I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [059] Both sides suffer

Instant kill!

In the endless light, all living corpses were instantly wiped out.

Those awakened people felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. Although they all knew that Situ Shibai was very strong, they could only experience this despairing and terrifying strength in a real fight.

Fortunately, the opponents that Situ Shibai focused on taking care of were Li Aoxue, Yu Chenghai and others, while the other awakened ones were only slightly affected.

But even so, a large number of awakened people were still killed instantly.

Of course, Situ Shibai did not kill these people, he just made them unable to fight anymore.

"Failure, is this all you have?" Li Aoxue's figure was ethereal, and all the light always missed her.

She took out a conch and was about to blow the conch when she suddenly saw a little girl sitting on the eaves not far away, swaying her white and tender feet, as if watching the fun.

"Chen Junting!"

Li Aoxue's pupils shrank instantly as she recognized the little girl's identity.

The question is how did Chen Junting appear here? She should have obtained the blood of the saints and entered the transformation period.

Once she enters the transformation stage, the Virgin's blood will be stimulated, and all the alienated beasts within the Pearl City will kneel on the ground and cannot move. Even the king-level alienated beasts will be suppressed and lethargic, and their strength will be greatly reduced.

But now that Chen Junting appears here, does that mean that the Zhao brothers have failed?


Li Aoxue realized that the situation was not good.

She made a decisive decision: "Yu Chenghai, things have changed. You take our people and retreat quickly!"

"But... yes!" Yu Chenghai hesitated at first, but when he saw Li Aoxue's eyes, he immediately responded loudly.

At this time, Situ Shibai also noticed Chen Junting on the eaves not far away. He stopped his offensive and had a vague intuition of facing a great terror.

In fact, he also possesses appraisal skills, and they are more advanced and detailed than Zhang Ping's appraisal skills.

But when he used the appraisal method on Chen Junting, he saw Chen Junting's weird attributes.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Chen Junting]

[Race: Human/Destroyer]

[Force: Hanhai Academy]


【Lifespan: 120】

[Level: Advanced Awakener]

[Level: 20]


[Blood of the Holy Mother: The blood in the body has the ability to influence all life. Those who drink the holy blood will be unable to use their abilities and will have bad luck. 】

[Shadow Daoist Luo Hai is left in ruins:? ? ? 】

Advanced skills]

[Intermediate level - Holy Mother's Halo: Stimulate the power of the Holy Mother in the blood and form a ring of holy light behind your back. The affinity will be greatly improved, and all living beings have a chance to be influenced and become your fanatical followers. 】

[Advanced - Pure White Heart: You can convey the goodwill in your heart to the other party, and any darkness will bow in front of you. 】


According to Liu Sishan's report, Chen Junting should be an intermediate awakener, and only level 13. Why did she suddenly become an advanced person?

And how could humans and the Fallen coexist?

Situ Shibai has lived for more than two hundred years, and this is the first time he has seen such weird attributes.

Especially for that 'Shadow Daoist Luo Hai's Sinking Remaining Force', even if the name is hard to pronounce and cannot be understood, the identification result is still a question mark.

Unknown means danger.

Situ Shibai guessed that Chen Junting was probably controlled by the Sinker.

"Aren't you going to stop fighting?" Chen Junting asked curiously when she saw everyone stopped, especially the old man and the beautiful young lady who were still staring at her.

Li Aoxue smiled and said, "Little sister, it's very late now. Where are your adults?"

"I won't tell you, although you are very beautiful, it is wrong to bully the elderly." Chen Junting said strangely.

Li Aoxue smiled and said: "Little sister is right, I'm sorry, old man!"

When apologizing, she gritted her teeth and looked at Situ Shibai.

When Chen Junting appeared here, she could understand even with her toes that Situ Shibai must have sent someone to attack the Zhao brothers.

The group of foxes in the city lord's palace must be all still awake now that they have lost Chen Junting's suppression. I'm afraid they have all noticed the movement in Monument Square.

"Little sister, it's getting late. Since I've apologized, I'll go home and sleep first." Li Aoxue said with a faint smile, and the next moment her body disappeared with the wind.

Situ Shibai knew that he couldn't keep Li Aoxue, who wanted to leave, and Chen Junting was the key to what the Zhu family wanted. He certainly couldn't let Chen Junting run around.

Seeing that Li Aoxue's people were evacuating, he slowly walked towards Chen Junting and said, "Little girl, where is your home? I'll take you home."

Although he had known for a long time that the people from Hanhai Academy had evacuated, there had to be a reason to take Chen Junting away.

"I don't want to go home. I have to go to many places to play. Goodbye, grandpa, little Xiaohei, let's go!" Chen Junting stuck out her tongue to Situ Shibai, and disappeared again the next moment.

Situ Shibai has the ability to track, but just when he wanted to track Chen Junting, he found that Chen Junting's traces could not be traced.

When he was about to leave, a tail appeared silently and pierced his abdomen directly. The most terrifying thing was that he didn't realize it and thought he had left.

"Why do you have this weird feeling?"

Situ Shibai walked forward slowly. In his eyes, he saw his office in front of him.

But in fact, what he faced was not the office, but the king of Tianchang Fox, the Moon King!

In fact, the Moon King had been observing in secret for a while, but when Chen Junting was there, it had a bad feeling, so it didn't dare to come out.

"Interesting human, obviously hit in the vitals but still not dead." The Moon King looked at Situ Shibai and said hoarsely.

Then it stretched out its hand and twisted Situ Shibai's head. Situ Shibai was decapitated, but he was still alive and well, and was still talking to himself in hallucinations.

It looked at Situ Shibai's head for about a minute before blowing out a breath.

Under this breath, Situ Shibai's flesh and blood melted, and only bones were left, but after a while, the bones grew granulations again, and Situ Shibai came back to life half a minute later.

"It's terrible."

The Moon King was sure that if the old man in front of him was at the same level as it, it might not pose a threat to him even if it died ten thousand times.

Humans are really a terrible race.

Perhaps the rumor it heard from other races might not be false.

As long as it keeps eating people, the alien beast will one day be able to obtain the potential of humans.

The Moon King was thoughtful and blew out a breath again. Situ Shibai died again, but soon he was reborn again. He simply sat cross-legged on the ground. Once Situ Shibai was resurrected, he would kill Situ Shibai directly.

South of the city.

A large number of patrol team members rushed over to surround the awakened ones.

Feng Laixian and Wu Ruoyu's hands were grabbed by someone. The one who did it was Lin Kedi.

But no one could see through Lin Kedi in front of them. In fact, he was just a Tianchang Fox in the skin of Lin Kedi.

"Let go, Lin Kedi, what are you doing? He is a traitor. He betrayed Mingzhu City!" Feng Laixian said angrily.

Wu Ruoyu narrowed his eyes and was about to kill Lin Kedi together. Who knew that an arm would instantly take off his head. He only saw a young face before he died.

"I didn't expect... Our patrol team only temporarily protected the city lord for a few days, and there was such a big mess in the city. Everyone put down their weapons, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!" Lin Kedi let go of Feng Laixian's hand and said loudly.

The awakened ones hesitated for a moment, but finally put down their weapons. The Tianchang Foxes disguised as patrol team members around them suddenly showed ferocious smiles.

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