I Contracted Myself

【070】The method of rebirth of the dormant dragon

In fact, the ‘Immortal Weapon Personality’ is not a real Immortal Weapon.

Even Wuming himself doesn't know how powerful the Immortal Weapon Personality is and what level it is at.

Because the identification technique displays the attributes of an item in a nameless and understandable way, when an item is created from scratch, it must be characterized according to the creator's ideas.

If Wuming was thinking about forging an 'artifact', then the attributes displayed would be 'artifact personality'. If he was thinking about making 'magic equipment', the attributes that might be displayed would be 'magic personality'.

Therefore, Wuming himself didn't even know what the Immortal Weapon Personality was.

Although the description of 'immortal weapon status' is very overbearing and can instantly kill anyone whose status is lower than itself, is it actually at the 'bottom'?

It's like there is a person whose ability can instantly kill anyone weaker than him.

The problem is that he is the weakest in the world.

Is this ability useful?

The answer is obvious. This ability is of no use because no one is weaker than him.

Immortal weapon status currently has hidden concerns in this regard. Wuming did not forge his right hand immediately after forging his left hand, but entered the research state again.

Outside, the people who were watching the excitement gradually dispersed.

Although Chen Weihua, Lin Renmei and others were worried about Wuming's situation, they left after confirming that Wuming was fine.

In the next period of time, dark clouds would appear in the house of Wuming Retreat from time to time, and then thunder would strike down at the place where Wuming Retreat was located.

There would even be meteor showers later, and the disaster became more exaggerated each time.

However, everyone has become accustomed to this scene, and gradually no longer cares about it. Only Su Jingyao and Lin Renmei occasionally stop and stare when they pass by out of boredom, and finally leave quietly.

In the blink of an eye, ten months passed.

Suddenly, an unprecedented thunderbolt fell in the nameless retreat house, and then disasters such as meteors, fire rain, tornadoes, etc. appeared in turn.

This disaster was unprecedented. Lin Renmei and others appeared one after another, all looking solemnly at the nameless retreat house.

The main body of the house has been destroyed by the flames, leaving only the frame maintained with superpowers that still retains traces of the barrier, but this barrier is obviously about to be unable to support it.

"What should I do? Will Captain Wuming be okay?" Cheng Xuejie

Looking at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him, he asked worriedly.

Chen Weihua clenched her fists and gritted her teeth: "No one is allowed to take action, just wait and see what happens!"

"What if the captain needs our rescue?" a member of the rescue team asked worriedly.

Chen Weihua took a deep breath and said firmly: "What we have to do now is to believe in the captain. All this must be within his expectations. After all, he uses all superpowers himself!"


Whether it is lightning or fire, whether it is meteors or tornadoes, they are all superpowers activated by Wuming himself.

After hearing Chen Weihua's words, the others felt a little more at ease, but still looked ahead worriedly.

Gradually the flames began to die out, the wind began to subside, and the thunder gradually stopped roaring.

Lin Renmei immediately flew up and quickly rose into the air, looking into the room from a high place. Then her eyes widened and she looked down in disbelief.

The other people who could fly all flew up. When they saw the inside of the house, they were all silent and their faces were full of shock.

In the ruins, a giant red dragon lay on the ground. It opened its mouth and spat out an 'egg' little by little. Then the egg gradually broke into pieces, and a baby emerged from the egg, giving out a smile that didn't look like a baby at all. Voice.

"Captain...had a baby!" Cheng Xuejie said in shock.

The next moment, countless people were in an uproar, and everyone began to discuss it.

"Quiet, everyone get down and keep this matter secret!" Chen Weihua ordered decisively at this time.

Everyone fell to the ground one after another. Although they were curious about the seed of the unknown captain's child, they all abided by the rules and did not discuss this topic again.

In the ruins, Wuming was very happy.

Everyone else thought that the dragon was the main body, but in fact the baby born in the egg was nameless.

It is true that he was unable to break the curse of the Lord of Darkness, but when he was deeply studying the 'Immortal Weapon Personality' and even wanted to come up with an 'Artifact Weapon Personality' and a 'Magic Weapon Personality', he accidentally researched a 'special' Technology.

This technique was named by him as the ‘Hidden Dragon Transformation Method’.

He can give up all his superpowers, all his personality, all his strength, and transform into a baby again, thereby escaping the curse of the Lord of Darkness.

To put it simply, it is probably like being reincarnated with memories.

All his power remains in the dragon shell, and the dragon

The outer shell had made a slave contract with him in advance and was still under his control, so rounding it off, he actually didn't lose anything, it was just that the main body lost its power.

Also... the most awesome thing about the Hidden Dragon Transformation Method is that it is 100% free from curses, seals, and negative effects.

For example, if a person is poisoned by a poison that cannot be cured, he can use the Hidden Dragon Transformation Method to leave the poison in his original body and be reborn in the form of a baby.

For another example, an enemy seals Wuming in his body, which is similar to the Jinchuriki in "Naruto", constantly extracting Wuming's power to use, and even needs Wuming to protect him, otherwise Wuming will die if he dies.

Then once Wuming uses the Hidden Dragon Slaughter Method, the person who sealed Wuming will have a big belly as if pregnant, and finally vomit out an egg.

Even before using the Hibernating Dragon Transformation Method, Wuming can set when his own power will explode to ensure that after his rebirth, the enemy will not be able to trouble him.

"So... you have become a baby now?"

Chen Weihua, Su Jingyao, Lin Renmei, Cheng Xuejie, Liu Sishan and others looked at the chubby Wuming curiously after listening to Wuming's explanation.

Baby Wuming is really not much different from a newborn baby now. He can't even speak with his throat yet. He can only communicate with the girls through the Dragon Shell.

"Do you want to find a nanny? You don't have teeth yet, right?" Chen Weihua picked up Wuming, pinched Wuming's cheek, glanced at Wuming's open mouth, and then looked at the Dragon Shell.

The Dragon Shell replied: "No need for a nanny, just prepare enough milk for me."

"Let me hold you." Cheng Xuejie had no resistance to cute things, and said with sparkling eyes.

Chen Weihua handed Wuming over to Cheng Xuejie carefully, then looked at the dragon's shell with a headache and asked, "What about the rescue team now? Many people saw you 'giving birth'."

"You decide. Anyway, I'm afraid I won't have time to manage the rescue team in the next ten years." Wuming replied.

He researched the method of hibernating dragon transformation and immediately couldn't wait to use it. In fact, he still had a lot of research to do, and he needed to devote himself to research for at least ten years.

The base rune is indeed profound, but through the immortal weapon status, he saw the other side of the base rune, perhaps that is the power of the transcendent.

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