I Contracted Myself

【313】Solid life metal

After missing Xu Qinqin, Wuming continued to walk forward.

With the Apostles of the Deep Sea leading the way, all Wuming needs to do is collect hearts and continuously increase his life.

In the blink of an eye, another hour passed, and Wuming's life had accumulated to eleven hours. When he once again flew in front of a bull monster killed by the Deep Sea Apostle, suddenly a sharp sword was shot from a distance, and at After cutting off countless vegetation, he stabbed Wuming.

Wuming immediately pushed back, flapped his wings, and quickly pulled his body high into the sky. He had already seen the enemy with his right eye.

"It's him, the man with facial paralysis!" Wuming secretly said in shock.

Besides Xu Qinqin, the one Wuming paid more attention to was a facially paralyzed man wearing a white windbreaker.

The opponent's level is level 212, which is one level lower than when he first entered Shenzang, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

Wuming had never met a man with facial paralysis before, but he didn't expect to meet him this time.

The next second, the apostle of the deep sea immediately rushed towards the paralyzed man. There was no expression on the paralyzed man's face. He lightly pressed his hand on the ground, and a large amount of metal stabbed out from the ground, forming dozens of long swords in the blink of an eye.

However, Fan Tie could not pose any threat to the Deep Sea Apostle. The Deep Sea Apostle simply smashed these long swords and swung his claws towards the throat of the paralyzed man.

"Tiantian Sword!"

The man with facial paralysis remained unmoved and slowly spoke.

In fact, his attack was launched before he even opened his mouth.

In an instant, a thick black giant sword thrust out from the ground. This sword thrust out from under the feet of the Deep Sea Apostle, so it directly pushed the Deep Sea Apostle away.


When the Deep Sea Apostle's body was pushed forward, he also reacted extremely quickly. In an instant, his body split into two. One left and one right stepped on the blade of the giant sword and ran down quickly. At the same time, his arms turned into the shape of a long sword.

When they approached the man with facial paralysis, they immediately kicked off their feet, crossed their bodies and stabbed at the man with facial paralysis, forming a black 'X' sword light in the air.

The facially paralyzed man finally moved.

He took out a piece of black metal from his pocket. The metal turned in his palm and turned into thin threads in the blink of an eye.

If you look carefully, you will find that this filament is actually a sword, but it is very, very thin, and it can change its shape at will just like software.

The man with facial paralysis raised his head. The apostles of the deep sea were already in front of him, but just a little bit away. The two apostles of the deep sea were killed by thin threads.

The swords hit at the same time, and the body flew backwards like a cannonball, smashing a large number of trees along the way.


Trees fell, kicking up billows of dust and throwing up tons of leaves.

With the leaves flying, the paralyzed man looked at Wuming who was parked on the tree, and the thin silk sword immediately shot towards Wuming.

"The level has not been improved, but it can easily suppress the apostles of the deep sea. That piece of black metal should be the reward obtained from the divine treasure." Wuming flashed to another position in an instant when the thin silk sword was about to touch him, and looked paralyzed. Man, I thought to myself.

The man with facial paralysis said at this time: "You are very strong, why don't you act openly?"

Without waiting for Wuming to answer, the Deep Sea Apostle came back again. The two apostles merged into one halfway, and then the two arms expanded violently, forming a huge axe.

It jumped up, swung its ax in the air and slashed at the paralyzed man.

The man with facial paralysis controlled the thin silk sword to block the attack of the axe, and continued: "I am the leader of the Yixin Sword Alliance. My name is Chen Yufeng. If you have heard of my name, you should know that I don't bother to hide my head and show my tail, nor will I use any insidious tactics. "

"One Heart Sword Alliance? Never heard of it..."

Wuming watched the facially paralyzed man continue to parry the attacks of the Deep Sea Apostle. He went over what the facially paralyzed man said in his mind and finally came to a conclusion.

Because he didn't know whether what Chen Yufeng, a man with facial paralysis, said was true or false, Wuming could only stand still.

After all, what if Chen Yufeng was fooling him and used the rewards in the divine treasure to kill him instantly when he joined the battle?

When traveling in the world, safety comes first.

Wuming decided to wait and see what happens. Anyway, the party will never lose money by waiting!

"Cowardless rat!"

Chen Yufeng cursed in great displeasure when he saw that Wuming never came out to fight with him openly.

The next moment, the filament sword in his hand gradually shrank, and at the same time, the dense metal on the ground floated up. When the Deep Sea Apostle struck again with an axe, the ground instantly shot out dense filaments, and the Deep Sea Apostle was tied up directly. Then a thin thread passed through its chest.

"There is indeed a trap!"

When Wuming saw this scene, he thought to himself.

It stands to reason that the Deep Sea Apostles themselves have no weaknesses. Unless the Deep Sea Apostles are completely eliminated, the Deep Sea Apostles will not die at all.


Chen Yufeng's attack was very weird. He really killed the Deep Sea Apostle with one sword.

"That black metal is very dangerous, you can't go head-to-head with him!" Wuming made a judgment in his heart, and the next moment he flicked out a feather, and his body flickered and disappeared again.

The moment he disappeared, a thin thread passed directly through the place where he originally stayed.


The corners of Wuming's eyes twitched slightly as he watched from a distance. Chen Yufeng looked upright, but in fact he was also an old man.

At this time, the new Deep Sea Apostle slowly rose again from the feathers shot out by Wuming.


When Chen Yufeng saw the new Deep Sea Apostle, he immediately accused him.

As he spoke, he controlled the thin silk sword to launch attacks from several directions at the same time.

His filament sword has more than one tip, but is split into many tips, which looks like a blender, and can attack from different directions at ease.

The moment the filament sword attacked, the Deep Sea Apostle's body immediately split into four and quickly dispersed.

Its level is 219, when it splits into two, it is 218, and when it splits into four, it is 217, which is still higher than Chen Yufeng's level 212.

If there is no weird filament sword, the Deep Sea Apostle can completely blow up Chen Yufeng with one punch.

But with the filament sword, the Deep Sea Apostle was suppressed by Chen Yufeng instead.

The rewards of Shenzang are so unreasonable that they allow the owner to fight beyond his level.

Chen Yufeng saw the Deep Sea Apostle split into four, frowned slightly, and then divided the filament sword to chase the four Deep Sea Apostles.

In fact, the filament sword itself is just a piece of imitation solid life metal.

There is a very magical life in the heavens and the worlds. This life is neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing, so it is called solid life.

No energy or power can affect solid life, they are a kind of life that does not need anything.

Chen Yufeng's imitation solid life metal is a kind of metal imitated from this life.

It does not absorb any energy and cannot be destroyed.

But compared with the real solid life, it has an additional effect of deformation, so this metal exerts a strong power in Chen Yufeng's hands.

With the hardness of the imitation solid life metal, unless solid life appears, Chen Yufeng does not think that anything can destroy his filament sword.

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