I Contracted Myself


not good!

Back, back, back!

Xu Qinqin was startled and her eyes suddenly opened wide.

Although his consciousness wanted to retreat, his body was still moving forward, and the tip of the sword was getting closer to Clock Cat's eyebrows. The next moment, Clock Cat suddenly stood up from the ground, twisting its body in the air, just in time to avoid Xu Qinqin's sword.

Then it looked at the desperate Xu Qinqin in the air, its sharp claws emerging from its flesh pads.


Clock Cat instantly scratched Xu Qinqin's forehead with a claw. Xu Qinqin's time was immediately cleared, and at the same time, there was a thin blood mark on his forehead.


Xu Qinqin took a few steps forward and fell to the ground weakly.

"This game is really fun, and there's only one mouse left!" After landing, Clock Cat licked the paw that had just scratched Xu Qinqin's forehead and said with a satisfied smile.


Wuming really thought that Clock Cat was planning to let Xu Qinqin go. After all, Xu Qinqin was indeed cute.

As a result, the clock cat had no intention of letting anyone go. It just tricked Xu Qinqin into taking action and killed Xu Qinqin with the final blow.

I have to say, this level is terrible.

Only Wuming survived in the entire level, and all the others had died.

Clock Cat said at this time: "Aren't you ready to come out? Are you scared out of your wits and ready to die in this way?"

"Haha, I'm not scared, but I'm definitely a little shocked. The difficulty of this level is too high, and it's already a little abnormal." Wuming appeared behind Clock Cat and said calmly.

Clock Cat smiled and said, "Then what do you think the reason is?"


Wuming looked at the clock cat seriously and gave the answer.

This guy is definitely not normal, at least not a normal test in Shenzang.

"Meow hahahaha, interesting answer, but... you guessed wrong." Clock Cat let out a series of laughs, and then suddenly took action.

It approached Wuming at an extremely fast speed. Wuming stood still and did not move. The moment it approached, he slightly turned sideways to avoid its attack, and then punched it in the side with a backhand.

"Compared to human form, animal form should be your true form." Wuming asked.


The bell cat rubbed some distance on the ground and asked: "So what?"

"It seems that you have become stronger, but in fact you have become weaker. The human form can display more combat skills, especially the three-headed and six-armed form. Even I find it very tricky." Wuming said with a smile: "And in the cat form , your attack speed has indeed greatly increased, and because this is the form you are accustomed to, your movements are smoother than before, but there is a problem... In beast form, you can only attack with one pair of claws, which is too easy to see through. ”

Clock Cat said indifferently: "What you said makes sense, but that's because I haven't shown my true skills yet."

Then the hair all over its body exploded, looking like a hedgehog.

It stared at Wuming not far away and said seriously: "I will show my true skills next, so look forward to it."


Wuming instantly noticed the clock cat's approach. At this time, his consciousness and body were separated.

His reaction was a beat slower. When he realized that he needed to dodge, he was actually several notches behind the clock cat. Fortunately, his body was controlled by the Deep Sea Apostle, who was not misled by this contrast and responded in time.

Looking at the stage from the outside, in fact everything happened in an instant. The clock cat suddenly appeared in front of Wuming, its claws fell crazily, and Wuming was like Neo in "The Matrix" dodging bullets, leaning left and right, every time Just in time to avoid the claw attack.

Then Wuming's body flipped continuously, and the first kick hit the clock cat's jaw, and then he quickly flipped back.

Clock Cat was kicked, and after its body landed, its limbs exerted force again. Its body was like an arrow and chased Wuming, but when it caught up, Wuming had already stood firm. The moment it swung its claws, Wuming seemed to be dancing. He turned around gracefully, just in time to avoid the claw attack, and then punched out with his left hand in the direction of the turn.

This punch hit Clock Cat on the waist, and the huge force knocked Clock Cat away neatly.

A quick move, a clever move, and a round of attack and defense is over.

Outside Shenzang, countless spectators turned their attention to Wuming from other trial levels. Some practitioners with good eyesight only breathed a sigh of relief after the end of this round of attack and defense.

Many people expressed their opinions in the oracle.

A pig: "Is this level really meant for humans? I was so scared after reading it that I will exit as soon as I enter Shenzang."

The barefoot man said: "Who knows this tester? He must be too strong. He can avoid such fast attacks, and it seems that the cat used some kind of ability just now. I always feel that this tester's eyes are a bit strange. "

Da Mozi: "This tester is called Zhang Shouzhong. I can confirm from his eyes that he has been affected by some kind of time ability. At that time, his sense of time was extended. One second here may be in his Only 0.1 seconds passed in his perception, so the cat's movements must have been more than ten times faster in his eyes. He was able to dodge it, and it was simply inhuman. "

Cheng Ye Nai Zi defeated Ye Nai Zi: "You dare to say that such a big guy is not a human being. As long as he comes out alive, I will immediately step forward and hug his thigh."

The identity of the unknown girl is: "This cat is too strong. There are still more than 60 hours left. I don't think he can come out of it."

While there is a lot of discussion on the Internet, the battle between Wuming and Clock Cat begins again.

Wuming also returned to the future at this time and realized that the clock cat had just used some ability that could slow down his thinking. Fortunately, this ability did not affect the deep-sea apostle, or rather, it affected the deep-sea apostle, but the deep-sea apostle's combat ability was too strong, and under this influence, he still found the most suitable rhythm to resolve the clock cat's attack.

"You are really strong!" said the clock cat excitedly.

Wuming was about to speak, and the clock cat launched another attack without martial ethics. Wuming's body automatically avoided the fatal claw. Wuming simply ignored his body and said, "Then what do you think my chances of winning are?"


The clock cat screamed and suddenly increased its speed again.

It was like a frightened kitten, bouncing around wildly, attacking at all kinds of incredible angles, and even stepping on the air and attacking from the air.

Wuming stood still and did not move, but kept twisting his body sideways to avoid the attack just right.

"I see."

Wuming let the deep-sea apostle control his body, and he concentrated on observing and studying the battle game between the clock cat and the deep-sea apostle.

Gradually, he understood why the clock cat could never hit him.

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