I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [055] Happy Birthday!

The giant tiger looked at Zhao Yanhu's hand hesitantly, but finally couldn't bear the temptation.

It slowly stretched out its tongue and licked Zhao Yanhu's palm, and its golden eyes had a ray of red light.

"Good boy."

Zhao Yanhu happily touched the giant tiger's head, and then looked at Liu Sishan and others with a playful look.

Although the opponent had more people, his ability was enough to offset the difference in numbers. After temporarily controlling the giant tiger, he knew that the opponent had no chance of turning the tables.

He took out the bandage, wrapped the bandage around his cut hand, and smiled easily: "I'm so sorry, it seems that my brother and I won. I heard from the old people in the village that people will go to a place called Yinyu after death. I hope you... have a good trip!"

As he spoke, the giant tiger slowly stepped forward, his eyes full of aggression, as if thinking about where to start.

"Sister Sisi, it seems that a surprise attack is impossible. If there is no need for defense, are you sure you can solve them in the shortest time?" Zhang Ping asked at this time.

Liu Sishan thought: "It should be possible."

"Then we can only take a gamble, let's do it!" Zhang Ping said decisively.

The next moment, a large amount of dark mist surged out of Liu Sishan's body, and in an instant formed a black cloak covering Liu Sishan's body. At the same time, a skull mask replaced the ice mask, completely covering Liu Sishan's face.

At the moment the dark mist was sprayed out, Liu Sishan moved.

All the pure water suddenly contracted, and then formed a ring in her hand that rotated at a super high speed.

Super compressed water flow ring.

This can be said to be the ultimate control of Liu Sishan over pure water.

In fact, this move is not used to fight against the enemy, but to train her own control over the water flow.

Because when she uses this move, she must concentrate all her mental power on the palm of her hand, otherwise once the water flow loses control, the water droplets that explode instantly will affect her, and with the water pressure at this time, those who are hit will either die or be injured.

But now she almost doesn't need to do anything, her body is moved by Zhang Ping with the dark mist, so this move has become a killer.

It happened so fast.

In the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of Zhao Yanhu.

Her hand waved lightly under the influence of the dark mist, and a small blood mark appeared on Zhao Yanhu's chest.

At this moment, Zhao Yanhu didn't react at all. When he felt the pain, a large amount of blood gushed out of his chest. He opened his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but his mouth was blocked by blood and he could only fall backwards powerlessly.

"Ah Hu!"

Zhao Yanlong saw this scene and his eyes were bloodshot and he let out a loud roar.

However, Liu Sishan had already appeared in front of him at this time. He punched Liu Sishan in anger, but was blocked by the thick dark mist. Then Liu Sishan's hand fell, and his chest was instantly cut open with a blood mark.

Zhao Yanhu looked down at his chest in disbelief, and then his legs softened, and the whole person fell unwillingly. In the blink of an eye, the ground was full of blood.

After the two brothers fell, the giant tiger finally reacted, but just as it roared, a dark mist flying knife pierced its head.

Not far away, Zhang Shouzhong stared at Liu Sishan in amazement. It took him a while to react and muttered to himself: "Ah... I won now?"

Suddenly, a white snake climbed onto his shoulder, and he was so scared that he quickly slapped the snake away with his hands.

To the east of Mingzhu City is Changsha River.

Changsha River is actually not sandy, but the water is clear.

As for why it was named Changsha River, it is estimated that only the first humans know.

Li Aoxue stood by the river and smiled slightly, "The Zhao brothers should have entered Mingzhu City by now. Yu Chenghai, get ready to start."

Heads emerged from the water in Changsha River. One of the burly men half-knelt on the water and bowed his head and said, "Yes, my queen!"

Then he stood up and waved his hand, saying, "All soldiers, act according to the original plan, go!"

Densely packed humans wearing scales emerged from the water, and then one by one stepped onto the land and headed towards Mingzhu City.

"Queen, will the king-level alien beast in Mingzhu City become an unstable factor?" After the army set out, a bird landed on Li Aoxue's shoulder and asked at this time. The voice was actually a girl's voice.

Li Aoxue said confidently, "The fox is smart. Although it seems to be still asleep, it has actually woken up a long time ago and is waiting for 'failure'."

"Wouldn't our army be in danger?" The bird said in surprise.

Li Aoxue smiled and said, "That's why we need the Zhao brothers to intervene. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Virgin Mary's bloodline just happened to fall into the hands of the fox, and the Sun and Moon Pearl cannot be exposed. The biggest reliance for failure has lost its effect. If you don't take what God has given you, you will be blamed. Do you think I should seize this opportunity?"

"This is all the blessing of Her Majesty the Queen!" Xiaoniao said happily.

Li Aoxue smiled confidently and looked deeply at Mingzhu City in the distance.

After this battle, Mingzhu City will fall into her hands. With the Sun and Moon Pearl in hand, the unification of the human race is just around the corner.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to hand over the body of Master Shibai to that old monster Zuo Xiangming?" Xiaoniao asked again at this time.

Li Aoxue smiled and said, "Why not? Although Zuo Xiangming has been lost, he is still a human being after all. I need him to conquer cities for me, but before he completely sinks, I will personally send him on his way."

She promised Zuo Xiangming that

after this battle, Situ Shibai must die.

And Situ Shibai's body will be Zuo Xiangming's trophy.

The other side.

The light ball above Mingzhu City exudes a scorching breath.

Situ Shibai sat cross-legged on the light ball, monitoring everything through the light, but a sense of crisis always lingered in his heart, and he could not get rid of it no matter what.

"My intuition is rarely wrong, but now my intuition tells me that unless I abandon everything and escape Mingzhu City, I will die tonight."

"But where does the crisis come from?"

Situ Shibai thought solemnly, and the eyes formed by the light balls scanned the surroundings, but he saw nothing.


He was not afraid.

After all, the person he loved most and the person he cherished most had already left this world.

At the beginning, he wanted to go with her, but the other party entrusted Mingzhu City to him before she died. No matter what, he had to protect the city. This was his promise to her.

"Forget it, maybe this is my fate."

Situ Shibai checked to no avail, and finally slowly closed his eyes.

He has a photographic memory. He can see every scene with her in the past when he closes his eyes, as if time is frozen at the beginning. It is these precious memories that allow him to persist until now.

"Jinchi, maybe I will come to see you soon. You, my apprentice, are too ambitious." He thought silently in his heart, thinking of his lover's smile and frown in his mind.

His lover's name is Zhuang Jinchi.

She chose this name herself, because her original name was given by a playboy of the Zhu family, which was very vulgar, and her experience before awakening was even more unbearable.

But it was this woman who fled Mingzhu City at all costs after awakening, and finally became the leader who overthrew the rule of the Zhu family.

In fact, every awakener of that period had a past that was unbearable to look back on, and a very insulting name. When Situ Shibai was still a slave of the Zhu family, he was weak due to malnutrition, and he always failed in everything he did, so his name was Huang Failure.

This is also the reason why Li Aoxue called Situ Shibai "Failure".

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