I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [038] Pure Blood Body

The Iron Soul is gone.

After Prince Yue saw the corpse of the Tianchang Fox, he directly used three tails to destroy the Iron Soul.

Fortunately, Liu Sishan got instructions from Situ Shibai and took Liu Tiefeng away one step ahead, so nothing happened to the two of them.

Zhang Ping came to the south of the city through the canal. He took out the ghost lantern again, and then came out of the canal. He looked back at the tails flying around, took a deep breath, and turned around to leave Pearl City.

Next time he comes back, he will definitely kill Prince Yue!

He knew it was difficult.

Don't look at the fact that he just blocked Prince Moon's attack. In fact, Prince Moon probably didn't even use 10% of his strength. After all, those were just Prince Moon's five tails.

And now the entire Pearl City is full of Prince Yue's tails. With how thick these tails are, if they all attack him alone, his Mist Mist may not be able to block even one round of attacks.

But even if he can block it, is the Moon Prince more than just a tail?

"Sister Sisi, where are you?"

Zhang Ping recovered his thoughts, took out his badge and asked as he walked forward.

After a moment, he received Liu Sishan's reply and quickly rushed towards the direction of the previous camp.

Naturally, the cleaning team not only has one headquarters in the wild, but also has many safe houses. Some of these safe houses are built in a rock, and some are built underground or in trees.

Liu Sishan took Liu Tiefeng out. Considering that Liu Tiefeng was seriously injured, she temporarily hid in a safe house not far from Pearl City.

After a while, Zhang Ping rushed over.

The two identified each other through badges, and then Zhang Ping entered the safe house.

This is a huge hollowed-out rock with only one room inside and a large amount of compressed food and distilled water. The compressed energy bar Liu Sishan gave him last time was actually taken out of this safe house.

"Grandpa Liu, I'm sorry." Zhang Ping came in and immediately walked up to Liu Tiefeng. He looked at Liu Tiefeng's wounds and said with slightly red eyes.

Liu Tiefeng wanted to hit Zhang Ping on the head, but as soon as he moved, the wound was involved. He couldn't help but take a breath. He hissed and said angrily: "What's the big deal? Old man, I have lived so long." , One missing arm is nothing, but boy, how did you provoke such a murderer? "

In his eyes, the person who entered the house to commit murder was a human being, and he was a fierce and strong man.

"Sister Sisi, can I say something?" Zhang Ping thought for a while, looked at Liu Sishan and asked.

Liu Sishan knew what Zhang Ping was asking, so she said calmly: "You are not one of my team members. How can I control whether you say anything or not?"


He is not a member of the cleaning team, and he has not signed a confidentiality contract with the cleaning team, so the cleaning team can't control whatever he wants.

"Grandpa Liu, actually... that's not a human, but an alienated beast..." He looked at Liu Tiefeng, and then told everything he knew.

Liu Tiefeng frowned as he listened. He glanced at Liu Sishan, then looked at Zhang Ping and asked, "In other words, Pearl City has become the world of those stinky foxes now?"

"Well, although they don't dare to act rashly, the city is indeed unsafe." Zhang Ping nodded.

Liu Tiefeng immediately thought of his son Liu Dashan. He closed his eyes and took a while to accept the information. Then he looked at Zhang Ping, endured the pain and patted Zhang Ping's shoulder with his only hand, saying: "Then you can There’s no need to feel guilty, you didn’t do anything wrong, you did a great job!”

"Grandpa Liu, you

Don't move, I will find a way later and I will definitely heal your hand and even grow another arm! "Zhang Ping quickly helped Liu Tiefeng lie down and prevented him from moving.

Liu Tiefeng forced a smile and said: "Don't underestimate you, Grandpa Liu. I was also a member of the investigation team back then. Look at the injury on my waist. That injury is much more serious than this hand."

It was that injury that made it difficult for him to give birth. He only had a son like Liu Dashan, otherwise he could have given birth to at least ten or eight.

"But..." Zhang Ping was still very worried.

Liu Tiefeng put on a serious face and said: "Okay, okay, I won't die for a while, please let me be quiet, the little girl is still waiting for you, you go do business first, if you can get the people in Mingzhu City The stinky fox has been dealt with, let alone one of my arms, even if I lose all my hands and feet."

"Okay, then Grandpa Liu, have a good rest. Wait, I'll get you a glass of water. If you lose too much blood, you need to drink more water and replenish blood. Let me think about it..." Zhang Ping nodded, but then he thought of something more. There were many things that Liu Tiefeng might use, so he took them out one by one from the gold treasure house.

Liu Tiefeng said impatiently: "Go, go, don't bother me here, these things are enough, I'm really fine."

Although he is old and frail, his mental and willpower is extremely strong. It was really uncomfortable when he was injured at first, but now he has recovered. As long as he does not suffer a second serious injury, he will slowly be able to get over it.

Zhang Ping had no choice but to stand up. He looked at Liu Sishan, who motioned for him to go out and talk.

The two came out of the safe house, and Zhang Ping immediately took out the ghost lantern.

"Sister Sisi, thank you."

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and bowed sincerely.

If Liu Sishan hadn't arrived in time to save Liu Tiefeng, he would have regretted it for the rest of his life.

"It just happened to happen, and your identity was exposed." Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and said calmly.

Zhang Ping nodded. He thought for a while and said, "It was probably exposed during the previous battle. After all, I had no means of concealing my information at that time. If the enemy secretly identified me during the battle, my identity would be easily determined." "

This was something he had not considered before.

He did not expect the enemy to react so quickly. He decided to take Chen Junting back on impulse. This was definitely not in anyone's plan, and it was not long from the start to the end of the battle.

It was hard to imagine that the enemy could arrange an appraiser to appraise him so quickly.

"Mingzhu City, I'm afraid you can't go back. Wait for the captain's arrangement first. Take this." Liu Sishan took out a test tube and handed it to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping took the test tube and found that it was golden blood. He looked at Liu Sishan in confusion.

"I thought about your ability carefully, and then went back to check the metals you ate. The result was that the metals were completely undamaged, that is to say... the metals you ate were not digested at all, and there was no absorption, so you could not get the corresponding physique.

The information you provided before was very useful, so this is the reward given to you by the cleaning team, golden blood!" Liu Sishan explained.

Zhang Ping was surprised and said, "Could it be that golden blood?"

"Yes, it is Jin Bo's golden blood. He needs to draw blood and store it every once in a while. This blood is generally used to treat teammates or extend the lifespan of some meritorious elders. You can try drinking it and see if you can get this power." Liu Sishan nodded.

Zhang Ping originally wanted to give it to Liu Tiefeng, but after listening to Liu Sishan's words,

he suddenly realized that if he obtained the ability of golden blood, wouldn't he be able to produce golden blood continuously.

Moreover, he will not be anemic. After bleeding, he will immediately turn into a pure water body, absorb enough water and then turn back into a flesh and blood body...

At this moment, he seemed to see endless golden blood.

"By the way, golden blood belongs to bloodline-type ability, so there is a probability that it will be inherited to the next generation, and it may also be inherited from the next generation. You'd better be mentally prepared." Liu Sishan saw Zhang Ping open the lid and reminded him again.

In fact, bloodline-type ability is not bad, but it lacks the excitement similar to opening a blind box.

Most awakeners don't know what abilities their offspring will awaken, just like a card-drawing game, which may be N cards, but there is also the possibility of an SSR. However, blood-type awakeners are different. They know that their offspring are likely to inherit their abilities. If their own bloodline abilities are practical-level abilities, then the child can only be practical-level.

Zhang Ping drank the blood directly in one gulp, and then swallowed it with great pain. He frowned and said, "Is there such a good thing?"

It's just a chance of inheritance, not 100%.

Besides, it's not certain whether he will have a wife in the future, so why think so far ahead.

"How is it, did you get the ability?" Liu Sishan remembered that Zhang Ping had quickly obtained the pure water body before, so he asked expectantly after Zhang Ping drank the golden blood.

Zhang Ping shook his head, and after a while he suddenly felt something strange in his body. He stretched out his arm, and his arm turned into blood in an instant.

He was stunned at first, and then used the identification technique on himself.

No other abilities changed, except that there was a pure blood body behind the pure water body.

[Pure Blood Body: The body can be transformed into a pure blood form, which can be integrated into the target's body to quickly recover from injuries.

Note: Love what I love, hate what I hate, and leave no regrets! ]

Zhang Ping was surprised after reading it. He immediately realized that this ability could be used to repair Liu Tiefeng's injuries.

"What's wrong, your hand?" Liu Sishan asked when he saw Zhang Ping's face full of surprise.

Because of his experience with the pure water body, Zhang Ping turned into a ball of blood in an instant. He found that there was a huge difference between the pure water body and the pure blood body. Only after the complete transformation could he distinguish the difference in this ability level.

The pure water body can absorb water molecules in the air to restore itself, but the pure blood body does not have this ability. He can't even feel the humidity in the air or the difference in the surrounding temperature.

However, the pure blood body also has an advantage, that is, it can accurately perceive the state of the target.

For example, Liu Sishan in front of him, although she is still wearing a mask, he can see the hideous scar on her face through the perspective of the pure blood body.

In an instant, he understood why Liu Sishan had been wearing a mask.

"Sister Sisi, in this state, I can feel the life state of all living beings, and I can also integrate into the other person's body and repair all injuries on the other person's body, even scars can be removed." Zhang Ping controlled his body and spoke.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping in silence, and after a long time, he spoke: "Then you should treat Grandpa Liu first."

"Well, let's talk about it later. To be honest, I have known Sister Sisi for so long, and I don't know how Sister Sisi has been doing over the years." Zhang Ping did not refuse, but nodded.

Liu Sishan was stunned, then nodded slightly, and a trace of sadness could not help revealing in his eyes.

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