I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [078] Su Qingbo


Zhang Ping looked at the scene in front of him in shock and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

After half an hour's journey, they finally arrived at Ye Changchun's home, an extinct volcano.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is not Ye Changchun's home, but the place where he stays the longest, because he often moves around. Sometimes when he wants to rest, he simply finds a place near the water source and sleeps as soon as he takes root. Last few weeks.

Therefore, Ye Changchun can be said to be at home all over the world, and he is his own home.

But this place is really beautiful.

Lush grassland with a blue lake in the middle.

Trees very similar to Ye Changchun grow around the lake. These trees are covered with fruits, and the fragrance of the fruits can still be smelled even from a distance.

"So beautiful."

Zhang Ping gently brushed away the hair that had been blown by the wind in front of his forehead. Looking at the picturesque scenery in front of him, his mood changed from gloomy to sunny.

If the atrium had a door, at this moment the door to his atrium was opened. Fresh air and warm sunshine entered the dull atrium, and the whole person couldn't help but become cheerful.

He instinctively rushed down the mountain, rolled around in the grass with little Theron in his arms, and then lay down on the grass, just looking at the sky quietly.

A few minutes later, he stood up, walked to the lake, knelt down, and looked down at the clear lake water, which reflected the blue sky and white clouds, as well as his face.

"So handsome, no one should question my identity as the most handsome guy in Pearl City!" He pinched his face and said coquettishly.

Little Theron also trotted to the lake, looked at Zhang Ping's reflection in the lake, and then looked at his own reflection.

"Little guy, don't drink. If you're thirsty, just tell me. I have clean water here." Zhang Ping looked at little Theron and reminded with a smile.

Although the lake water is clear and transparent, it is not safe enough after all.

Little Theron shook his head and looked at himself in the water, then jumped up and down, and when he saw his reflection in the water, he also jumped up and down. He suddenly became happy and jumped back and forth by the water.

At this time, Ye Changchun walked slowly.

However, his 'slowness' is extremely fast for most creatures.

He walked to the lake and called out: "Brother Su, a guest is coming, why don't you come out to meet him!"

"Brother Su?"

Zhang Ping looked at the lake, a little curious.

For a moment, a vortex appeared in the clear lake water, and the vortex gradually became raised. The next process was a bit like making pottery.

The lake water gradually changed its shape as it rotated, and a pure water creature roughly shaped like a human quickly took shape.

On the shore, little Theron's eyes widened, and then he hurriedly got into Zhang Ping's arms and hid.

"Is this a body of pure water?"

Zhang Ping also looked shocked and couldn't help but think to himself.

He reacted and immediately used the identification technique on the humanoid.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Su Qingbo]

[Race: Human (Lost)]

[Potential: None]

【Lifespan: 86】

[Level: Top Awakener]

【Level: 39】


[Body of pure water (mutated): The body can be transformed into pure water, and the transformed pure water can be freely manipulated. 】

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate level - Fusion with water: By merging with natural water, you can restore your physical strength and energy without eating. 】

[Advanced - Cold Heart: Can convert water into ice cubes and manipulate ice cubes. 】

[Top-level heat storage: It can absorb the surrounding temperature into clean water and store it, and then release it when needed. 】

After reading the attributes, Zhang Ping was shocked for a long time.

He remembered that Liu Sishan told him that the probability of an awakened person becoming a lost person was very small.

He really believed it at that time.

But in just a few days, he had already met three lost people one after another.

Is this probability really small?

"Brother Su, hahahaha, it turns out that I am lost. No wonder I always forget things. Your feelings are getting weaker and weaker. Are you also lost?" When Zhang Ping was shocked, Ye Changchun said to Su Qingbo with a smile. .

Su Qingbo, like Ye Changchun, had obviously maintained this state for a long time. He did not transform back into a flesh and blood body, but used ice cubes to form a simple torso to make himself look more like a human being.

He walked from the center of the lake and said without any emotion: "Is this what you feel like being lost?"

"Hehehe, that should be it. This kid has the ability to identify. You might as well ask him to help you identify it." Ye Changchun glanced at Zhang Ping and said with a smile.

Su Qingbo then turned his attention to Zhang Ping and asked politely and calmly: "This little friend, is what Brother Ye said true?"

"Well, I just saw it and you have indeed become a lost person." Zhang Ping nodded.

Su Qingbo sighed and said to himself: "Sure enough, even if we maintain our current state, we will only survive for a while longer. The lost ones will further deteriorate and become the sinkers. The harm of the sinkers is too great. It seems that I must arrange the future as soon as possible." thing."

Obviously, he and Ye Changchun had different plans.

Ye Changchun didn't care at all that he was lost, and he didn't even consider what would happen if he fell.

After Su Qingbo knew that he was lost, he immediately prepared to commit suicide, even considering his funeral.

"Hehehehe, brother Su, actually getting lost is not that bad. Don't scare yourself." Ye Changchun comforted him at this time.

Su Qingbo said calmly: "Since I have less and less feelings, I actually have little fear of death. It doesn't matter even if I die. Besides... I am different from Brother Ye. I am cautious and conservative. I am most likely to get stuck in a dead end. Once I become a sinker, it will definitely cause great harm, so it is better to eliminate the hidden danger as soon as possible."

"Then when are you going to do it?" Ye Changchun knew that once Su Qingbo made a decision, he would not change it, and ten cows could not pull him back, so he asked helplessly.

Su Qingbo thought for a while and replied: "I remember that I still have a great-granddaughter who is still alive. I will probably go to see her from a distance."

"Okay, then I will come to see you off at that time." Ye Changchun nodded.

Su Qingbo looked at Zhang Ping and said: "Thank you very much for your help. Please wait a moment and allow me to prepare a gift for you."

After that, his body quickly merged into the water. It was impossible to tell the difference between lake water and clear water by naked eyes.

"Haha, Brother Su has always been like this, very self-centered, don't mind it." Ye Changchun explained for Su Qingbo.

Zhang Ping smiled bitterly and shook his head. What he was most curious about now was how many Lost People there were in the wild.

"Grandpa Ye, how many Lost People are there outside Mingzhu City?" He looked up at Ye Changchun and couldn't help asking.

Ye Changchun replied: "I don't know whether there are many Lost People. In the past long time, I have only met two Lost People, and they both seemed very paranoid and radical, with a strong desire to attack, but nothing else."

"In other words, the number of Lost People is not that large?"

Zhang Ping was slightly relieved after hearing what Ye Changchun said.

He had encountered Lost People one after another in the past two days, and he almost imagined a plot in the future where millions of Lost People would besiege Mingzhu City.

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