I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [061] Delay

After rushing all the way slowly, around five o'clock, the cleaning team arrived at the nearest safe house.

This safe house is placed under a large tree that is at least five hundred years old. The entrance is hidden on the top of the tree and requires special techniques to open.

Under the guidance of Situ Shibai, Zhang Ping and others entered the safe house.

"Luckily, I have installed a one-way teleportation array here, which can reach the secret base No. 08. Let's teleport away first." Situ Shibai's voice came from the bracelet.

While Liu Sishan and the others were preparing to activate the teleportation array, Zhang Ping asked curiously: "Mr. Situ, how many such safe houses and secret bases have you prepared?"

"The construction of safe houses is between ten and twenty per year. Secret bases require more materials, so the number is about two to three per year. Now there are almost three thousand safe houses and two hundred secret bases. About." Situ Shibai gave a rather vague figure.

Zhang Ping exclaimed: "There are so many. Could it be that the construction started two hundred years ago?"

"More or less, we have to leave more escape paths for humans." Situ Shibai said calmly.

Liu Sishan was condescending at this moment, looking at everyone and said: "The teleportation array is ready, everyone come up."

The teleportation array is a square stone platform about one meter high, with many grooves on it for placing materials, and most of the materials used come from alienated beasts.

Situ Shibai had long ago endowed these materials with special vitality through his abilities. Although they could only be used once, they could be preserved for a long time, and the effect would not be lost even if he died.

Everyone climbed onto the square stone platform, and Liu Sishan inlaid four eyes on the top of the stone platform.

These eyes come from a kind of alienated beast called the ‘witnessing demon bird’.

Any prey they see will be attacked in an instant. It is an attack similar to space transfer, which can transport leaves and branches near the witnessing bird to the target's body.

There is no doubt that this is a very dangerous alien beast, but fortunately their abilities are very unstable, so their accuracy is very poor. Most of the attacks result in landing beside or behind the target, and only occasionally they can be accurate. Teleports items into the target's body.

The four eyeballs Liu Sishan used were not in pairs. Instead, each eyeball was a separate eyeball. The other eyeball was located in a secret base. Therefore, when the formation was activated, the eyeballs

A connection will be formed between the ball and the eyeball, and finally the person will be transported to the other side of the eyeball.

For a moment, Liu Sishan activated the formation, and everyone was distorted in an instant, and then disappeared.


A splitting headache.

One head and two big ones.

Zhang Ping felt very bad when he experienced teleportation for the first time.

He originally thought that the teleportation would reach Secret Base No. 08 in the blink of an eye, but during the teleportation process, he felt as if he had fallen into a colorful passage that was wide and narrow at times.

The feeling of weightlessness and the feeling of my head being pinched from time to time are particularly uncomfortable. There is also a feeling that my body is being stretched, as if it has turned into dough and is being kneaded continuously with hands. The key is that the technique is very special. rusty.


On the side, Zhang Shouzhong turned around, supported the wall and vomited.

Liu Sishan walked forward as if he was drunk, and finally had to lean against the wall to rest.

"Are you okay?" Situ Shibai asked aloud.

Zhang Ping slowly turned into a ball of pure water, and all negative feelings were dispelled in an instant. He said, "Fortunately, if I had known it would be so uncomfortable, I would have turned into a body of pure water before teleporting."

"Captain, are all teleportations so disgusting?" Cheng Xuejie couldn't help but ask, holding on to the wall.

Situ Shibai replied: "Not all teleportation is so disgusting, it's just the feeling of witnessing the teleportation of the magic bird. Maybe this is the reason why their attacks are always very inaccurate."

"I feel like I need to rest. I won't be able to do it if I don't take a break." Zhang Shouzhong said with a pale face.

Lu Han's face turned a little pale and he said, "These two people seem to be unconscious. They will be detained first and then rest."

During the teleportation process, Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yanlong fell into coma and now lay motionless on the teleportation array. If they weren't still breathing weakly, they would have been dead.

"Secret Base No. 08 can accommodate up to two thousand people for refuge. There are a total of two hundred rooms, as well as confinement rooms, kitchens, toilets, and bathrooms. You can see for yourself. As for other things, we will talk about it after you have rested." Situ Shi Bai said promptly.

This is a large base.

Only he knows the exact location, and at the same time, only he knows how to create the incoming teleportation array and how to leave here.

If you don’t know these two

Yes, this is a large tomb, and it is the kind that has no door to enter or exit.

Next, because Zhang Shouzhong was really uncomfortable, the task of escorting him fell on Zhang Ping and Lu Han.

The two of them worked together to carry Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yanlong to the solitary room and imprison them.

These two brothers have extremely tenacious vitality. As long as they don't last any last hits, they will recover sooner or later, so just leave them alone.

After taking care of the Zhao brothers, Lu Han found a room to rest.

Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie both went to the bathroom to take a bath, and Zhang Shouzhong simply rested in a room not far from the teleportation array.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, then found a room and prepared to do a few more sets of push-ups.

He is really not sleepy or tired.

He had almost rested in Liu Sishan's body before, and the journey had little consumption on him, so he was actually in the best condition among everyone.

"Let's do 5,000 push-ups first." He walked into a room and thought to himself.

The room in this base is very large, larger than the playground, and there are a lot of double beds on the upper and lower floors, which can accommodate at least 200 people.

Zhang Ping did push-ups silently in the room. After finishing 5,000 push-ups, he started frog jumping on the spot again.

He didn't stop until six o'clock, and simply lay down on a bed to rest.

This base has obviously not been visited for a long time, but it is spotless, even the quilt is brand new, and the ceiling is inlaid with glowing jade beads. This room is not only not dark, but very bright.

"Mr. Situ, when can I break through the intermediate level?" Zhang Ping looked at the jade beads on the ceiling and asked.

Situ Shibai replied: "There is no bottleneck from elementary to intermediate level, it should be very fast."

"But... when I killed the Tianchang Fox tonight, I actually had a feeling that I could break through, but I was inexplicably stuck at the breakthrough point. As a result, not only did I not break through immediately, but I still feel that stuck now." Zhang Ping said.

He killed the Tianchang Fox that injured Liu Tiefeng in anger tonight.

At the moment of killing the opponent, he actually had a feeling that he could break through, but he didn't know why he couldn't break through smoothly at that time, and because Prince Yue could kill him at any time, he didn't have time to think about it.

A series of major events followed, which made him have no time to take care of other things.

This delay has been delayed until now.

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