I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [042] Phoenix Comes to Fairyland

Liu Sishan contacted Situ Shibai again. This was her third contact tonight.

However, Situ Shibai's attitude remained unchanged. He said that he would focus on observing the situation tonight and wait until dawn to decide on specific actions.

Zhang Ping guessed that Situ Shibai must know something, perhaps waiting for the opportunity.

He yawned.

Although he was tired and sleepy, he was concerned about Qiu Qiang's safety. He gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and tried to contact the blood snake again.

When his attention shifted to the blood snake, the water-eating bullet rabbit was hiding in a pit. It was in a very bad condition, with several broken ribs, and was lying on the ground dying.

He quickly treated the water-eating bullet rabbit and observed the surrounding environment.

Not far from the pit was the city wall. Several telekinetic awakeners were using their abilities to fish the bodies of other water-eating bullet rabbits onto the city wall. Many awakeners on the city wall were eating supper.

This might be a good opportunity to enter Mingzhu City.

In fact, both the wild wolf and the water-eroding bullet rabbit were obviously driven here by the zombies behind them. They had no intention of entering the city. It was too late when they ran to the city wall.

Zhang Ping signaled the water-eroding bullet rabbit to run forward. Probably because Zhang Ping had been helping it, the water-eroding bullet rabbit was very obedient. After its injury improved, it ran forward carefully. When it ran to the city, it walked along the city wall to find an entrance.

In fact, there are many canals in Mingzhu City leading to the outside world, but the canals under the city wall are blocked by iron fences, but this obviously does not pose a problem for the water-eroding bullet rabbit.

When the water-eroding bullet rabbit moved to a canal, it sprayed water from its ears towards the iron fence, and the iron fence was quickly corroded, and then it entered Mingzhu City through the canal.

It tiptoed out of the water and climbed to the ground next to the canal.

The water-eroding bullet rabbit shook off the water on its body first, and then walked forward carefully at Zhang Ping's signal.

In a residential building not far from the Iron Soul, Qiu Qiang clenched his fists and stared at the ruins of the Iron Soul.

He could imagine how horribly the Iron Soul was attacked in an instant by the collapse of the Iron Soul.

He smelled blood, but did not find any bodies.

What happened here?

Qiu Qiang was very angry, but also worried about the safety of Liu Tiefeng and Zhang Ping.

Suddenly, he saw a rabbit, which was circling around the Iron Soul, as if looking for something.

When the rabbit approached the residential building where he was, his pupils shrank instantly, because a line of blood words appeared next to the rabbit: Uncle Qiang, Grandpa Liu and I are in a safe place.

Then the line of words changed again: The city is not safe tonight.

Qiu Qiang looked around, immediately went downstairs, picked up the rabbit, turned around and went upstairs quickly, and when he was sure that no one around could see him, he asked, "Are you Zhang Ping?"


The bloody handwriting on the rabbit's snow-white fur changed rapidly.

Qiu Qiang widened his eyes and whispered in surprise: "How did you turn into a rabbit?"

"No, I used my ability to temporarily live in this rabbit. My original body and Grandpa Liu are in a safe place. Mingzhu City is very dangerous now. A large number of zombies are approaching." Zhang Ping displayed it in paragraphs.

Because there are too many words, this paragraph was displayed several times.

Qiu Qiang frowned after reading it, and then

asked: "What's the matter with the Iron Soul, who did it?"

"Uncle Qiang, I don't know if I can tell you that Mingzhu City is not safe." Zhang Ping displayed it. He was mainly afraid that Prince Yue would see the text he displayed.

Qiu Qiang took a deep breath and said decisively: "Then I will go to find you now."

"Don't come, the zombies are moving towards Mingzhu City from our side. Uncle Qiang, you go to the south wall now to see the situation. I need to know the specific situation of the zombies." Zhang Ping refused decisively.

Qiu Qiang thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay."

He held the Erosion Bullet Rabbit and moved decisively toward the southern wall. He soon saw light on the wall in the distance, which meant that there were many people on the wall.

As he got closer, he began to smell the bloody smell, and he trusted the information provided by the bloody words a little more.

Ten minutes later, he proved his identity through several familiar adventurers, then climbed the wall and looked out. There were corpses everywhere outside the wall.

The corpses of wild wolves, the corpses of Erosion Bullet Rabbits, and the corpses of many other creatures.

"Uncle Qiang, tell everyone that there will be zombies approaching soon. Some of those zombies are the corpses of awakened people, and they can still use their abilities before they died. Moreover, they have corpse poison. Don't be scratched, otherwise they will be infected with corpse poison and eventually become new zombies." Zhang Ping quickly displayed lines of text.

Qiu Qiang frowned and said, "How many zombies are there?"

"It's hard to calculate, but a conservative estimate is more than 50,000." Zhang Ping thought for a while and gave a rough number.

When he saw the zombies, he used the identification technique directly, but the zombies gave very little information. He had just told Qiu Qiang what he knew.

Qiu Qiang also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time. With 50,000 zombies attacking the city, they, the hundreds of adventurers, could never stop the zombies.

More adventurers must be gathered!

"Everyone, listen to me."

Qiu Qiang thought about it, stood on the top of the city wall, and said loudly.

The adventurers who were eating the barbecued bullet rabbit looked at Qiu Qiang. Someone recognized Qiu Qiang and laughed, "Stinky Qiang, you don't want to tell us that rabbits are so cute, how can we eat rabbits?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The other adventurers burst into laughter.

Qiu Qiang said seriously: "Okay, let's get down to business. This rabbit is the contact information between one of my little brothers and me. He is now outside the city investigating why these animals are close to the city."

"Isn't it because the patrol team has been fishing and neglecting its duties during this period?" A female adventurer asked doubtfully.

Qiu Qiang shook his head and said: "It's hard to say the specific situation, but this little brother of mine has confirmed that there are more than 50,000 living corpses approaching the Pearl City. If nothing unexpected happens, they will arrive soon."

"Really?" an adventurer asked in shock.

Qiu Qiang simply raised the rabbit and said, "Xiao Zhang, tell me."

Lines of text immediately appeared on the snow-white fur of the rabbit, describing the specific situation of the living corpse again. This time, no adventurers doubted it.

The main reason is that there is no need to doubt, the living corpse will appear soon, and if this is a lie, it will be exposed as soon as it is poked.

"Fifty thousand living corpses, this is not normal. Let's go to the city lord's mansion quickly. It's impossible for adventurers like us to solve this matter alone." Some adventurers said in a panic.

Now everyone is no longer in the mood to eat rabbit meat, one by one

His face looked worried, panicked, and frightened.

"Everyone, listen to me. I am afraid that the people in the City Lord's Mansion are no longer reliable. We should find ways to gather more awakened people. This is the moment of life and death for Pearl City. If you don't want to become a bereaved dog, then come and protect our city." Before, he shot Eclipse with a bow and arrow. The beard of Water Bullet Rabbit stood up and said in a loud voice.

Qiu Qiang nodded and said: "Yes, in addition to us adventurers, there are many awakened people in various walks of life, and they are also fighting power."

"I know Zhou Shoucheng, the owner of Langya Martial Arts School. I'll invite him over." An adventurer immediately said loudly.

"Yes, I'll go ask the owner of the Dragon-Slaying Sword Hall."

"I'm going to invite the owner of the Beast King Boxing Gym!"

"I'm going to invite the owner of the Huahua Martial Arts School!"

The adventurers spoke one after another, and then left quickly one by one.

Pearl City is very big, but adventurers move very fast, and many awakened people from other industries rushed over in just a few minutes.

Through the eyes of the bullet rabbit, Zhang Ping saw the instructor Bai De rushing over at an extremely fast speed. Instead of taking the stairs to the city wall, he jumped directly from the roof of a house to the city wall. His jumping power was amazing.


An adventurer spoke up.

Because of the different levels of attention, the adventurers did not investigate the surrounding situation before.

But after knowing that there were more than 50,000 living corpses, the adventurers used all their strength, and some of the beast-controllers sent the alienated beasts they controlled outside the city to monitor them.

At this time, through the alienated beast they controlled, they saw densely packed living corpses staggeringly appearing.

An adventurer with eagle eyes was sweating on his forehead and gritted his teeth and said: "I'm afraid it's more than fifty thousand, seventy thousand or eighty thousand. Are there so many corpses near Pearl City?"

"Okay, don't be too nervous. Most living zombies are not very strong. I'm afraid this time is just a trial."

At this time, a strong man in white clothes walked out of the crowd. His hair was very thick and he looked like a golden lion king.

Since Bai De was following him, Zhang Ping guessed that this strong man in white was probably the owner of the Beast King Boxing Gym.

"Master Feng, do you mean there is someone behind the scenes?" asked a man holding a long knife.

The strong man in white said with a smile: "It's hard to say, but during this period the patrol team inexplicably retreated into the city lord's palace. Only three teams of the investigation team remained in the city. Do you think it's normal that so many living corpses suddenly appeared to attack the city?"


Many awakened people cannot help but ponder.

"Look, something is coming from the east!" At this time, an adventurer shouted loudly.

Qiu Qiang and Zhang Ping looked toward the east of the city. A large number of black crows were flying quickly. These crows exuded black energy and their bodies seemed to be somewhat dilapidated.

"No, those crows are also living corpses!" the eagle-eyed adventurer from before exclaimed.

The strong man in white immediately said: "It can't be such a mess anymore. Our Beast King Boxing Gym is responsible for the south side. If you are willing to stay, the awakened people will sign up. We only need five thousand people. If the south side city is destroyed, you can take the head of me, Feng Laixian." Take it!”

"If you have the guts, then give me the Dragon-Slaying Sword Hall in the east. I only need five thousand people. If the city in the east is destroyed, you can take my head, Ao Donghai!" A swordsman laughed.

Then the owners of the other two boxing gyms also spoke up and contracted the defense of the other two walls.

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