I Contracted Myself

【294】Apostle Orb

After the black rain stopped, the two survivors simply got together.

The man holding a spear looked at the Golden Gate in the sky and asked, "Do we want to go there?"

"Don't worry, let's see how many people are still alive. If the strong man who takes action is not ready to stop, the two of us will sprint at the same time and try to escape!" The young man holding the staff said rationally.

Although the test of the second level is over, it does not mean that it is safe.

Just like in the first level of Wuming, it is clear that the flower of the past has been found, but still has to face the threat of Jingxi. If Jingxi cannot be solved, people will probably die in the first level.

Now the second level is in a similar situation. Although twenty out of ten has ended and the person must have died enough, it does not mean that the other party cannot kill again.

What if the strong man who takes action plans to kill all nineteen people in this level?

It is very likely that whoever approaches the golden gate will be attacked.

Both the spear man and the staff man thought of this, so they planned to wait for the 'outstanding bird' to test it out before making a decision.

On the other side, Wuming and Dahuang came out of the ground.

"Sir, you won't kill all the other trialists, right?" Da Huang looked at the Golden Gate in the sky and asked a little doubtfully.

Under Wuming's feet, countless amounts of black water were automatically recovered. He shook his head and said, "No, although this attack is an indiscriminate free-hand attack, I have a count and will stop once it exceeds the limit."

"It's a pity. Sir, you should catch everyone in one go. The competition in the next level may not be so fierce." Dahuang said with some regret after hearing this.

To be honest, Rhubarb is also a double-standard dog.

If Wuming replied that he had killed them all, it would probably think that Wuming was cold and cruel. But now that Wuming said that he had not killed them all, it felt that Wuming was not cold enough or cruel enough.

Obviously all sentient beings may be internally conflicted.

"Okay, let's go!"

Wuming discovered that the rule against flying had been lifted, so he flew towards the Golden Gate, and Dahuang immediately followed.

In a moment, the two of them entered the door, and then other trialists who were observing secretly followed.

"He didn't even take action."

The man with the spear stayed until the end and said incredulously.

At this time, the staff man whispered: "There is another possibility!!!"


The spear man suddenly took a breath, realizing what the staff man meant.

What if the first one to enter the Golden Gate is the strong one who takes action?

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt that this was a possibility, and he quickly remembered Wuming's appearance in his mind. If he encountered the opponent in the next level, and it was not a life-or-death situation, he would definitely kneel down and surrender decisively.

Divine Treasure, Golden Road.

When Wuming and Dahuang appeared, a large number of trialists had already gathered.

After about a while, after everyone arrived, golden treasure boxes appeared in front of them. Just when everyone thought they were going to grab the treasure boxes directly, suddenly it rained keys from the sky.

Countless keys fell from the sky, and in a blink of an eye there were a large number of keys piled under everyone's feet.

"Sir, it is estimated that you have to find the keys to those treasure chests within a limited time to get the prize. Once the time is up, we will be sent to the next level. Look for it quickly!" Dahuang reminded immediately.

Wuming actually guessed it. A large number of black arms immediately sprouted from his back. Each arm picked up the keys on the ground and quickly walked to a treasure box to try to open it.

Others also tried one after another, and immediately moved the treasure chests when they couldn't open them. In the end, they threw the keys to the ground helplessly when they couldn't open them all.

"Go away, go away, don't open the treasure chest in front of grandpa."

A big man pushed away a trialist who was trying to open the lock, and immediately inserted the key into the treasure chest, but it did not open it.

A trace of killing intent flashed in the eyes of the tester who was pushed away, but he couldn't kill people in Shenzang. If he wanted to kill people, he could only enter the level. He gritted his teeth and went to try other treasure chests.

Instead of wasting time, it's better to open the treasure chest quickly and get the treasure.

It's a pity that these keys cannot be picked up by telekinesis and other abilities, but can only be picked up by the body. Many people can only bend down regardless of their grace, grab the keys and go to test them.

The nameless appearance with three heads and six arms also attracted some people's attention, but this was obviously not a foul. There was also an octopus-like tentacled person among the testers, who used his many tentacles to grab a large number of keys and test the treasure chests one by one.

The worst one is Rhubarb, which can only open the treasure chest with a key in its mouth, and its efficiency is the lowest among all the testers.

The Nameless Sea is indeed Wuming's true form, so he uses seawater to form arms to pick it up.

Retrieving the key was no problem at all, he kept changing the shape of his hands, making it easier to grab the key with one hand and open the lock with the other.

Keys kept being transferred from the sea to the other hand. Under this high-speed test, he finally opened the treasure box in the lower right corner with a click.

The moment he opened the treasure chest, all the keys he grabbed passed through his body and fell to the ground.

He lowered his head and tried to pick up the key but found that he couldn't pick it up. At the moment when he lowered his head, someone actually tried to take away the contents of the treasure box, but they passed through the treasure box and could not touch the treasure box at all.

Apparently, there are protective rules this time around.

Once a treasure chest is opened, the trialist can no longer pick up the key to open other treasure chests, but at the same time, no one else can take away the treasure chest he opened.

After Wuming realized this rule, he simply looked at the treasure box he opened.

In the treasure chest was a red gem, which was bigger than Wuming's fist and was cut very beautifully. It was a large round gem made up of countless tiny triangles.

Wuming took the gem out of the treasure chest, and the treasure chest instantly turned into golden powder mist and dissipated.

At this time, he already knew the name and purpose of the gem.

"Apostle Orb."

It can be integrated into anything and then produce a puppet called "Apostle".

This puppet has no thoughts of its own, but can perfectly execute any command of the master. For example, if it is placed in Wuming's shadow, a large number of shadow apostles can be produced.

The effect is probably similar to the Black Shadow Corps in "Jackie Chan Adventures", but its strength is countless times stronger than that thing.

Of course, the Apostle Orb can not only be put into the shadow, but also into the flame, and finally the Flame Apostle is born, or it can be put into the earth to form the Earth Apostle.

Generally speaking, the strength of the apostle is related to the item put in, which is about 50% of that item.

It can be said that the stronger the fused object is, the stronger the apostle will be. If it can be placed in the sun, a super-strong sun apostle can be produced, with 50% of the sun's strength.

After Wuming understood the rules, he threw the apostle orb into the Nameless Sea without any hesitation.

I wonder how strong the apostle can be with the infinite Nameless Sea as a blueprint?

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