si, I’m here at No. 13, Tianhuo Road. I found three people sneaking around, seemingly trying to do harm to the people in a house. "Zhang Ping did not contact Situ Shibai, but contacted Liu Sishan.

Outside the city, densely packed water whips around Liu Sishan kept strangling the alienated bats in the air. He held the badge and said calmly: "I know, I'll ask Manny, wait a moment."

She then contacted Manni and asked about the surveillance situation on Tianhuo Road.

"Sister Sisi, there is nothing abnormal on Tianhuo Road. We found no one." Manny quickly replied.

She and Chen Luowei both observed it once. In theory, everything in the illusion of light can't be hidden from them, but this time it was very strange. Not only did they not find the person Zhang Ping was talking about, they didn't even find Zhang Ping.

Liu Sishan immediately realized that something was wrong.

She cut off contact with Manny, then contacted Zhang Ping and said, "Don't act rashly, wait for me to come."

After saying that, she disconnected and looked up at the alienated bats flying in the sky.

Zhang Ping put away his badge and continued to observe the three people not far away.

These three people are wearing unified headbands. That headband should be some kind of special equipment, but I don't know what its ability is.

The green portable lamp is also very suspicious. It is estimated that one of the two pieces of equipment is used to conceal the truth and avoid the monitoring of the cleaning team, and the other is used to resist the identification technique?

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and simply transformed his body into a body of pure water, and then transformed into a snake.

Covered by the mist, he looked like a big black python.

He quickly climbed up a house, turned back into a human on the roof, and looked down at the interior of the mansion.

The wall of this mansion is about three meters high. It was blurry inside and I couldn't see anything clearly. But after waiting for about fifteen minutes, the picture suddenly became clear again, and I could see the courtyard with a pond inside the wall.

There were many flowers and plants planted in the courtyard, and it was obvious that these flowers and plants were well taken care of.

"So that's it. The stones they put there can break the barrier of the house."

After Zhang Ping observed, his eyes fell on the stones placed by the other party outside the wall. He thought about it and immediately started the appraisal.

After three failed appraisals, the appraisal was successful.

[Dragon-suppressing Stone (East): Four Dragon-suppressing Stones placed in corresponding positions will form a Dragon-suppressing Battle Barrier, which can cover most barriers. ]

The next moment, Zhang Ping saw the scene of the Dragon-suppressing Stone being made.

The rotating millstone.

The screaming awakener.

Blood dripped down drop by drop, and through a special funnel-shaped equipment, the blood eventually turned into black liquid.

These black liquids were then integrated into the Dragon-Suppressing Stone by another special equipment in the shape of a candlestick of the Holy Mother's Tears. The eyes of the black dragon perched on the Dragon-Suppressing Stone gradually brightened and turned blood red...

After watching, Zhang Ping's face was not very good.

Sure enough, the manufacturing process of most special equipment props is extremely evil, bloody and inhumane.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, and his eyes gradually became firm.

In this world, in addition to killing all the Tianchang Foxes, he has another goal.

The Beast Taming Zhu Family must not be allowed to revive!


In front.

After arranging the anti-barrier, the three stopped under the wall.

The leader took out three potions, two of which were distributed to his men. After they drank the potions, they immediately climbed over the wall and entered the inner house.

The owner of this house is very strong.

Even if the other party has rested, the three can still feel the powerful aura like a giant dragon.

Chen Xueli, the son of Chen Shihai, the 55-year-old top awakener and the head of Hanhai Academy, is resting in this house.

And their target is Chen Xueli's granddaughter Chen Junting!

They don't want to use Chen Junting to threaten Chen Xueli, but Chen Junting is also an awakener, and her awakening ability is extremely important to their plan, and it can even be said to be the most critical link.

The three of them quickly deduced the location of the female family's bedroom through the location of Chen Xueli's bedroom.

They carefully approached the location of the female family's bedroom, and then one of them used telekinesis to open the door.

"It's not her."

The man with red eyes glanced at the middle-aged woman in the room, then shook his head.

They checked room by room, and Zhang Ping in the distance also saw that they were looking for someone.

However, Zhang Ping didn't know who they were looking for, so he observed patiently. Only by determining the other party's target could he deduce their purpose through the target.

These remnants of the Beast Taming Family must be brewing some big conspiracy, and they must not be allowed to succeed!

Outside the city, Liu Sishan finally solved all the bat mutants. Her body was wrapped in pure water, and then she quickly moved into the city.

Her movements were soon noticed by the people in the dark. Several men in black quickly fled into the darkness and issued an early warning to the three people in the Chen family mansion in the distance.

The man with red eyes received the alarm and was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked around, but did not find Zhang Ping.

"Master, what's wrong?" The subordinate next to him asked in a low voice.

The man with red eyes whispered: "We have been discovered. The last ten seconds. If we haven't found her, we will give up the mission first."

Then they accelerated their actions. When the window of a room was opened by telekinesis, the man with red eyes brightened his eyes and said: "It's her, take her and prepare to retreat."

The subordinate with telekinesis immediately lifted the girl in the room and carried her outside the house. Another subordinate gently touched the girl's temple, and the girl's body suddenly limp, obviously unconscious.

The three people took the woman over the wall and fled to the west immediately, which was exactly the opposite direction from where Liu Sishan came.

"Not good, they are going to escape."

Zhang Ping immediately followed and used the identification technique on the unconscious girl.

After a moment, the identification was successful.

[Successful identification]

[Name: Chen Junting]

[Race: Human]

[Power: Hanhai Academy]

[Potential: ????????????]

[Lifespan: 120]

[Level: Intermediate Awakener]

[Level: 13]


[Blood of the Virgin: The blood in the body has the ability to influence all life. Those who drink the holy blood will not be able to use their abilities and will suffer from bad luck. ]

[Advanced skills]

[Intermediate-Virgin Halo: Stimulate the power of the Virgin in the blood, form a holy light ring behind you, greatly improve affinity, and all living beings have a chance to be influenced and become your fanatical followers. ]

This girl has the highest potential he has ever seen.

The problem is that potential is only potential after all. Before it is realized as strength, it actually has no meaning.

Her ability is very special, but…

After reading the results of the identification, Zhang Ping frowned. He couldn't figure out the purpose of these three people.

If you want to use Chen Junting's ability, the problem is that Chen Junting is only an intermediate awakener. At most, her ability can affect awakeners below the intermediate level. What's the use?


Zhang Ping suddenly realized that the Virgin Mary in his understanding and the Virgin Mary in this world don't seem to mean the same thing.

The Blood of the Virgin Mary...

Could it be that the blood in Chen Junting's body really comes from a certain saintly mother in her ancestor?

Could it be that like Mingwu, Chen Junting's ability also has the power to surpass her level?

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