I Contracted Myself

【430】Heaven takes sides

The world of heavenly beasts is shaped like a huge flower bud.

Its barriers are like pink diamonds, protecting the inner world from being eroded by the void.

Suddenly a gust of force field wind blew in the void, and Wuming immediately hit the space barrier with the wind. Because of his subconscious behavior of closing his eyes, he was not hurt. Instead, he directly knocked out a human-shaped hole in the space barrier.

Entering the world of heavenly beasts through the opening of the human form, the next moment Wuming quickly fell downwards.

At this time, Wuming regained his senses. When he opened his eyes, he was stunned for a moment and realized that he did not appear in front of Saint Yal. Then he murmured to himself: "It turns out that this is how it feels to go from a different world to another world." , but where are those big eyes?”

His biological force field and telepathy were mixed together, and they immediately exploded outward with himself as the center. In an instant, the entire world was enveloped in his consciousness.

This world is very beautiful.

The shape of the planet is not spherical, but similar to the shape of seeds. Dozens of huge seeds rotate around a lotus-shaped 'platform', and he is falling towards the platform at this time.

It is said to be a platform, but it is actually a huge continent with steep mountains and rivers and full of vitality. Countless animals he has seen and animals he has never seen live in harmony here. To a certain extent, this world is very important to human beings. It's like a fairyland.

So beautiful!

Wuming couldn't help but praise in his heart.

Then he quickly focused his attention on the north of the continent, where there was a desolate land where four level 166 monsters were waiting.

"Got you!"

Wuming immediately set his sights on Saint Yal.

Although Saint Yal's image has changed drastically, the red lines that make up his body are his unhidable features. As long as he sees those red lines, Wuming will know that he is the big eyeball in the sky before.

On the other side, the four-pillar beasts all looked serious. Sheng Yal gritted his teeth and said: "How dare he, he actually came!"

"It's a bit scary. I feel terrible power in him." Sheng Dading said solemnly.

Saint Turon sighed and said: "Although that power is scary, it is very warm. Saint Yal...have you done something to anger the other party?"

"I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do!"

Saint Yal said coldly.

He is a symbol of disease. What's wrong with spreading some disease? What's wrong with causing other creatures to become deformed due to disease?

Isn't this a reasonable thing?

Just like Saint Dading killing lives, this is a reasonable thing. Even Saint Turun can't accuse him of anything, because this is the rule of the world of heavenly beasts.

Saint Turon was speechless by Saint Yal, and could only sigh helplessly.

He could feel the power in Wuming that made him feel happy, and he could even regard Wuming as the same kind. As one of the four pillars of the beasts in the world of heavenly beasts, it was his responsibility to maintain the stability of the world of heavenly beasts.

Saint Yal cannot die, otherwise the world of heavenly beasts will be missing a corner!

"Got you!"

At this time, Wuming appeared out of thin air in front of the four-pillar beast. He looked at Saint Yal with a smile on his face.

Saint Yal said coldly: "You are asking for death!"

This is his home court. Although his level is not as good as Wuming, he can get continuous support from the world. With the cooperation of Saint Turun, Saint Dading, and Saint Mingzhao, the four seasons flow, even those powerful ones in the Shenzang space The regional ruler's personal visit to him was completely justified.

"Powerful creature, you have warm power in your body. You should save more people instead of being immersed in hatred. If you retreat now, I can promise you that I will not take action!" St. Turun was at this time. He spoke.

Saint Yal immediately glared at Saint Turon, and Saint Turon looked at him calmly.

"The purpose of my coming here is to let more people live!" Wuming looked at St. Turun and said seriously.

Saint Turon was stunned for a moment, then looked helplessly at Saint Yal, and said, "It seems that you are hiding a lot of things from me. We need to have a good talk after this battle."

"I've been blabbing for a long time. Since we can't reach an agreement, let's just do it!" Sheng Dading said directly and coldly.

The next second, the densely packed corpses on his body suddenly erupted with terrifying death energy. The death energy turned into a big black snake and directly attacked Wuming with its fangs and claws.

Next to him, Sheng Mingzhuo took action at the same time with perfect understanding, and a khaki-colored force formed dense lines to stab Wuming.

"What you say makes sense, just do it and that's it!"

Wuming suddenly laughed

With a sound, he instantly avoided the attack of the black snake and yellow lines.

He appeared in front of Saint Yal, and before Saint Yal could react, his fists fell wildly, hitting Saint Yal's body like dough and constantly deforming.

A million punches per second.

The eyes on Saint Yal's body exploded one after another, and red mist splattered like blood.

He wanted to fight back, but Wuming's fist was too fast and too heavy, and he couldn't even move. In an instant, Wuming was kicked thousands of kilometers away, hitting countless mountain peaks and giant trees along the way, and finally landed on a beach. The lines that made up the body were all broken, and it looked like a ball of yarn that had been spoiled by a cat.

Wuming stood in front of Sheng Yaer who was lying on the ground and twitching continuously. He slowly exhaled and said with a smile: "I finally feel comfortable!"

At this time, the trees on the left side of the beach suddenly swelled. These trees twisted together to form a huge fist and blasted towards Wuming. The Wuming creature's force field and telekinesis simultaneously condensed into an invisible fist and struck at it, directly blowing up all the trees.

Just as the trees exploded, a black light shot out from behind Wuming. He didn't even look at the side of his body. The black light shot past him and finally landed on the trees in the distance. All the trees withered instantly and then withered into dead trees.

Suddenly, a huge khaki adventure group appeared in front of Wuming. Wuming blinked and immediately felt that his body was attacked millions of times.


With a loud bang, Wuming was hit and flew backwards.

This was the first time he was hit since entering this world. He closed his eyes and felt it for a while, and suddenly he understood.

The space he was in was affected, and he was equivalent to being slowed down a hundred times. The enemy itself was extremely fast, and he was hit between slow and fast.

"This world is taking sides!"

If it was an attack from the enemy, he would instinctively have an intuition and close his eyes.

Only the natural changes in the environment would not arouse his vigilance, because most natural changes would not affect him, but who would have thought that this world would separate the space he was in from other spaces and modify the time flow rate of the space he was in.

Wuming opened his eyes, smashed a mountain with his head, and inserted his hands into the ground. After plowing two traces thousands of kilometers long on the ground, he stopped.

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