I Contracted Myself

【387】No one looks like a human being

Wuming had read the message from the transcendent person when he entered the Shenzang space. Probably because too many people died, the transcendent person changed the rules.

If there are no more than three vest streams, there will be no situation where one of them dies and everyone dies.

Adrian has already practiced the vest style. How could he only have one vest? There must be at least one vest, and maybe even two vests.

From this, we can speculate that Adrian probably wanted to use one of the vests to lure Ye Qin away.

As for the purpose of luring Ye Qin away...

It's obvious.

Of course it was to assassinate Wuming.

Adrian's chocolate eyeball exploded instantly, a centipede-like insect burst out of it, and a golden needle shot out from its tail.

This golden needle is the reward Adrian received in the third level, called the Poisonous Tail.

The poisonous tail is not very toxic, but it has an extremely terrifying characteristic, which is that it will 100% poison the target for half an hour, and there is no cure for this poison.

Once poisoned, the target will have multiple negative states, such as slow reaction, reduced defense, slow energy operation, etc.

Adrian was very aware of Wuming's power. He originally wanted to fall to the same height as Wuming before launching an attack, but Wuming pointed out his existence, so he had to strike first.

Of course, he was well aware of the nameless terror, so while taking a preemptive strike, an extremely small and transparent bug floated out from another eyeball. This bug did not participate in the battle, but quietly floated in another direction. .

Just as Wuming guessed, since he had learned the skills of the vest style, how could he only have one vest? Naturally, he had to practice all three vests.

The golden beetle is fast, the red centipede has a strong attack, and the ghost bug has no other advantages, except that it has a very low sense of presence, and its hiding ability is very strong, and it can survive very well.

At this time, the poisonous tail stabbed Wuming from top to bottom. Wuming did not make any other movement. He just blinked his eyes at the moment when the poisonous tail fell. In that blink of an eye, the poisonous tail was swallowed up.

The next moment, a long sword suddenly appeared in Wuming's hand. Adrian didn't see the trajectory of the sword clearly, and the red centipede's body was split into two.

Then Wuming smiled and said, "There's another one!"

The ghost who is escaping

When the spirit worm heard the sound, it was so frightened that it almost lost its wits. It immediately twisted its body to make itself fly faster. The problem was that the ghost worm really couldn't fly fast.

The ghost bug already has two advantages: low sense of presence and strong concealment ability. Naturally, it also has an extremely obvious shortcoming, that is, its speed is very average.

In the blink of an eye, Wuming stood in front of the ghost bug, and Adrian wanted to beg for mercy. The problem was that the ghost bug did not have the organ to make sound.

Wuming didn't say anything, but slashed out with a sharp sword, and the ghost insect immediately became a dead soul under the sword.

"Now it's up to Qinqin herself."

Wuming threw the sword back casually, and the sword instantly turned into black liquid and fell into the shadow, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The reason why he killed the two vests so cleanly was because he was worried that he would kill them too late, and Ye Qin's side wouldn't count.

Now the golden beetle on Ye Qin's side is the last Adrian, so killing that golden beetle will be the true and complete killing of Adrian.

If the mission requires you to kill the target yourself, this way Ye Qin will not fail the mission because he killed Adrian's vest.

He slowly walked to the edge of the cliff, looked at the cake and chocolate that had turned into a pile of chocolate below, and finally sat on the edge of the cliff, looking at the woods in the distance, and sighed: "The scenery is... really beautiful."

From the time Adrian practiced the vest style and prepared three vests, he knew that Adrian must really not want to die, but in the end Adrian would still die.

He felt a little sorry for Adrian.

Of course, pitiful as it is, he won't hesitate when it's time to take action.

After all, Adrian was obviously one of the trialists who voted for him.

Half an hour later, Ye Qin came back on the bone dragon. When she jumped onto the cliff, the bone dragon quickly returned to the ancient stone door. At this time, the stone door slowly closed, and then turned into a gray breath and dispersed.

"Is it over?" Wuming asked.

Ye Qin nodded and said, "Well, my mission has been completed. I just need to survive until the end."

"Let's go, let's go find the mad lion. After we deal with the mad lion, we'll find a place to hide!" Wuming stood up and said with a smile.

The two returned to the Shell of Sand, and then the Shell of Sand moved quickly along the path taken by the Deep Sea Apostle. It took half an hour to catch up with the Deep Sea Apostle.

Deep Sea Apostle and Ovi

As Leah walked together, Ovelia told a lot of her own stories. As she walked, she told them, and she didn’t know if she made them up on the fly.

"Do you think she is a real human being?" Wuming asked curiously.

Mainly because Adrian's disguise was so good. If it weren't for his poor acting skills and the fact that the scene was too flawed, Wuming wouldn't have been able to tell that the tyrannosaurus bug was the real thing.

With Adrian's lesson learned from the past, Wuming doesn't look like a human being to anyone now.

Ovelia is so beautiful. She is the kind of woman with a small frame. Her face is delicate and cute, but her cuteness also has a bit of a royal sister's lust, and her temperament is very special.

And although she has a small frame, she is not short. Instead, she is over 1.65 meters tall, and her figure is not ordinary, but rather curvy.

This figure and this face are enough to make most men fall for her smile.

She is a woman with a male body.

However, because she is too perfect, Wuming suspects that this is a fake. Maybe Olivia is also a monster like Adrian. Once she takes off her human skin, she will turn into a hideous monster.

"She is indeed a human. Women with witch blood look like this." Yeqin said lightly after hearing Wuming's question.

Wuming was stunned and asked, "They all look like this?"

"It's not the appearance, but the temperament is the same. You will know it when you see more in the future." Yeqin said calmly.

Wuming asked curiously, "So witches are so beautiful?"

"Not necessarily, I have also seen ugly witches." Yeqin said unhappily.

Then no matter how Wuming asked, she didn't speak, mainly because Wuming's questions were too boring.

On the other side, the conversation between the Deep Sea Apostle and Olivia was exactly the opposite. After Olivia finished talking about her life experience, she looked at the Deep Sea Apostle and asked, "Mr. Wuming, do you think I am bad?"

"Haha, how could that be? You just have no sense of security, and everything you do is to protect yourself." The Deep Sea Apostle laughed.

Olivia showed a touching expression, as if she was going to give herself to him the next moment.

With tears in her eyes, she said gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Wuming, I feel much better with your words."


Wuming and Yeqin watched the show in silence. At this moment, both of them felt like vomiting.

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