I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [392] All members awaken

Chen Weihua said: "Xuejie, can you sense my biological force field?"

"Ah? Is there one?" Cheng Xuejie was stunned and then asked.

She sensed the resistance in Chen Weihua's body, but the resistance was too small and dissipated at the first touch. She really couldn't associate the resistance with the biological force field.

"It must be there. I have sensed my biological force field. It is around your biological force field. Try it and help me condense the biological force field!" Chen Weihua said.

Cheng Xuejie nodded repeatedly and said, "Oh, let me give it a try."

As she spoke, she quickly closed her eyes and used her biological force field to sense Chen Weihua's body. Gradually, she felt Chen Weihua's biological force field.

Weak, ethereal, and disintegrated at the touch of a finger.

Cheng Xuejie took a deep breath, and in the next moment she controlled her biological force field to gradually surround Cheng Xuejie's biological force field.

"I feel it. Shrink it a little more to make it more real!" Chen Weihua said immediately.

Cheng Xuejie nodded and said: "Okay, if you feel uncomfortable in any way, remember to tell me!"

As she spoke, she continued to help compress Chen Weihua's biological force field, further compacting the originally ethereal biological force field.

Chen Weihua finally felt her own biological force field. This biological force field was very weak, smaller than a grain of rice, but it was real and no longer had the ethereal feeling before.

She controlled the biological force field to move within a limited range and became a little familiar with the feeling of the biological force field. At the same time, she tried to control it with her own thoughts to make it smaller.

But this was very difficult. She spent several minutes unable to further compress the biological force field. In desperation, she had no choice but to say: "Xuejie, now you relax the range a little, and I will try to move it!"

"Okay!" Cheng Xuejie nodded immediately when she saw that Chen Weihua seemed to have really controlled her biological force field.

When she gradually relaxed the pressure of Chen Weihua's biological force field on Chen Weihua's biological force field, Chen Weihua's biological force field suddenly became slightly looser.

Chen Weihua immediately used her thoughts to control the contraction of the biological force field. This time it was also a little difficult, but it was not impossible.

Half an hour later, the biological force field was compressed to the size of a grain of rice by Chen Weihua herself. She controlled the movement of the biological force field, increasing its speed little by little, and finally dispersed and reunited the biological force field, repeating this operation.

"Okay, Xuejie, now you can withdraw your biological force field from my body, and let's see if I can still control it!" Chen Weihua said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie responded and immediately retreated her biological force field outside Chen Weihua's body.

Ten minutes later, Chen Weihua opened her eyes and said with a smile: "Okay, I have successfully awakened the biological force field. Although it is very weak, but if I continue to exercise, it may be useful one day in the future."

"Really?" Cheng Xuejie said in surprise.

Chen Weihua nodded and said: "It's true, but I can't release the biological force field outside the body for the time being. It's too weak. Once released, I'm afraid it will be gone."

"At least it was successful." Cheng Xuejie said happily.

Chen Weihua nodded and said with a smile: "Let's review the awakening process just now, and then let others try it, with more common rules!"

"Okay!" Cheng Xuejie nodded enthusiastically.

Next, the two entered the monitoring room and discussed the awakening process of the biological force field with the doctors. Several doctors made a prompt decision and expressed their willingness to be the second echelon of experimenters.

After all, they are doctors and their understanding of the body is far better than ordinary people. It is easier for them to find the rules if they come first.

Chen Weihua was right about this. After all, there were people willing to be free guinea pigs, and she could save a fortune. The medical research team's monthly contributions were very tight, so it would be great to have free prostitution.

After a round of tests, only two of the five doctors successfully awakened the biological force field. The remaining three doctors were not up to standard physically and mentally. Not only were the biological force fields extremely weak, but they were also very mentally slow and were completely unable to detect Cheng Xuejie's... The biological force field invaded my body.

"Judging from the current situation, the strength of the biological force field is related to the strength of the body and spirit. The stronger the body and spirit, the stronger the biological force field. The weaker the body and spirit, the weaker the biological force field will be. You have to be weak," Chen Weihua concluded.

A doctor who awakened the biological force field smiled and said: "One more thing, the stronger the mental power, the easier it is to detect the invasion of the biological force field. The speed of my awakening is slower than that of Team Leader Chen, precisely because my mental power is stronger than that of Team Leader Chen. Longer and weaker.”

"Right now, we shouldn't really have awakened the biological force field. We can only say that we have sensed the existence of the biological force field. Although we can control it a little, there is still a long way to go before it can be used." Another awakened biological force field field doctor

Sheng said.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "Then let's try to find a few different types of awakened people. First, we'll find someone who is physically strong but mentally weak, then we'll find someone who's mentally strong but physically weak, and finally we'll find someone who's both physically and mentally strong. , you should be able to get more detailed information by comparing it.”

"Then let's issue the mission. How much merit can we give?" asked an old doctor.

Chen Weihua said with pain: "After completing the experiment, one person has 2 points of merit, no, each person has 1 point of merit. After all, successfully awakening the biological force field is a matter of pure profit. When the method of awakening the biological force field is mature in the future, we must Reverse charging, whoever wants to awaken can take credit for it!”

Everyone burst into laughter. Merit can be exchanged for things in private. In the rescue team, it is hard currency. Who would think that there are too many merits?

Half a month later.

Zhang Ping returned to the rescue team headquarters carrying a handsome wild boar.

He walked across the playground and saw several awakened people gesticulating, looking like lunatics.

"Brother, what are they doing?" Zhang Ping asked curiously, holding a bearded man.

The bearded man smiled and said, "Are you on a mission?"

"I guess so." Zhang Ping lifted the wild boar in his hand.

The bearded man saw the wild boar and was surprised, "This pig looks pretty good. Wait... Why do I think pigs look pretty? It's weird."

"Its name is Zhu Chengmian. I just think its ability is interesting, so I caught it." Zhang Ping laughed.

The bearded man laughed, "Zhu Chengmian, hahahaha, this name is interesting."

"No, brother, don't interrupt, what's wrong with them?" Zhang Ping forced the topic back at this time, looking at the people gesticulating, and asked curiously.

The bearded man proudly stretched out his hand, gestured, and said with a smile: "That is the biological force field. Now each person only needs 10 merits to awaken the power of the biological force field, which is equivalent to having an extra superpower. They are training their own biological force field."

"Awaken? Where?" Zhang Ping asked in surprise.

The bearded man pointed to the medical research group building and said with a smile: "It's over there in the medical research group. You are so strong, as long as your mental strength is not too bad, it shouldn't be a big problem. If your mental strength is too weak, you can only wait and find a way to increase your mental strength first."

"Oh, thank you, I'll go and take a look now!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

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