I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [081] Healing Lost

When Su Qingbo saw Zhang Ping's serious look and sincere attitude, he believed Zhang Ping's words in his heart.

He said calmly: "As long as it suits you, I still have a lot of things to sort out, so I'll take my leave now."

After speaking, he nodded slightly to the two of them, and then slowly sank into the water.


Ye Changchun sighed.

He was very reluctant to let go of Su Qingbo, but he couldn't stop it.

Zhang Ping saw this, his heart moved slightly, and he said: "Grandpa Su, actually I have an ability that can prevent me from getting lost or sinking, it just requires a little trust."

"Can it prevent getting lost and sinking? Such a good thing!" Ye Changchun was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes. While condensing the contract gems, he erased the original contract, leaving only one contract: just obey Zhang Ping's first order and obey it 100%.

To put it simply, he can only give orders to the person who takes the contract gem once, and then he can no longer control it.

If he is more evil-minded, he can order the other party to obey his orders forever.

But he certainly won't do that.

After gathering the contract gems, he told Ye Changchun the full effect of the contract gems. After hearing this, Ye Changchun picked up the contract gems and looked at them, then simply threw them into his mouth.

"Is this all right?" Ye Changchun asked with a smile.

Zhang Ping looked surprised. He really didn't expect Ye Changchun to swallow the contract gem directly without even thinking about it.

He immediately used identification skills on Ye Changchun.

[Identification successful]

[Summoned Beast: Ye Changchun]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human (Lost)]

[Potential: None]

【Lifespan: 99】

[Level: Top Awakener]

【Level: 39】


[Super plant transformation (mutation): The body can be transformed into a plant body, possessing various abilities of plants. 】

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner's orders. You will faithfully execute the summoner's orders. (can be ordered once)]

【Advanced skills】

[Intermediate-Photosynthesis: Through photosynthesis, you can recover your physical strength without eating. 】

[Advanced - Ground Rooting: Put the roots into

In the soil, it can absorb the nutrients of the soil and slowly strengthen itself until it is released from super-vegetative transformation. 】

[Top-level - Rooting and Germination: One seed can be produced every year. If the body dies, it will be resurrected in the seed, take root, sprout, and grow again. 】

It’s done!

Zhang Ping's eyes filled with tears. He finally had his first summoned beast, although he only had one chance to command it.

He took a deep breath and then smiled: "Grandpa Ye, I order you to never get lost or sink in the future!"

"Okay!" Ye Changchun nodded and smiled.

Then Zhang Ping identified Ye Changchun's attributes again, and sure enough, the word "lost" was no longer in Ye Changchun's attributes.

"Ah, I remembered. When I left Pearl City, it was because I failed to confess to a girl. I was so sad that I simply lived in isolation. Moreover, I have become accustomed to life in the wild. The city... is not suitable for me. ." Ye Changchun's eyes suddenly widened and he murmured to himself.

Then he looked at Zhang Ping with a wry smile and sighed: "Actually... it's good to be lost. It's rare to be confused!"

"Sorry, Grandpa Ye, it's too late for you to regret it now. I can only order you once." Zhang Ping smiled helplessly.

Ye Changchun shook his head, looked at the calm lake, and said with a smile: "Actually, I have put it down and looked away. It's just that sometimes I am too sober and lose the joy of life. Pearl City... Sure enough, I still have some care."

"Grandpa Ye, are you planning to take action?" Zhang Ping asked immediately.

Ye Changchun thought for a while and said with a smile: "Let's see how Brother Su chooses first."

After saying that, he loudly summoned Su Qingbo again.

"Brother Su, your illness can be cured!!!" He said with a burst of laughter facing the lake.

After a while, Su Qingbo came out of the lake again, and Ye Changchun told Su Qingbo Zhang Ping's solution in a few words.

"It sounds good, but how can I believe that this is not a scam? If Brother Ye, you have been controlled by a friend, if I believe what you say, won't I be controlled as well?" Su Qingbo calmly listened after hearing this. asked rhetorically.

Ye Changchun thought about it in his mind, clapped his hands and said, "Yes, what if I am actually controlled?"

"Grandpa Ye, do you know how hard I work to suppress the messy thoughts in my heart?" Zhang Ping said dissatisfied.

Although there is only one chance to command, the operating space is

It was too big. He had a hundred ways to control Ye Changchun, but in the end he didn't do it.

Because he doesn't want to be a rat in the gutter, he wants to live upright and aboveboard in this world.

Ye Changchun smiled and said: "Hehehe, I apologize, I apologize, Brother Su, you can completely believe it... By the way, what is your name?"

Ye Changchun never asked Zhang Ping's name before, nor did he care about Zhang Ping's name. It was always a child's name, but now that he has recovered from his confusion, he cares about it instead.

"Grandpa Ye, my name is Zhang Ping. I have a long bow and an ordinary appearance." Zhang Ping replied.

Ye Changchun nodded and said: "Brother Su, you can completely trust Zhang Ping. He is not the kind of person with cunning thoughts. I can trust him!"

"Then I will believe Brother Ye for once. After all, it is better not to die." Su Qingbo looked at Ye Changchun, and after confirming that Ye Changchun was serious, he nodded in agreement.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes again and concentrated his mind to condense the contract gem. After forming the contract gem, he suddenly remembered what Ye Changchun had just said and asked: "Senior Su, do you want to get rid of the lost state, or maintain the current state and not deteriorate it?"

"Is there a difference?" Su Qingbo asked.

Ye Changchun interrupted and said: "The difference is huge. After getting rid of the lost state, I feel that I have a lot of troubles all of a sudden. Although I can not think about it, they are there and will not disappear because of this. It is better to be lost, so that I can be confused."

"Let me think about it. My original personality was conservative and cautious, but I lacked the ambition to make progress. In this state, I am calmer, so I am not as conservative as before. I choose to maintain the current state, as long as it does not deteriorate." Su Qingbo chose after analysis.

Zhang Ping handed the contract gem to Su Qingbo and nodded, saying, "I understand, Senior Su, now you just need to eat this gem."

"This thing... is a bit hard to swallow." Su Qingbo frowned and tried to swallow the contract gem several times, but finally gave up because of his resistance.

Little Seron lay at Zhang Ping's feet and was relieved when he saw this scene. He just saw Ye Changchun swallow the contract gem in one bite and thought there was something wrong with him.

He couldn't understand why everyone could eat the contract gem, but he couldn't.

Now that he saw Su Qingbo couldn't eat it either, he felt relieved.

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