I Contracted Myself

【320】Fierce fight

"It's so beautiful, almost Tao!"

Maboni watched the fight between Wuming and Jishi Warrior without blinking, and said with a flushed face.

Xu Qinqin stared at the tattoo on Wuming's back. She always felt that the tattoo had a very familiar feeling. She closed her eyes and recalled it carefully for a second. Then she suddenly opened her eyes and suddenly realized, no wonder it looked so familiar.

That's not a tattoo at all, let alone a pattern on clothes, but an apostle of the deep sea!

Wuming attached the Deep Sea Apostle to his body and let the Deep Sea Apostle control his body to fight. Xu Qinqin had seen the Deep Sea Apostle's fighting style before, and now Wuming's fighting style can be said to be exactly the same as the Deep Sea Apostle's fighting style!

Are my fighting skills not as good as those of summoned beasts?

Xu Qinqin thought to herself, then black energy began to condense in the palm of her hand, and tiny white bone beads condensed in her palm. She did not have much time, she must help Wuming to kill the clock warrior as soon as possible.

In fact, Xu Qinqin is not the only one who has this idea. Other trialists have also begun to prepare, some are holding back their ultimate moves, and some are doing some preparatory work for the battle.

A minute later, Wuming suddenly jumped up. The clock warrior's eyes lit up and he immediately stabbed Wuming in the air with his hour hand spear. The time around him began to pull, Wuming's time increased, and the time on the clock warrior's wrist was decreasing, but this Between the increase and decrease, Wuming's body hit the direction of the hour hand spear. Once he was stabbed, a lot of time would be absorbed immediately.

But at this moment, white bone beads suddenly flew from a distance, hitting the clock warrior's abdomen just right. Then these white bone beads burst out with billowing black air, and the bones proliferated rapidly, turning into skeletons. Hug the clock warrior.

The Clock Warrior's expression remained unchanged, and he was really ready to shock these skeletons to death, but two black palms appeared on his shoulders. These palms had a restraining effect, which actually made him stagnate.

The next second, a large number of attacks fell on him, and the time on his wrist instantly dropped sharply, from the original more than 800 hours to more than 600 hours.

Before it could return to the future, Wuming fell from the sky and hit him on the head with a kick.

The power of this kick is very strong, equivalent to the weight of the sea water that Wuming can control in the Nameless Sea. Clock Warrior

He was kicked out on the spot, and a large number of attacks fell on him densely along the way.

Even so, his combat ability is still in effect, and he can block most attacks with just a swing of his shield.

"It's so disgusting. The body is almost indestructible, but the fighting ability is still so strong." One of the testers said with an ugly face.

Because of Wuming, they were fully prepared this time, but they only lost more than a hundred hours of the clock warrior's time. Thinking of the remaining time, many trialists were a little desperate.

At this time, Wuming rushed forward again. When he was about to catch up with the clock warrior, his body suddenly bounced to the right. One of his hands pressed on the ground to exert force, and he escaped dozens of meters away in a few ups and downs.

While he was dodging, an alarm clock bomb was thrown by the Clock Warrior. It failed and exploded in mid-air.

"The time is reduced by two minutes, not bad!"

Wuming glanced at the time on his wrist and breathed a sigh of relief.

Except for the time he himself was consuming, any decrease in time on his wrist must be related to the clock warrior. Obviously, he was affected a little by the clock warrior's alarm bomb.

But just now the clock warrior used time pull on him, and he also increased some time. After increasing and decreasing, he actually did not lose.

"Hahahaha, it's cool, it's cool, it's cool. You are the only one among all the people I have met who can really keep up with me. Your rating is A." The clock warrior didn't expect such an insidious attack from him. Wuming had the foresight to avoid it. .

Not only did he not feel disappointed, he stood up happily and laughed, then gave Wuming an A rating.

"Is it up to you to decide the evaluation?" someone asked immediately.

The clock warrior smiled and said: "No, but I can be sure that he will definitely get an A rating."


The trialists were a little helpless. They also wanted to imitate Wuming in close combat with the clock warriors, but they did not have such skills.

That kind of miraculous fighting skills are probably only possessed by martial arts masters or some rare niche practitioners in Shenzang. What they pursue is often lethality and destructive power strong enough. Skills are very important, but they are also not enough. It's not important enough to require cultivation to this level.

After all, there is no such thing in the world

A few people can train their bodies to such an exaggerated level as the Clock Warrior.

"I don't have much time, Xiaoyu. You have to grow up well and have a wife. I'm sorry, I probably won't be able to go back." At this time, a trialist said to himself sadly to the air, and then he didn't Instead of joining the fight, he walked to the edge of the stage, sat on the edge of the stage and looked at the scenery outside. For a while, his head hung down and he died.

Next, more and more trialists who reached their limit died.

Some simply gave up, but some were unwilling to launch a final charge against the clock warriors. The battle was chaotic for a while, and the clock warriors were in a hurry. After a wave of swings, they all fell to the ground.

Wuming did not move forward when these trialists attacked the clock warriors. Sometimes the most dangerous thing is not the enemy but his teammates. Who can guarantee whether these desperate people will want to support someone before they die.

Even if they didn't plan to drag someone down with them, Wuming would be disturbed by them if he moved with them, which was even more dangerous for those dancing on the edge of a knife.

"Poor bug, the last wail is so boring, let's continue!" After killing those trialists who had little time left, the clock warrior looked at Wuming and said scorchingly.

Wuming raised his hand and said indifferently: "Come on!"

There are only a few surviving trialists now. It's better to rely on yourself than on others. If you don't fight hard, you may not even have a chance to fight hard next time.

In an instant, the clock warrior started to sprint, but halfway through, a pair of black arms suddenly pressed his thighs. He was like being tripped by a tripwire, and immediately fell to the ground and rolled, and then bone spurs pierced out from the ground and kept colliding with his body.

"Well done!"

Wuming gave Xu Qinqin a thumbs up, and then he slid over and kicked the clock warrior's head back on the spot, and then one of his arms split open, turning into dense fists that bombarded the clock warrior's whole body.


Suddenly, Wuming felt the breath of death, and his body immediately turned into a ball of black liquid and swam quickly on the ground, instantly pulling away from the clock warrior.

An alarm clock bomb exploded.

This time, the clock warrior directly hid the alarm clock bomb under the shield and detonated it.

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