I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [079] Looking for someone

Base No. 08.

In the cafeteria hall, Lu Han neither sat nor stood, walking back and forth.

"It's been a long time, why hasn't Zhang Ping come back yet?" He said worriedly, feeling uneasy and restless.

Zhang Shouzhong ate a compressed energy bar and complained: "Senior Lu, you are only worried now. Why did you go there earlier?"


Lu Han remained silent.

Because he wanted to save face, he just watched Zhang Ping leave. Now it was too late to say anything.

Cheng Xuejie lay on the table and said: "Since Lao Zhang's fat energy has returned, it means that Zhang Ping's plan should not have gone too wrong. Maybe he was delayed by something."

"No, I'm going to find him. In case he is in danger and needs help." Lu Han became extremely worried when he heard that there was a delay, and finally said through gritted teeth.

Liu Sishan said: "Wait, let me go. If you go, Senior Lu, if Zhang Ping comes back, we will have to spend time looking for you. It will be better if I go. Zhang Ping has a way to find me."

"Then I'll go too. Zhang Ping can also find me. I'm not worried about you alone." Cheng Xuejie said.

Zhang Shouzhong stood up and said, "Why don't I come too? Anyway, I have nothing to do."

"That doesn't mean that Senior Lu is left alone to guard the house. You can stay." Cheng Xuejie objected, while giving Zhang Shouzhong a wink.

Zhang Shouzhong received Cheng Xuejie's look, glanced at Lu Han, and finally sat down and said, "That's it, senior and I will guard the house in case Zhang Ping comes back and can't find anyone."

He understood what Cheng Xuejie meant.

If Lu Han was left alone at the base, 90% of the time Lu Han would have random thoughts.

If Lu Han waited for a while and didn't see everyone come back, he would probably act alone.

So one person needs to be left at the base to stabilize him.

"Let's go."

Cheng Xuejie said to Liu Sishan.

the other side.

Zhang Ping and Bai De agreed to meet at the place where they met.

Feng Laixian and Bai De sat on a rock, alert to their surroundings and waiting for Zhang Ping's arrival.

"Oh, what a coincidence. I didn't expect that we would bump into each other in a place like this."

At this time, a living corpse slowly walked over. Its face squirmed and gradually turned into Zuo Xiangming's face.

There was a group of men in black behind this living corpse. Guan Hongying stood among the men in black, frowning and saying, "Zuo Xiangming, don't make trouble."

"rest assured

, I will not break my promise to you. This place should be quite close to the person you are looking for. Take these two people down first. How about one less of the three conditions you agreed to? Zuo Xiangming looked back at Guan Hongying and said slowly.

In the last cooperation, although he did not get Situ Shibai's body in the end, Li Aoxue also made compensation to him and gave him the body of a powerful sea beast.

From then on, not only the mainland was his hunting ground, but also the sea.

Because of this, he was willing to continue to cooperate with Li Aoxue.

This time he did not act in person, but mentally controlled three living corpses from a distance, specifically to help Guan Hongying find someone.

Of course, this help was not in vain, Guan Hongying agreed to three conditions.


Guan Hongying glanced at Feng Laixian and then agreed.

She recognized Feng Laixian.

If Feng Laixian hadn't interfered, Wu Ruoyu wouldn't have died.

Wu Ruoyu, the master of Lieyang Martial Arts School, was on par with her in terms of strength and was a master she had personally recruited. She was heartbroken when he was lost in vain at the hands of Tian Changhu.

"Do it!"

Feng Laixian's condition was not particularly good, and she didn't want to cause trouble at this time.

But seeing that things couldn't get any better, he shouted loudly and at the same time grabbed a rock and threw it directly at Zuo Xiangming and others.

Bai De, who was next to him, was walking like a monkey, retreating instead of advancing, and rushed into the woods nearby. Guan Hongying immediately ordered the men behind him: "You chase him, don't let him escape."

After saying that, she smashed the rock thrown by Feng Laixian with one punch.

"Aunt Hongying is mighty!"

The petite female in black immediately clapped her hands and said.

Guan Hongying took a deep breath, and then rushed towards Feng Laixian. As soon as the two of them fought, they discovered that the opponent's strength was not weaker than hers.

"Let me help too!"

Zuo Xiangming smiled sinisterly.

The petite female man in black complained: "Uncle, don't you think your tone of voice sounds like the villain in a novel?"

"Little girl, if you keep talking nonsense, believe it or not, I will turn you into a living corpse!" Zuo Xiangming glanced at the female man in black unhappily, and then said viciously.

The woman in black quickly bowed and said, "I'm sorry, I won't dare to do it next time."


Zuo Xiangming snorted coldly, but after all, he had some scruples and did not attack the female man in black.

He simply vented his anger on Feng Laixian and controlled the other two zombies to quickly join the battle group.

This time Zuo Xiangming only brought three

The most important thing about this living corpse is the one he mainly controls, because this living corpse’s ability is called ‘Chasing Souls for Thousands of Miles’.

With just a hint of breath, this living corpse can track the target no matter where it is.

As for the other two living corpses, their abilities are 'Confused Space' and 'Black Gold Arms'.

The ability to 'confuse space' is actually to completely disrupt the space within a certain range, producing an effect similar to displacement. For example, a person wants to attack target A, but ends up hitting target B, and wants to attack target B but hits target B again. A's body.

It's a pity that this zombie was only a high-level awakener before his death, so his strength is a little weak, otherwise he could have served as one of his four great kings. (The four great kings is just one position, there are actually eight zombies.)

On the night when the zombies attacked the city, Zuo Xiangming actually sent out several powerful zombies to attack the other three walls.

If all his men concentrated on attacking the south wall, Feng Laixian would not be able to stop them at all.

This time, he brought Li Kuida, one of the four great kings.

Li Kuida is not a resident of Mingzhu City. He comes from an extremely barbaric and warlike village - Crazy Beast Village.

He can completely metalize his body, thus gaining extremely strong defense and attack.

At the beginning, in order to replenish the zombies, Zuo Xiangming led a large number of zombies to capture the Crazy Beast Village. Who knew that Li Kuida killed one-third of his zombies alone, so that the operation became a loss-making business.

The only consolation is that Li Kuida is indeed strong. After becoming a zombie, he not only did not become weaker, but became even stronger.

Feng Laixian was fighting with Guan Hongying, when suddenly a black fist appeared and hit him directly on the cheek.


His jaw was directly broken, and a large number of teeth flew out of his mouth.

But Feng Laixian didn't care about the injury.

He quickly stepped back to avoid Guan Hongying's fatal punch, and then glanced at the two zombies.

The punch just now was too weird.

He didn't notice anyone approaching at all, and suddenly a fist appeared and hit him in the face, and he didn't even have time to dodge.

"That fist is black, which means it attacked me, so the power should be provided by another corpse!"

Feng Laixian first glanced at Li Kuida, whose body was completely covered with black metal and blood was stained on his fist, and then he looked at another naked female zombie.

Obviously, it was this female zombie who cooperated with the male zombie to make the unavoidable punch just now.

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