I Contracted Myself

【239】River Song

In the next month, Wuming went crazy to capture the top alienated beasts.

In fact, with Wuming's strength nowadays, catching top-level alienated beasts is as easy as bending down to pick up fruit on the ground.

Except for a few alienated beasts with space superpowers that took a little effort, the other alienated beasts flew namelessly over their heads. In an instant, an invisible big hand landed on their heads and grabbed them. Their fateful nape of flesh disappears again.

A month later, there was an indescribable mountain of flesh and blood in the dream world. It was made up of countless alienated beasts, and all the alienated beasts were still alive, but they had just become a whole.

Wuming did not simply sew them together, but used superpowers to link their skin and internal organs together, and used superpowers to maintain the operation of their bodies to prevent rejection reactions.

At this time, Wuming was standing in front of this mountain of flesh and blood. Compared with the mountain of flesh and blood, he was like a tiny speck.

"Almost close to the size of the moon, it should be...enough."

Wuming silently calculated in his heart. He had already chosen the seed of his wish, but he didn't know if the nutrition of this 'land' could support the seed.

In countless parallel universes, there is a person's wish that Wuming has never successfully cultivated.

Basically, as long as the desire seeds extracted from this person must be higher than the level that the top alienated beasts can support, there is no exception.

This person is Zhu Wushi, the captain of the salvage team of the Zhu family, who controls the beast.

Although he is an extremely small person and has basically no sense of presence in the Beast Control Zhu family, it is obvious that his heart is not so willing to be ordinary. His ordinary appearance hides extraordinary desires.

This time, Wuming was going to use Zhu Wushi's wish seeds to see if he could cultivate a complete wish fruit.

To be honest, Wuming was very curious about what Zhu Wushi's wish was, because the deformed wish fruits he had cultivated before had really diverse abilities.

There are space-related abilities, water-related abilities, and even weird abilities such as darkness and creation.

It is very rare for a person to have so many wishes.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Wuming took a deep breath, he knew he needed

take the first step.

Every month he wastes, countless people in the parallel world will die who shouldn't die, so this opportunity is important.

In a moment, he injected the liquid in the wish syringe into the body of the pieced together super-large alienated beast, and the next moment branches grew on the surface of the alienated beast.

Next, hope that the fruit tree will continue to grow.

Wuming had never seen such a big wishing fruit tree. In just over ten minutes, the wishing fruit tree grew to a height of five meters, with lush branches and leaves. At the same time, the face of Zhu Wushi appeared on the trunk.

The pieced together super-large alien beast lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, shrinking little by little from its original huge size. In the end, only a large number of skin and bones similar to mummies were left stacked together.

Finally, after an hour and twenty minutes, the fruit of wish matured.

This is a red wish fruit, with a big black snake coiled on the surface, but the surface of the big snake is like a dark river. When Wuming picked the fruit, starting from the wish fruit tree, everything quickly disappeared into ashes, including the alienated beasts. The corpses were covered in powder and fell to the ground.

"One hundred percent wish fruit, the ability is... Song of the River."

Wuming held the fruit, his eyes getting brighter and brighter. The power of this fruit was so incredible.

He opened his mouth and ate the fruit. After waiting for a moment, he saw an illusory river appear in front of him. It was a dark river with no bottom.

The Song of the River is actually an ancient song that has been sung in Pearl City for a long time. It describes a mysterious river that people will reach before they die and eventually become part of this river.

It is a river composed of countless lives, with incredible abilities.

Of course, songs are just songs and have no superpowers.

It's just that Zhu Wushi drowned when he was a child and had a near-death experience. He thought he saw a big river, so he had a wish in his heart to become the master of the river.

Now, his wish has finally come true, but the person who made it come true is Wuming.

Nameless entered the dark river, and the next moment the river became more illusory, and finally disappeared completely.

"I neither exist in reality nor in illusion now. It seems to have become a certain concept. Sure enough, this is the correct way to open the fruit of wish!" Wuming swam slowly in the river, secretly thinking in his heart.

Thought to himself.

The next moment, he felt a spiritual light falling into the river.

Most people do not have souls, mainly because their mental power is not strong enough. Once the body dies, their thoughts will disappear quickly, and in the end, only a little aura of life may be left.

But this kind of aura will dissipate very quickly, and it can only last for seven days at most.

And now the Great River is manifested by the nameless one, and one of the abilities of the Great River is to attract these spiritual lights, so the spiritual lights of countless dead creatures in the world will flow into the Great River.

"This ability sounds like the underworld. How about calling this river the underworld? No, Naihe?" Wuming said to himself in the river.

At this time, the spiritual light slowly flowed around him. From his perspective, it looked like there were many more fireflies in the dark space.

He tried to hold the aura, and the next moment he saw a warm family of three. It was the happiest time of the aura's life, and it was also a beautiful memory that he did not want to forget until his death.

But the aura no longer has a self.

Wuming knew very well that these auras were like a CD from the past, essentially just recording the energy of a piece of information.

Out of respect for the deceased, Wuming did not continue to check other auras. As soon as he had a thought, countless auras were instantly shattered.

The aura powder dissolved in the river water, and gradually the river changed from the original darkness to a hint of luster.

"Try the first ability!"

Wuming had an idea in his mind. After consuming a small amount of spiritual light, countless worlds appeared outside the river. Wherever there was life, the river could appear, and even appear in that world.

Next, countless worlds were screened out, and Wuming soon saw the members of the Disaster Team.

But it was different than he imagined.

The Disaster Squad did not show off their power and massacre innocent people, but were brutally tortured by a woman who was so powerful that it was terrifying.

"Chen Junting? Is she a special individual like Renmei?"

Wuming widened his eyes and thought in surprise as he looked at the woman who was pressing down on the Disaster Team with her back against the chaos.

I have to say that the scene in front of me is too exaggerated. Densely different attacks are falling from above, and dense attacks are bombarding from below.

The Calamity Team is like a sandwich cookie, struggling to hold on in the middle.

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