I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [077] Do you want to give me your heart?

Little Theron had a dream, in which he was held by a vague figure and flew.

The figure seemed to be very happy, and from time to time it would burst into loud laughter, which became louder and louder every time, until it finally felt that the laughter was a little noisy.

It's angry.

"It's so noisy!"

It opened its eyes, first saw Zhang Ping's face, and then looked up, a terrifying big face!

In an instant, its mind went blank.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

Little Theron stared blankly at the huge tree man, and was at a loss for a moment.

"Hey, little guy, you're awake. This is Grandpa Ye. He is taking us to his home as guests right now." At this time, Zhang Ping noticed that little Theron had woken up, so he said with a smile.

He is now sitting on one of Ye Changchun's beards. Looking forward from this height, he can see the clear water surrounding the mountains, and the scenery is beautiful.

Ye Changchun can be said to be the overlord of this area, and almost no alien beast dares to challenge his majesty, so the journey has been smooth and safe. Moreover, Ye Changchun also took a circle around the nearby swamp and introduced the Montenegrin ants into the swamp. It would take at least half a day for the Montenegrin ants to come out of the swamp.

But overall. The Black Mountain Campoback Ant will still chase Little Theron after coming out of the swamp, so Zhang Ping is not prepared to join Feng Laixian and the others so early.

It turns out that Zhang Ping planned to take the Montenegrin ant in a circle.

Use your own mobility to slowly kill these Montenegrin ants.

Now that he suddenly had half a day to spare, Zhang Ping didn't know where to go.

After Ye Changchun learned about the situation, he invited Zhang Ping to his home.

To be honest, Zhang Ping was also a little curious about what Ye Changchun's residence was like, so he agreed by mistake.

"Hehehe, it's called Little Theron, it's so cute." Ye Changchun said with a smile.

The little guy was obviously a little afraid of Ye Changchun. When he noticed Ye Changchun looking at him, he quickly shrank into Zhang Ping's arms. He was just like a puppy, so cute.

"Don't be afraid, Grandpa Ye won't hurt you. Be good, don't be afraid." Zhang Ping hugged little Theron a little tighter and comforted him in a good voice.

Little Theron hid in his arms and simply didn't come out.

"It's a little afraid of strangers." Zhang Ping smiled at Ye Changchun.

Ye Changchun burst out laughing again, and Zhang Ping sitting next to him was "really deafening".

Next, the two continued to talk about Pearl City. After Ye Changchun knew that Pearl City was being invaded by Tianchang Fox, he just slightly lamented that Pearl City was in trouble, but obviously had no intention of helping.

In the words of Zhang Ping’s previous life, Ye

Changchun is already considered a foreigner and obviously has no intention of leaving the mountain again.

"Wait, Grandpa Ye, please stop." Zhang Ping suddenly saw the waterfall not far away, remembered what Su Jingyao once said, and said quickly.

Ye Changchun stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Can you go over there, please? I have something to do." Zhang Ping pointed in the direction of the waterfall and asked.

Ye Changchun glanced at the waterfall and nodded in agreement: "Of course."

He walked towards the waterfall and arrived in front of the waterfall in half a minute.

This is a small waterfall. The surrounding environment is quiet. The sound of the water flowing from the waterfall is not loud, but it makes the quiet place more lively.

"It's such a great place. One of my classmates once said that when I retire, I want to live in seclusion in a place like this, where I can watch the sunrise and sunset, and watch the clouds gather and disperse. Unfortunately, my classmate was killed by the Tianchang Fox." Zhang Pingluo He got to the ground, looked around, then looked at the bamboo forest in the distance, and said with some sadness.

In fact, Su Jingyao didn't tell him. This was what Su Jingyao said to the original Zhang Ping.

He sighed slightly, and then took out the shovel from the gold treasure house.

Seeing this, Ye Changchun understood what Zhang Ping wanted to do and simply stepped back a few steps without disturbing Zhang Ping.

"Isn't this place a nice place? I hope you like it."

Zhang Ping chose a location where he could see a wide range of scenery, dug a hole neatly, and then took out Su Jingyao's human skin and placed it in a box made of contracted gems.

He looked at the terrifying human skins in the box and felt filled with emotion.

He had just traveled through time and had imagined that he was the male protagonist in a useless novel, and Su Jingyao was the official heroine.


Reality is not a novel, and Su Jingyao is not the heroine. Instead, she is a minor actor who received a lunch early.

If reality is really a novel, Su Jingyao probably doesn't even deserve a name.

"Su Jingyao, do you want some candy? I'll treat you!"

Suddenly, he forced himself to smile and said to the human skin, while a heart-shaped contract gem condensed in his palm.

It's a pity that Su Jingyao's human skin doesn't have eyes, so she can't roll her eyes at him, nor can she tell him 'get lost'.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and he silently placed the contract gem on the human skin and gently closed the lid.

At this time, Little Theron rubbed his hand, as if to comfort him. He smiled and put a cup on Little Theron's head, and whispered: "Don't worry, I'm fine. The time when I was really sad has passed. It's okay now."

Strictly speaking, the moment he was the most angry and saddest was when he saw the Tianchang Fox appearing against Su Jingyao's human skin.

Human skin, the blood flowing from the eyes is like tears of blood. Those are Su Jingyao's tears, and they are also his tears.

It's just that he can't make any flaws, so he can only order himself to calm down. This is the greatest sadness.

However, everything is over.

He has avenged Su Jingyao's death.

Now he has to do something more important, that is, to protect Mingzhu City and eradicate all Tianchang Foxes.

"Su Jingyao, rest in peace. I will help you do what you want to do. It happens... this is what I want to do." Zhang Ping said silently in his heart, then picked up the box and put it in the dug pit.

After filling the soil, he stood up and exhaled a long breath, picked up little Seron and kissed him, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go."

He turned and walked towards Ye Changchun. The huge and majestic Ye Changchun smiled and bent over and stretched out his hand...


Half an hour later.

The three black mountain bow-backed ants followed the breath and found the vicinity of the waterfall.

In fact, these three black mountain bow-backed ants fell behind, and they fell at the end of the ant colony. Because of the attack of other alien beasts, after dozens of black mountain bow-backed ants died, only these three black mountain bow-backed ants escaped.

They were not led into the swamp by Ye Changchun, but followed to the side of the waterfall.

Because Zhang Ping stayed here for nearly ten minutes, Xiao Seron also left a relatively strong smell here.

These black mountain bow-back ants have no ant colony to lead them, so they can only search around here. Only after searching this area will they move to the next location.

They crawled along the water flow toward the waterfall, and suddenly a fish popped out of the water. Its long tongue was like a clamp, instantly clamping a black mountain bow-back ant and dragging it into the water.

The other two surviving black mountain bow-back ants hurried away from the water, but a sparrow fell from the sky and took away another unlucky black mountain bow-back ant.

A single black mountain bow-back ant is really too weak, and ordinary people can be crushed to death with shoes.

The only remaining black mountain bow-back ant crawled in panic, gradually approaching the place with the strongest smell, where the soil seemed to have been turned over, and it approached carefully.

Its tentacles shook, searching for the smell, and gradually came to the place where Xiao Seron stayed.

"Found it!"

It was immediately excited, with its tentacles raised high, as if ready to send a signal.

At this moment, an invisible force suddenly imprisoned it, and before it could react, with a crisp sound of "snap", its body was directly crushed by the invisible force.

Under the renovated soil, in a turquoise box, the surface of the terrifying human skin was flowing with blue, and the heart-shaped gemstone pressed on the human skin gradually disappeared bit by bit.

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