I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [385] Ghost Fox

Theron Jr. has great potential.

However, Zhang Ping had always thought that little Theron could only take advantage of his race's advantages when he became an adult, and use the well-established insect sea tactics to overwhelm all enemies.

Therefore, he ignored another talent of Theron Jr., which is the body of steel.

Theoretically, the larger the body of Little Theron, the stronger the defense. During this period, Little Theron has grown a lot, and the defense has naturally improved, so it can actually crush most primary alienated beasts now, probably Only mid-level alienated beasts can pose a threat to it.

"It turns out that it's not that you are too weak, but that the enemies you encounter every time are too strong." Zhang Ping touched little Theron's head and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

At the same time, he was a little curious, how strong was the flying dog that could chase away little Theron and the fat cat?

You must look for that dog when you have time to find out what's going on.

Zhang Ping made a decision silently in his heart, then put the matter aside for the time being, and continued to take the three little ones through the forest like an outing.

after an hour.

Zhang Ping jumped down from a tree, with several fruits floating behind him. He took one of the fruits in his hand and looked back while eating it.

The three little ones ran wildly on the ground, with Fat Cat running at the front, Big Yellow following closely behind, and only Little Theron falling at the back.

Exercise is also part of exercise.

I have to say that although the fat cat is chubby, it is really fast, and its running posture is graceful, a bit like a tiger's posture when running.

Rhubarb, on the other hand, is very ordinary. It flicks its tongue and runs like a sheep with epilepsy.

The last thing about Theron is that it’s not that it doesn’t work hard, it’s that it has a racial disadvantage. Although it has many legs, they are very short. It requires a very high frequency to run. If it is a short distance run, it can still keep up with the fat cat, but It won't work when running long distances.

When the three little ones ran over, Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Look at you, you are exhausted after running only tens of thousands of meters. You must practice more in the future!"

"Meow!" The fat cat sat on the ground, completely indifferent.

Dahuang was lying on the ground, breathing heavily, and had no extra energy to pay attention to what Zhang Ping said.


Theron, who arrived last, immediately protested.

Its legs are so short now, if it keeps running like this,

My legs are going to be broken.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "The protest is invalid. I will analyze your physical condition. If such exercise is really harmful to you, I will not force you to run. But the actual situation is that running like this is good for both of you, so this matter does not matter." It has to be discussed.”


Theron immediately fell to the ground with a sad look on his face.

After the three little ones had rested, Zhang Ping took them and set off again, stopping and stopping along the way and collecting a lot of abilities.

It's a pity that most of the alienated beasts are not good-looking, and they all look like crooked melons and cracked dates.

They probably thought that as long as their abilities were strong enough, they could survive, and there was no need to be too beautiful, so they allowed their bodies to grow wildly.

Now comes retribution.

They were all killed by Zhang Ping because they were not good-looking enough.

In fact, Zhang Ping didn't mean that he disliked them for being ugly. The main reason was that the rescue team was a just organization. If the alien beasts brought by the team members were all the type with strange paintings and the ability to scare children into tears, it would be hard for the residents of Pearl City to believe it. The rescue team is decent.

"Hey, there is a village ahead, but it looks abandoned. Let's go and have a look."

After walking for a while, a village appeared in the distance. After Zhang Ping saw the village, he immediately smiled at the three little ones.

The three little ones just drank some water and have now recovered. So under the leadership of Fat Cat, they ran into the village first. When Zhang Ping arrived, the three little ones were standing at the entrance of the village and refused to go in.

Zhang Ping looked towards the village. A large number of animal furs were hung at the entrance of the village, dense bones were scattered on the ground, and many weird scarecrows were hanging inside.

Something is wrong!

Zhang Ping muttered in his heart, and then extended his telepathy into the village.

Although the atmosphere in this deserted village was weird, he found nothing wherever his telepathy passed. He continued to control his telekinesis to fall on the scarecrows, and suddenly the scarecrows opened their eyes one by one.

"Yo, you scared me!"

Zhang Ping's eyes widened slightly, and then he couldn't help but laugh.

The scarecrows inserted in the village slowly raised their heads. Their faces were made of blood-colored skin. However, Zhang Ping discovered after a little analysis that it was not human skin, but animal skin.

"Little Theron, I leave them to you!

"Zhang Ping looked at the three little ones at this time and immediately said with a smile.

Both the fat cat and the little Theron were startled, and then looked at Zhang Ping in disbelief. Instead, Big Yellow barked and said: "No problem, the master is optimistic. The brave Big Yellow will do it for you now." Master, defeat all powerful enemies!”

"come on!"

Zhang Ping finished speaking with a smile, and the next moment he quickly flew into the air, flying deeper into the village.

Those scarecrows actually just look scary, and their actual combat effectiveness is probably not as good as that of armored poison-tailed rats. Rhubarb has the ability to distinguish between good and evil, and can also sense the approximate strength of the target, so it only dares to attack them after making sure that the enemy is not strong. .

Zhang Ping flew to a more central location in the village, and within a moment he found several human beings with a quick sweep of his mind.

He fell slowly, and the humans immediately looked up at him, then opened their mouths and let out a roar.


When Zhang Ping saw this scene, he felt slightly reassured.

Among many mutant beasts, fox-like mutant beasts have never been the type that is strong in frontal combat. Even the alien Moon Prince among the Tianchang Foxes has very limited physical strength.

However, fox-like mutant beasts are not without advantages. Their abilities are often known for being strange and weird, making it difficult for people to defend themselves.

Many awakened people who are stronger than fox-like mutant beasts may fall into the trap of fox-like mutant beasts in some cases and die in confusion.

This village has obviously been invaded by some fox-like mutant beasts. There is a nest of foxes living here!

Zhang Ping did not know the abilities of those foxes. He just smelled the smell of foxes in the air, and his telekinesis also found fox hair on the ground.

As for where those foxes are hiding and what abilities they have, they can only be determined by finding them.

Zhang Ping controlled his telekinesis to penetrate into the ground. Because of the obstruction of the land, the penetration speed was very slow. After he dealt with several hideous savages, he finally found three foxes in the tunnel under a dry well.

These three foxes were surprisingly small. If the Tianchang Fox was a giant mutant, then these three foxes were actually evolving towards miniature beasts.

Zhang Ping used his telekinesis to suppress the three foxes, and then pulled them out of the tunnel under the dry well.

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