I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [053] Liu Sishan’s Enemy

Li Aoxue smiled slightly and said: "If you fail, give me the Sun and Moon Pearl. You should understand that this is the general trend!"

"Li Aoxue, tell me, did you and the Zhu family... have any collusion?" Situ Shibai looked at Li Aoxue and asked seriously.

Li Aoxue smiled disdainfully and said: "Hehehe, failure, failure, you... you are so old, but you are still so naive. Do you think I need to rely on the power of that good-for-nothing family? But it seems... you are not willing to grow old. Hand over the Sun and Moon Pearl honestly, then don’t blame me!”

"Li Aoxue, what do you want to do?" Situ Shibai narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

At this moment, he was already murderous.

Li Aoxue chuckled and said: "I won't do anything, but the result will be revealed soon. Failure, how long has it been since you tasted the taste of failure?"

Suddenly, Situ Shibai's eyes burst into bright golden light, and huge light balls in the sky shot out beams of light.

However, Li Aoxue's figure gradually disappeared and was not affected by Situ Shibai's ability.

Situ Shibai stared at the monument blankly, and finally breathed out slowly.

Who is Li Aoxue?

Windtalkers always bring strange news inadvertently.

When Liu Sishan was ambushing, Zhang Ping heard the conversation between Situ Shibai and Li Aoxue.

Through the dialogue, he could confirm that the two people must be familiar with each other, but due to differences of opinion, the two may have turned against each other now.

As for whether they became enemies, it's hard to say.

"Sister Sisi, have you heard of Li Aoxue?" Zhang Ping couldn't help but ask.

Liu Sishan's demeanor suddenly changed, and she asked with murderous intent: "What did you hear?"

"Tell me first, who is Li Aoxue?" Zhang Ping heard the killing intent in Liu Sishan's tone, but he did not dare to say it directly.

Liu Sishan clenched her fists and forced herself to calm down. She gritted her teeth and said, "Li Aoxue is the most wanted criminal in the sweep-up team and the second... city lord of Pearl City!"

"Why did she betray Pearl City?" Zhang Ping asked in surprise.

Liu Sishan shook his head and said: "I don't know, that was more than 150 years ago, and there is not much information recorded in the file."

"Sister Sisi, do you have a grudge against her?" Zhang Ping asked cautiously.

Liu Sishan has calmed down. She knows that even if she goes to find Li Aoxue now, she is no match for him.

She clenched her fists, nodded and said: "My master

It was Li Aoxue who killed him. At that time, I was only an intermediate awakener and couldn't do anything. "

It was a very ordinary task, but he happened to meet Li Aoxue.

The other party played with the master and apprentice like a cat playing with a mouse, and even played a choose-one game in the end, letting only one of them leave.

In the end, Liu Sishan's master died in the battle, and Li Aoxue left peacefully.

She carried her master's body on her back and walked for three days and three nights, surviving close calls along the way, and finally returned to Pearl City.

From then on, she matured quickly and trained harder than anyone else before she seized the opportunity to join the cleaning team.

"She is just a beast, a heartless scum. Sooner or later, I will kill her!" Liu Sishan said word for word.

Zhang Ping was silent for a moment and said firmly: "Sister Sisi, I will help you!"

At this time, there was a rustling sound of trees swaying in front of him. Liu Sishan instantly abandoned his distracting thoughts and locked his eyes on the direction of the sound. Zhang Ping also quickly entered the state.

It is worth mentioning that the gold treasure house bracelet is now worn on Liu Sishan's wrist. Zhang Ping cannot use any equipment in this state.

"Brother, do you think those idiots thought we didn't find them?" A young man in blue came from the forest and asked the young man in red next to him.

The two of them are not very old. The young man in red is about nineteen or twenty years old, while the young man in blue is about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Their clothes are completely different from those in Pearl City. They are a bit like ancient costumes, but they do not hinder their movements. Moreover, there are a large number of complex patterns on their clothes, which are very delicate.

This is not like a savage from an ordinary village.

"No, be careful!"

Liu Sishan suddenly shouted low, and pure water appeared all around him. A small white snake was cut open by the pure water before it could attack.

The next moment, dense snakes came from all around.

"Where did the snakes come from? There are so many, I'm most afraid of snakes!" Zhang Shouzhong's hands suddenly became slender, and there were two more machetes in his hands. He said in horror while slashing the approaching white snake.

Lu Han crushed a white snake to death with one foot and lightly touched the long sword behind his back. The long sword suddenly turned into a flying sword and flew rapidly. He killed countless white snakes in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Zhang, don't make a fuss. It's taboo to disturb the morale of the army. Remember to take the punishment yourself later!" Lu Han said calmly.

Zhang Shouzhong suddenly didn't dare to speak. He just widened his eyes and was wary of the white snakes around him. At the same time, his body quickly became burly and fat.

The fat turns into thick armor to protect itself.

In fact, Zhang Ping is also quite afraid of snakes, mainly because he was bitten by a snake during a rescue mission in his previous life, which left him with a psychological shadow for a long time.

But now that he was hiding in Liu Sishan's body, he didn't think there was anything scary about snakes.

It feels so good to have someone protecting you!


Zhang Ping suddenly noticed that Cheng Xuejie was attacked by a white snake and immediately issued a warning.

The problem was that his voice could not reach Liu Sishan's body. As soon as Cheng Xuejie dealt with a white snake, her calf was bitten by another white snake the next moment.

Visible to the naked eye, the area where she was bitten quickly turned white, like dead flesh.

She quickly took out the antidote and drank it, but the antidote had no effect. In less than three seconds, her leg was completely numb.

"Captain, the senior sister was bitten." Zhang Shouzhong shouted.

Because Cheng Xuejie's name sounded like a senior sister, everyone in the cleaning team called her a senior sister.

Liu Sishan glanced at Cheng Xuejie and felt helpless for a moment. The main reason was that they wanted to ambush the other party this time, but they were ambushed by the other party instead.

"Don't worry about me, get out of trouble first!" Cheng Xuejie gritted her teeth.

Zhang Ping said, "Sister Sisi, let me separate some blood."

"You have already separated some, can you separate it now?" Liu Sishan asked worriedly.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "No problem, in your body, my body seems to have recovered well, I feel I can separate it."

"Then let's try it." Liu Sishan thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Zhang Ping immediately said, "Put your hand on her shoulder, and I will control some of the blood to separate."

"Okay." Liu Sishan nodded.

While distractedly controlling the water flow to kill the white snakes around her, she stretched out her hand and pressed on Cheng Xuejie's shoulder. In an instant, blood oozed out of her palm and quickly merged into Cheng Xuejie's body.

"Don't make a sound, this is our other... teammate!" Liu Sishan whispered.

Cheng Xuejie felt something flowing in her body, and immediately nodded to show that she understood. At the same time, she was also very curious. Another teammate meant that the teammate's ability was remotely assisting?

Or was the warm current that just entered her body a teammate?

At this time, everyone surrounded Cheng Xuejie in the center to resist the white snakes around her, and Zhang Ping quickly moved to the position where Cheng Xuejie was injured through Cheng Xuejie's blood vessels, and activated his ability to repair the damage.

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