I Contracted Myself

【464】Lucy Phil

In a teahouse not far from the shop where the competition for marriage was held.

In the Tianzi No. 1 private room, Maria lay on a woman in a silver-blue battle skirt and said aggrievedly: "Sister Lucy Phil, please help Maria, I really want a Mamakini."

"I also watched your fight just now. Miss Cheng Xuejie is not simple. She has already held back on you." Lucy Phil smiled faintly.

Maria looked at Lucy Phil cutely and said: "If sister Lucy Phil takes action, she will definitely beat her!"

"Even if you say that, I won't help you." Lucy Phil said calmly.

She would not participate in such a boring competition, especially since she didn't like to show up in public.

"Sister Lucy Phil, as long as you can help me win the Mamakini, I will go to school obediently, please." Maria looked at Lucy Phil with tears in her eyes.

Lucyphile looked at Maria helplessly, and her expression gradually became serious: "What if you skip class or don't study hard?"

"Then I will...I will..." Maria didn't know what oath to make to persuade Lucyphile.

Mainly because the oath was too harsh, she didn't dare to say it easily, after all, she really couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't skip class.

Lucyphile said helplessly: "If you can't do it, I will take back the Mamakini, okay?"

"Okay...Okay." Maria had to nod and agree.

Lucyphile got a satisfactory answer, stood up slowly, and said calmly: "Why are you standing there, let's go."

The two left the restaurant and came to the venue of the martial arts competition in a moment.

Except for Cheng Xuejie's arena, which was deserted, the remaining arenas were in full swing. In the No. 4 arena, a man holding a metal stick knocked a half-dragon off the arena with one stick and said: "Thank you."

His opponent lay on the ground, and it took a long time for him to get up and get into the crowd.

Lucy Phil stepped on the air at this time, as if there were invisible stairs and walked to the No. 4 ring. The man holding the metal stick was stunned when he saw Lucy Phil, and his hand subconsciously clenched the metal stick in his hand.

"Girl, fists and feet have no eyes, please forgive me!" He swallowed his saliva, then stepped back a few steps, and his voice was surprisingly gentle, which was completely different from the shouting and yelling when he fought with others before.

On the second floor, the woman in white was also stunned when she saw Lucy Phil walking on the ring.

The main reason was that Lucy Phil was too beautiful, with her beautiful face, delicate facial features, silver hair and golden eyes, skin as white as snow, and temperament like alpine snow lotus, which made people's heartbeats accelerate when they saw her.

She had a slender figure with curves and curves. The silver-blue battle skirt showed her beautiful figure very well, and made her temperament cold and heroic at the same time.

Not to mention that men's heartbeats accelerated, in fact, women's heartbeats also accelerated when they saw her. As soon as she stepped onto the ring, the audience immediately became quiet. Men and women all stared at her infatuatedly. Even just her back view made these guys linger, and they probably didn't even remember who they were.

However, the woman in white on the second floor was a little unhappy. She was here to ruin the scene!

She was competing for a husband, and Lucy Phil stepped onto the ring and directly overwhelmed the crowd. Even she was outshined by Lucy Phil.

At this time, she probably felt like being crushed by her bridesmaid at a wedding, and even her groom stared at her infatuatedly. You can imagine how aggrieved she was.

The problem is that she can't show it yet.

Once she shows a jealous or unhappy expression, it is estimated that it will soon be passed to Wuming through Cheng Xuejie's mouth, and it is very likely to leave Wuming with a bad impression of jealousy.

Finally, under the gentle voice of the referee, the competition on the fourth ring began.

The steel stick man warned Lucifer, "Be careful," and then hit her with a stick, but he subconsciously kept a third of his strength when attacking.

But the next second, he felt a pain in his shoulder before he could react, and then, in a flash, he fell heavily outside the ring.


Everyone was dumbfounded. What happened just now?

Even the referee didn't see clearly how Lucifer attacked, as if time had stopped.

But this is the Shenzang space, and it is much more difficult to stop time in the Shenzang space than in the outside world.

On the No. 3 ring, Cheng Xuejie frowned slightly, and her expression became a little solemn.

Just now, she didn't see clearly how Lucifer attacked. It felt like a blink of an eye, and the steel stick man was already on the ground, while Lucifer didn't move at all.

So strong!

Cheng Xuejie didn't know if she could defeat Lucifer after borrowing Wuming's biological force field.

She could not use all of Wuming's power, but only Wuming's biological force field. She was the master of the realm, and was essentially one with Wuming, so there would be no flaws in using Wuming's biological force field.

But if she used other powers, the referee on the scene would most likely see that she was cheating.

After the referee announced that Lucyphile won, Lucyphile did not stay on the fourth ring. It happened that the champion of the sixth ring defeated the challenger, so she went down from the fourth ring and climbed onto the sixth ring. The champion's face turned pale on the spot.

"Girl, this is against the rules, isn't it?" The champion of the sixth ring took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Lucyphile looked at the referee calmly and asked, "Is there a rule that requires the champion not to challenge other rings?"

"Uh... it seems not." The referee said with sweat dripping from his forehead.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to defend one's own ring, so how could a ring master challenge another ring?

"Then let's start!" Lucy Phil said calmly.

The referee looked at the ring master of ring No. 6 helplessly and said, "There is indeed no such rule. Please get ready!"

"Humph, I admit defeat!" The ring master of ring No. 6 just glanced at Lucy Phil's fighting performance and asked himself if he was not Lucy Phil's opponent, so he said angrily.

Next, Lucy Phil continued to challenge other rings. After an hour, only ring No. 3 and ring No. 1 were left standing among the ten rings.

Lucy Phil stood on ring No. 1 and looked at Cheng Xuejie on ring No. 3. Cheng Xuejie clenched her fists slightly and looked at Lucy Phil. There was no doubt that Lucy Phil would challenge Cheng Xuejie next.

The ten referees gathered together spontaneously and were ready.

This time they would work together to prepare the barrier to ensure that the fight between Lucy Phil and Cheng Xuejie would not affect the outside of the ring.

Everyone present knew that Lucy Phil and Cheng Xuejie were the two strongest people in this martial arts competition. This battle would be even more exciting than the bloody fights in the arena.

At this time, Lucy Phil stepped on the air and slowly walked to the No. 3 ring, saying: "Please give me some advice!"

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