I Contracted Myself

【466】Give birth to three children in the future

"What is this move called?"

"The Veil of Chaos!"

Cheng Xuejie got the answer, nodded to Lucyphile on the ring, and then walked towards Lin Renmei.

"She is very strong!" Lin Renmei whispered to comfort her.

In fact, when Lucyphile stepped onto the ring, she knew that Cheng Xuejie could not beat Lucyphile.

At this time, Zhang Shouzhong and Da Huang came late.

The two were not planning to come over in the store, but they heard a loud noise coming from here, so they closed the store and came to see it out of curiosity.

"It's over?" Zhang Shouzhong found Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie and asked with some doubts.

Before Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie could speak, Maria's voice suddenly came: "Da Huang!!!"

"Maria!!!" Da Huang immediately shuddered, and when he saw Maria, he immediately showed a ghost expression, and turned around and wanted to slip away.

But it was obviously not as fast as Maria, so Maria grabbed its tail with one hand.

"Let go!"


"I'm going to fart!"

"I'm holding my breath!"

"Maria, if you don't let go, I'll bite you!"

"If you dare to bite me, I'll beat you to death!"

"Look at me throwing sand!"

"Puh, you damned Da Huang, look at your feet!"

The two sides started to fight as if no one was around, and it took a while for them to stop.

Da Huang asked, "When did you come?"

"Almost a month." Maria replied.

Da Huang hesitated for a moment and asked, "Are they okay?"

"They can eat and drink, and they gave you a sister named Xiao Baibai." Maria said.

Da Huang then asked, "Where are the godfather and godmother?"

"They're okay too." Maria replied.

Da Huang immediately turned around and walked back as if nothing had happened, saying, "That's fine, I'm leaving first!"

"Don't even think about running away. We agreed to run away from home together, but you ran away quietly, leaving me alone!!!!" Maria roared immediately and grabbed Da Huang's tail directly.

At this time, Lucyphile walked out of the store holding an egg.

While Da Huang and Maria were playing, several referees discussed with the white-clothed woman on the second floor and decided to end the martial arts competition early. The main reason was that after Lucyphile swept through ten arenas, the practitioners under the arena had no intention of challenging on stage, and it was meaningless to continue delaying.

In the end, Lucyphile chose Mamakini's egg and said goodbye directly, without any intention of talking to the store owner or the referee.

"Sister Lucyphile!"

Da Huang was grabbed by Maria's tail with one hand and the back of his neck with the other hand. He stopped struggling immediately when he saw Lucyphile.

"Da Huang?" Lucyphile was also stunned when she saw Da Huang.

Then her expression became serious, frowning and said, "Do you know how much trouble you caused by running away from home? You must come back with me this time."

"No!" Da Huang cried sadly, but he didn't dare to run at all.

Lucyphile threw Mamakini's egg to Maria and warned her, "You too, if you don't study hard this time, you will bear the consequences!"

"Got it, thank you sister Lucyphile!" Maria held Mamakini's egg and said happily.

Zhang Shouzhong stepped forward and said, "Although I don't know what your relationship with Dahuang is, Dahuang is not a child, and he has the freedom to choose."

"Dahuang, your friend?" Lucyphile asked.

Dahuang nodded and said, "Well, he is called Fatty, my good friend."

"You are called Fatty, no, Fatty Dog, I am Zhang Shouzhong!" Zhang Shouzhong said with his teeth bared.

Dahuang suddenly showed embarrassment, he really forgot Zhang Shouzhong's real name, after all, everyone usually called Zhang Shouzhong Fatty.

"Okay, there are so many people here, let's go back and talk about it. If there is anything, sit down and communicate calmly, which is the only way to solve the problem." Cheng Xuejie stepped forward and said.

Lucy Phil was surprised and asked, "You and it are also friends?"

"We are in the same group!" Zhang Shouzhong said immediately.

Da Huang shook his tail involuntarily and nodded, "Yes, sister Lucy Phil, they are all my best friends."

"Then let's go to your residence first." Lucy Phil nodded.

Mainly because she hates to show up, people around her look at them, she feels particularly uncomfortable.

In fact, it is precisely because she doesn't like to show up that she simply cleared the ten arenas, so that the competition will end quickly and she won't have to stay in the arena for too long.

Everyone returned to the Akita hut. The shop naturally couldn't accommodate so many people, so everyone moved to the backyard. Cheng Xuejie went to prepare tea and woke up Wuming who was still sleeping.

She walked into the tea room and gently called Wuming. A moment later, a biological force field peeled off her body and quickly condensed into a human form next to her.

"I slept so comfortably. Did you get the Mamakini?" Wuming stretched and asked by the way.

Cheng Xuejie sighed and replied, "No, I lost."


Wuming was stunned. He thought that he and Cheng Xuejie would be infallible.

He then closed his eyes and quickly checked the records when he fell asleep. After reading them, he smiled bitterly and said, "There is nothing I can do when I meet such an opponent. I can only say that I am unlucky."

In the backyard, Maria continued to judge Dahuang, detailing how Dahuang betrayed her, while Dahuang kept making excuses for himself.

In fact, everyone knows that if it was just Da Huang who ran away, they would not search too seriously as long as they were sure that Da Huang was fine. But if it was Maria who ran away from home, countless worlds would probably be turned upside down.

"Please have some tea, both of you." Cheng Xuejie came up with tea, and Wuming followed behind.

Maria looked at Wuming first, then at Wuming again, her body suddenly froze, her eyes widened, and finally she screamed exaggeratedly: "Master Wuming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Da Huang next to her was shocked by Maria's scream and his eyes rolled back.

Maria jumped up from the stone bench, came to Wuming, and said incoherently: "I just felt that the layout of the store outside was a little familiar, ah... Master Wuming, I am your number one fan, my name is Maria, we will have three children in the future, two sons and a daughter, the eldest son is called..."

"Maria!" Lucyphile grabbed Maria's ear and shouted in a deep voice.

Maria suddenly woke up from her frenzy. Seeing Wuming looking at her with a wry smile, she became shy and her face turned red like a ripe tomato.

"Sorry, Maria likes you very much, so I'm sorry!" Lucyphile continued to say to Wuming.

Wuming shook his head to show that it was okay, and then smiled at Maria: "Maria, I'm glad to meet you."

"Me... me too." Maria said softly.

Da Huang stared at the shy Maria in amazement. It had never seen such a Maria before. Was this still the female Tyrannosaurus it knew?

Then it looked at Wuming with admiration.

As expected of the boss it admired the most, even a female Tyrannosaurus like Maria could be convinced. It was really too strong.

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