I Contracted Myself

【288】Whale Sunset

In fact, Wuming didn't recognize most of the plants on this island.

Wuming used to think that he was well-informed and his horizons should be broader than most people. After all, he was not only a time traveler, but he was also constantly traveling through the world.

Countless worlds with different features and plants have been recorded by Xiao Xi, and he can check them at any time.

But now he found that he still didn't recognize any plant on the island.

Suddenly, he stopped and found a figure in front of him.


"Could it be that there are actually competitors in the first level?"

Wuming narrowed his eyes, immediately stepped lightly, and approached cautiously.

After a moment, he saw a human-shaped fruit growing on the branch of a tree. He breathed a sigh of relief and slowly walked forward to observe the fruit tree.

The texture of this tree is very complex and unique, as if it was painted by a large number of children. The human-shaped fruit hanging on the branch does not look like the legendary ginseng fruit. Instead, it looks like someone is hanging himself, which is particularly eye-catching.

"I wonder if I can eat it?"

Wuming thought to himself, and then popped out a drop of Dream River water with his finger.

This drop of water from the Dream River instantly turned into a circular saw blade during the flight, and after cutting off the branches, it turned back into a drop of water and returned to Wuming's hand.

The human-shaped fruit fell to the ground and fell apart like a cucumber.


Wuming stepped forward and discovered that there was something in the fruit.

The water from the Dream River in his hand turned into a scalpel. He squatted down and cut open the fruit, and soon found many capillaries with very light colors.

This human-shaped fruit may not be a real fruit, but it was transformed by someone!

Wuming raised his head and looked at the fruit tree. The next moment, the scalpel flew out from his hand and cut off the fruit tree in an instant. A large amount of blood spurted out from the trunk of the fruit tree.

"I just said, how can it be that simple?"

Wuming looked at the fruit tree spurting blood and said with joy instead of surprise.

He is not afraid that this island is dangerous, but he is afraid that this island is too ordinary. The test is really to ask him to find a flower on the island.

Now that he has found new clues, it is a good thing for him.

Next, he controlled the water of the Dream River to continuously cut off the surrounding plants. Some plants were ordinary plants, while some plants spurted out blood after being cut off.

After half a day, one-tenth of the entire island was soaked in blood.

Suddenly, there was an earthquake.

Wuming stopped cutting down the surrounding plants, looked at the ground, and gradually the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a smile that said, "Sure enough," he said.

He steps on

The water of the Dream River quickly flew high into the sky and at the same time sent the little squirrel's consciousness back to the Dream River. The water of the Dream River that maintained the little squirrel's body quickly flew upwards from the ground and merged directly into the water drops at his feet.

The entire island exploded instantly, and a huge whale turtle appeared in front of Wuming.

The reason why it is called "whale turtle" is because it has a turtle shell on its back, but its appearance looks more like a whale, but it has sharp claws on both sides that are similar to snapping turtles.


The center of the island was like a volcano erupting, and suddenly a huge flower that resembled growth rings bloomed.

This flower is integrated with the whale turtle's shell, and the stamen in the center of the flower is constantly rotating like an hour hand.

"Congratulations to the trialist for finding the Flower of the Past, please enter the trial gate as soon as possible."

The moment Wuming saw the flower, a translucent light appeared in front of his eyes. He glanced at it and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

If his strength was not suppressed, it would be easy to crush the whale turtle to death. The problem is that his strength is suppressed in this space.

Although he may not be able to defeat it, he really has no motivation to fight this whale turtle without any benefit.

He quickly flew up and flew towards the Golden Gate based on his memory.

He just fell from a high altitude, and the trial door should be in the air.


Wuming noticed something was wrong as he was flying.

He was obviously flying higher, but the clouds around him didn't change at all.

This means that his position has not moved, or that he has been flying in place.

Something's wrong!

Wuming looked back sharply, and sure enough, the whale turtle had already taken off and was approaching in his direction.

At the same time, his eyes fell on the huge flower of the past on the whale turtle's shell, and the hour hand was turning backwards!

The flowers of the past, that’s what they are.

Seeing this scene, Wuming finally understood why the flower of the past was called the flower of the past.

Obviously the Whale Turtle can use the Flower of the Past behind him to control time. Although it is unclear whether there are any restrictions, but if the Flower of the Past is not solved, a big battle will inevitably happen between him and the Whale Turtle.

His expression moved slightly, and the Dream River water under his feet split instantly, and a drop of Dream River water that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye immediately flew towards the whale turtle.

In an instant, the water of the Dream River fell on the flower of the past, and a crack suddenly appeared in the petals of the flower of the past.

But as the stamen of the flower of the past reversed, the crack was quickly repaired.

"You have to pay for playing with time!"

The next moment Wuming controlled the water droplets to continuously attack the flowers of the past, looking at the flowers of the past

Continuously repair the cracks in yourself.

In the past, Wuming could control time, but as his strength grew, he gradually understood the nature of time.

In the eyes of sentient beings, time is like a river, like the sun, moon and stars that are constantly rotating. The past cannot be pursued, and the future cannot be sought.

In Wuming's eyes, it is an application of space energy.

Every time you use the ability of time, it will also interfere with space, or space and time are essentially the same thing.

Constantly consuming the energy of space to reverse time will result in accelerating the demise of this space.

After Wuming learned this, he rarely used the ability of time.

Half an hour later, the sky became dozens of meters shorter.

The whale turtle constantly reversed time, which actually consumed the energy of this space.

The consumption of space energy means that the space begins to shrink, and the sky is therefore shrunk. From Wuming's perspective, the sky has become shorter.

The whale turtle did not want to attack Wuming, but its flying speed was not fast, and it had to constantly reverse time to repair the flower of the past, so it was completely unable to control the time around Wuming.

Therefore, Wuming only needed to harass and deal with it, and did not need to attack the whale turtle at all.

Finally, the whale turtle showed signs of fatigue, and its body slowly fell into the sea.

Wuming stood in the air, looking at the exhausted whale turtle, and turned around and ran without saying a word.

He quickly found the trial gate in the air and simply flew into the trial gate.

There was a ripple in the space, and Wuming saw a large golden square behind the door after passing through it.

Dahuang was sitting on the ground, and when he saw Wuming, he immediately stood up and came forward and said, "Boss, I knew you could pass it!"

"The first level is so difficult." Wuming was a little tired, so he just sat on the ground and couldn't help complaining.

Then he told Dahuang about the test he encountered. After listening, Dahuang immediately said, "Boss, the whale turtle you mentioned is actually called Jingxi. The flowers of the past on its body can be picked and dried to make tea, and the law of time can be understood from it. It is very valuable in the heavens and the worlds."

"Jingxi? It's a pity that my strength was suppressed during the trial, otherwise I would have a chance to pick the flowers of the past." Wuming said helplessly after listening.

At this time, a huge roulette wheel fell from the sky, and a dart appeared in everyone's hand.

"Boss, you can choose the prize." Dahuang said excitedly while biting the dart.

Wuming glanced at the dart in his hand, then looked at the huge golden roulette, and was speechless for a moment. Is this how you choose the rewards?

But then he carefully observed what good things the golden roulette had...

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