I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [076] The Second Kind of Lost

When the old tree man Ye Changchun saw Zhang Ping's posture as if he was facing a formidable enemy and was ready for battle, he immediately shook his huge body and said with a smile: "Hehehehe, don't be nervous, kid, don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm."

In order to show his sincerity, he simply sat cross-legged on the ground, and his dense roots penetrated into the soil, transforming into the form of a big tree in an instant.

This form is obviously difficult to move. If Zhang Ping was an enemy with malicious intentions and had any powerful moves, he wouldn't even have a chance to dodge.

Seeing this, Zhang Ping relaxed a little and asked, "Old man, what's the matter with you?"

"Hehehe, it's just that I haven't seen young people running into such wild mountains for a long time, so I couldn't help but come over to talk. I'm very sorry, it seems I scared you." Ye Changchun said with a smile.

The endless mountains are full of dangers, and even savages are rare.

Ye Changchun has not seen a living person for five years.

He was originally perched on a mountain in the distance, and it was because he saw Zhang Ping that he jumped over from the mountain.

"It's okay, it's okay. Although I was a little scared, it's actually okay." Zhang Ping smiled reluctantly after hearing this.

What he wanted to say in the second part of the sentence was: Fortunately... I wasn't scared to death.

Just imagine, a huge tree man with a height of more than 20 meters traps himself, and then walks step by step. How terrifying this scene is.

He almost thought he was coming to the end.

Ye Changchun burst out laughing again. He didn't even know why he was laughing. Anyway, he was just so happy that he couldn't help himself.

After laughing, he repeated the previous question and asked: "By the way, kid, where are you from?"

"Old man, I'm from Pearl City." Zhang Ping replied politely, acting very "well-behaved".

Ye Changchun burst out with his trademark laugh again, and then said: "What a coincidence, I was also born in Pearl City. How is Miss Zhuang Jinchi doing now?"

"Zhuang Jinchi?" Zhang Ping looked confused.

At this time, Situ Shibai, who was living in the gold bracelet, said, "You know Jinchi, who are you?"

"Huh? My kid, can your bracelet talk?" Ye Changchun glanced at the bracelet in surprise, then looked at Zhang Ping and asked.

Zhang Ping explained vaguely: "Well, the bracelet is one of my elders."

"Hehehehe, it's interesting, it's interesting. Because of my longevity, I

The end is approaching, and I have to survive in the world as a tree person. I didn't expect that your elders would have more fantastic ideas, and they would entrust themselves to things. Not only will they not be lonely, but they can also guide the younger generations, good ways, good ways. "Ye Changchun laughed.

Situ Shibai opened his mouth and said: "My life is approaching...I know Jinchi. Are you...Ye Changchun, Uncle Ye?"

"Hey, little brother, do you know me?" Ye Changchun said in surprise.

He almost forgot his name. Situ Shibai's "Uncle Ye" immediately made his cloudy eyes clearer, and even the many withered leaves above his head quickly turned back to green.

Situ Shibai was shocked and said: "Uncle Ye, I am Shi Bai. I thought you were dead a long time ago, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect you were still alive."

"Hehehe, it turns out that...well, I can't remember it." Ye Changchun laughed deafeningly, and then said in an anticlimactic tone.

Obviously, he had forgotten who Situ Shibai was.

"Mr. Situ, if you call this old man uncle, how old is he?" Zhang Ping couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Situ Shibai's age is conservatively estimated to be at least two hundred years old. The person who can call him uncle should be at least two hundred years old. However, Ye Changchun's lifespan is only ninety-nine, which is very interesting.

"In fact, I don't know how old Uncle Ye is. He was the oldest awakened person in the resistance. When I met Uncle Ye, he must have been sixty years old." Situ Shibai replied, But in fact, he was not sure about Ye Changchun's age.

The main reason is that Ye Changchun's ability has a very strong life-extending effect. While maintaining his super-vegetative state, he will hardly age.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to determine Ye Changchun's age.

Zhang Ping calculated in his mind, and then looked at Ye Changchun like a living fossil.

According to Situ Shibai, isn't Ye Changchun at least 260 years old?

Zhang Ping suddenly felt a little confused, then looked at the two longest-lived people in Pearl City and asked: "Will the lifespan of the awakened ones be extended as their strength increases?"

"As far as I know, generally speaking, the life span of awakened people is not much different from that of ordinary people. However, there are some awakened people whose life span is far longer than that of ordinary people due to their abilities." Situ Shibai said. .

Ye Changchun agreed: "Hehehe, my life span is actually not much longer than that of ordinary people. It's just

He can barely survive by maintaining this state. Once the ability is released, he will die in about three years. "

"In other words, the special form has the effect of extending lifespan?"

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of his pure water body and pure blood body.

If he maintained these two forms, wouldn't he be immortal?

"Hehehe, it can indeed extend life in disguise, but the fact that the body does not age does not mean that the heart does not age. In recent years, I have always forgotten some things, and sometimes I can't even remember who I am, and I don't know what's wrong with it. ." Ye Changchun looked at Zhang Ping and said with an open-minded smile.

Zhang Ping guessed: "Grandpa Ye, could this be related to you being a lost person? In fact, I know the identification technique, and your attributes show that you have become a lost person."

"Lost? So that's it, so I'm lost." Ye Changchun's eyes lit up slightly, and he suddenly realized.

Situ Shibai analyzed: "Maybe Uncle Ye has maintained this state for too long, so he got lost."

"No, the so-called lost ones are, to put it bluntly, just mental patients. I am not so much lost now as I am fully adapted to my identity as a tree person." Ye Changchun chuckled.

It is not dissatisfied with its current situation.

Probably because his abilities are relatively peaceful to begin with, he is just more forgetful after he is lost than before he was lost.

Therefore, although he became a lost person, he was completely different from Zuo Xiangming.

In short, he's just becoming more like a tree.

Situ Shibai said in confusion: "Uncle Ye, why did you leave in the first place? Even if you have to maintain this state to survive, you don't actually have to leave Pearl City."

"Why did you leave? Let me think about it...it seems...I don't remember, hehehehe." Ye Changchun only thought for less than a second before giving up, followed by a series of laughter.

When it had laughed enough, Zhang Ping said: "Grandpa Ye, I have to go. This little guy is being chased by a group of Black Mountain ants. If he doesn't leave, he will be caught up."

"Then I'll give you a ride. You can tell me on the way what the Pearl City has become now." Ye Changchun suddenly stood up from the ground, and countless roots came out of the ground.

He is so majestic.

As soon as he stood up, the sky was blocked and Zhang Ping could only look up and marvel.

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