I Contracted Myself

【286】Big Opportunity

Wuming can control Menghe at will, but this does not mean that he can create things out of thin air that he does not know.

For example, for a special weapon like the Underworld Knife, he didn't know the structure of the Underworld Knife. If he didn't have a model of the Underworld Knife, he couldn't use Meng He to create the Underworld Knife from scratch.

Of course, if he is willing to spend time researching or building an ability similar to the Dark Wind Sword from his existing abilities, he can still do it.

In the same way, the virus on this rat man is very special. Even he is difficult to be immune to it. If he were to study it, he might not be able to study it for hundreds of years. But now he only needs to put this virus into Menghe, and directly You can just pick it up ready-made.

"Wu Ming, are you okay?" Guan Ling stood cautiously not far away and shouted.

Wuming looked at Guan Ling and said with a smile, "It shouldn't be a big problem."

He glanced at the bloody rat man, and then said: "It will be left to you. Remember to give me the bonus when you get back!"

"Okay, thank you." Guan Ling nodded.

If it can maintain a good relationship with such a strong person, the Law Enforcement Bureau has always chosen to maintain a good relationship as much as possible, unless the other party violates the laws of the alliance.

Wuming jumped down from the roof and said to Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie, "Let's go."

"What do you think of his strength?" Chen He walked up to Guan Ling, looked at Wuming's retreating figure down the street, and asked calmly.

Guan Ling shook her head and said, "I can't tell."

Strength does not depend on 'special effects'. If we only look at 'special effects', there is no doubt that Chen He's power of magnetism is very spectacular.

But Chen He couldn't kill the poisonous rat Billy Rui instantly.

The nameless method of killing the poisonous rat Billy-Rui was not spectacular or impressive. It was just that a large number of black animals appeared from behind and beat the enemy wildly.

This feels like the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in a martial arts movie. The opponent who failed to kill the eighteen dragons was finally killed by someone else's punch without special effects.

"Maintain a good relationship, it may come in handy in the future." Chen He said with a serious face.

Guan Ling rolled her eyes. Shouldn't she be allowed to make friends in the future when she is no longer needed?

On the other side, Wuming and the others have left this street.

Zhang Shouzhong asked as he walked: "Those two people are the law enforcers?"

"Yeah, but this time their losses seemed a bit heavy." Wuming nodded and replied.

Just now, he felt the auras of life entering Menghe, and these auras were very close, exactly where the lightning burst out.

This shows that there must be casualties among law enforcers.

To be honest, Wuming's views on life and death have gradually changed since he got Menghe.

Initially, he was full of awe and love for life, and believed that all lives were precious. Later, when he was on the rescue team, he gradually learned to accept and choose.

After all, he cannot save everyone in the great destruction. Sometimes he must make a choice. If he saves A, he cannot save B, and if he saves B, he cannot save C.

At that time, he experienced pain, unwillingness and despair, but with the comfort of Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao, he gradually began to let go of his obsessions and understood that he was not a god, and all he could do was to do what he could.

But now, because Menghe has a large number of souls and auras integrated into him every day, his view of life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Death is not the end.

It just continues to exist in another form.

Therefore, although Wuming can save people, he will only save those he can see in front of him. Although he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, if the enemy provokes him, he will send them to see Baodi Bodhisattva.

As for pulling the whistle on the universe, he will continue to save it. After all, he has been working hard for this for so long and he doesn't like to give up halfway.

Moreover, the King of Darkness is his destined enemy. He has a hunch that only by killing the King of Darkness can he open a new chapter in his life.

Next, Wuming took Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie to visit many shops.

There are shops that specialize in correcting the body meridians of customers, and there are shops that specialize in changing the physical constitution of customers. There are also some shops that are even more exaggerated and can change a person's life form.

For example, transforming from a body of flesh and blood to a body of elements, or from a body of elements to a body of metal.

There are also shops selling charms, shops selling potions, and even shops selling keys.

It is worth mentioning the shop that sells keys. The keys they sell can be used in all the worlds. After being activated, a door will appear. When you open the door, you can go to the set coordinates.

It can be said that even if Wuming does not have the ability to leave the Lashao universe, he can still be here

Just buy a key and go to a certain world in the universe.

Of course, now he does not need to use the key to travel to all the worlds. If he does not leave the Lashao Universe, it is purely because he has not finished his work.

After walking around, the three of them came to the resource tower.

Although Wuming thought it was unlikely that Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie had the authority to enter the resource tower, they just happened to be passing by and they were already here. It was really hard not to give it a try, so Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie discussed it and decided to give it a try.

Unfortunately, although there are miracles in the world, they obviously do not appear here.

Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie soon came out of the resource tower with depressed expressions. As expected, stowaways like them were not qualified to enter the resource tower.

If they could all enter the resource tower, I'm afraid there would already be a shop specializing in smuggling in the Shenzang space.

"Okay, let's go back. It's almost time." Wuming looked at the sky and said to the two disappointed people.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said, "Well, I should go home too. After all, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with."

As a world master, it is the right way to concentrate on managing his own world. The stronger the world is, the stronger he will be. Although this god-like power cannot be used outside the bubble world, the physical fitness increased by the passive can still take effect in the outside world.

Although Zhang Shouzhong is not as strong as in the bubble world now, his world master-level body plus his own superpowers are also around level 80.

In time, he can become stronger, and relying on the Dream River system, his upper limit is also unlimited.

The three returned to the Akita hut.

Da Huang immediately shook his tail and said, "Welcome back."

"Excuse me." Wuming said with a smile.

Da Huang quickly flattered, "You can come anytime you want, how can I bother you?"

It was still looking forward to the transaction with Wuming. As long as Wuming was willing to keep trading with it, it would give its room to Wuming and live in the doghouse itself, no matter whether it disturbed him or not!

But at this moment, the sky outside suddenly turned golden.

When Da Huang saw the golden sky, his eyes lit up, and he ran outside with his limbs, shouting, "My lord, come out quickly, a great opportunity is here!"

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