I Contracted Myself


This is not what he wanted to do in his previous life, but what he wanted to do in this life.

However, because he was too busy and had super equipment such as Dragon Dragon Lord, Sun Moon Pearl, and Sun Moon Mirror in front of him, he really didn't think he could build equipment that could compare with it.

Especially Dragon Dragon Master.

That was a combination of accident and miracle. Even if he wanted to do it again, he would never be able to create it again.

"If you want to do it, then do it!" Lin Renmei encouraged.

Wuming frowned and said: "Actually, strictly speaking, I have forged a magical weapon. Feng Laixian, you know, the Guandao he uses was forged by me and is very famous in Pearl City."

Because Feng Laixian often uses the Guandao to kill various alienated beasts, and also because of the domineering shape of the Guandao, many awakened people now customize the same weapon.

It can be said that Wuming has forged a world-famous magical weapon, but most people don't know that he forged it.

"Then why not help me build a weapon? The only condition is that I can use it and it won't be damaged!" Lin Renmei rolled her eyes and said.

She usually fights enemies with bare hands, mainly because most weapons are not as strong as her palms and cannot withstand her huge strength.

"Want to help you build weapons? Yes, let me do some research and treat it as a challenge." Wuming looked at Lin Renmei and realized that Lin Renmei wanted to help him, so he agreed with a smile.

Next, the two of them were far apart and talked about almost everything, even about marriage.

Lin Renmei said curiously: "Wu Ming, who do you actually like more? Xuejie, Jingyao, Weihua, it's so hard to choose."

"I don't have that kind of mundane desire!" Wuming replied immediately.

Lin Renmei gave Wuming a white look and said, "Liar, you just want to have it all."

"No, don't make blind guesses." Wuming retorted.

Lin Renmei grew up in a dungeon. Although the prisoners did not dare to talk to her, they often talked to each other about various colorful topics.

She knows exactly what men are thinking.

"Since it's not Xuejie and the others, are you treating me?" She looked at Wuming with a half-smile, and asked slowly.

Wuming complained: "When you stick your butt out, I will know whether you want to fart or poop. What do you think I will think?"

"How dare you say it again!" Lin Renmei gritted her teeth.

Wuming complained: "Isn't it?"

"You bastard!"

Lin Renmei immediately became angry and punched Wuming away.

The battle begins again!

Return to headquarters.

Wuming began to retreat, but this time he was doing it for his own forging dream.

Before the forging, he spent a lot of effort and almost emptied the entire rescue team's material library. No matter how rare the material is, with the help of countless parallel worlds, he can collect a lot if he is willing to collect it. Now almost all materials are available in Dream City. have,

"Concentrate on challenging one thing, be determined to succeed, and ignore all external interference. The day I succeed will be when I advance!"

Wuming sat cross-legged in the room, making hints in his mind.

To transcend oneself, one does not necessarily have to transcend comprehensively. It can also be transcended unilaterally. This is what happened to the Water Lily Emperor, so he advanced the moment he created the robot.

Now Wuming plans to try the method of Water Lily Emperor.

He spent a day meditating, leaving a seed within himself.

The next day, he began to think about what kind of weapons Lin Renmei needed, and began to write and draw on paper, constantly designing and then overturning his own designs.

The first thing he thought of was a sword, a long sword with a smooth shape.

The problem is that Lin Renmei is very powerful, and using a sword actually limits her power. After all, most swordsmanship is light and agile, relying on thrusting and challenging fights.

Then he thought of the knife.

With Lin Renmei's strength, if she uses a broadsword, she can move forward in an indomitable way and sweep through thousands of armies.

However, when the image of Lin Renmei fighting crazily with a nine-ring machete appeared in his mind, he suddenly felt various contradictions, which were not in line with Lin Renmei's temperament.

Although Lin Renmei's attacks are powerful and heavy, Lin Renmei actually has a very good figure. She is fat where she should be fat and thin where she should be thin. Especially her slim waist is even more fascinating.

As a girl favored by God, Lin Renmei really has no flaws except for being able to poop.

Wuming thought about it again and again, but he couldn't think of any weapons that fit Lin Renmei's temperament.


Wuming thought about it

I thought, then shook my head in denial.

Although Lin Renmei does not need long-range means in most cases, Lin Renmei actually has long-range attack moves. In addition to biological force field, she is also proficient in Chaos Qi and Fire Dragon Rigid Body, with a maximum attack range of hundreds of thousands. rice.

Now if she were to fight Apophis and the others again, even without Wuming's various bonuses, she would still be able to deal with them with her skills, and even use various mysteries to deal super high damage.

Letting her use a bow and arrow will only be limited by the bow string, which will not bring out her strongest strength at all. It is better to give her a spear that can be thrown.

"It seems it can only be a decoration, preferably an external weapon like Dragon Dragon Master."

Wuming thought about it again and again, and finally made a somewhat helpless conclusion.

But when it comes to Dragon Dragon Master, Dragon Dragon Master is actually not particularly useful. It can still play a role in defeating Transcendents. But when it reaches the level of Ascendants and Domain Masters, it really doesn’t mean you can hit the wall just because you have more energy.

That already involves the level of rules and status, and ordinary attacks can hardly pose a threat to them.

Thinking of this, external weapons don't seem to be very reliable.

Wuming sighed, and simply summoned the healing white tiger. He lay on the healing white tiger, narrowed his eyes slightly, and decided to continue working hard tomorrow.

In the following days, Wuming was stuck on what weapon to make.

He thought about this question again and again, and finally took out his mobile phone to call Lin Renmei's number and asked: "Renmei, I forgot to ask, what weapon do you want?"

"Could it be that you have been thinking about this question these days?" Lin Renmei was silent for a moment, and asked a little speechlessly.

Wuming nodded repeatedly and said distressedly: "I really can't think of any weapon that suits you, especially you are too perfect, so I want to make a weapon that matches your temperament."

"I want a meteor hammer!" Lin Renmei said directly on the other end of the phone.

Wuming's face suddenly turned black. He just said that he was worthy of Lin Renmei's temperament, and then Lin Renmei said he wanted a meteor hammer. It doesn't match at all!

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding you. I remember my father used a weapon, it seems to be a cane sword. If you can, please help me make a cane sword." Lin Renmei continued with a smile.

Cane sword?

Wuming immediately thought of the dragon head crutch, and then his face turned black again. It didn't make sense for Lin Renmei to use a dragon head crutch.

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