I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [090] Earthquake

"We need a carrier that can carry the remaining power of the divine bird."

Zhu Hongfang directly stated his purpose. Among the younger generation of the Zhu family, only Zhu Yuanlong's body and ability were enough to contain the power of the sun bird. Even though the sun bird had died long ago, only the bone in the bone marrow was left. A little bit of strength.

"I see, tell me your plan!"

Zhu Yuanlong admitted that he was moved. There were probably few people in the Zhu family who could face this temptation without being moved.

It's just that they don't have enough ability to carry this power.

That's why Zhu Hongfang found him.


Zhang Ping finally arrived at the agreed meeting place before the sun went down.

"Sister Sisi?"

When he saw Liu Sishan with Feng Laixian and others, he was a little surprised.

"Let's go, let's talk as we walk, and get back to the base before the sun goes down." Liu Sishan glanced at Zhang Ping angrily, and then said.

Zhang Ping nodded repeatedly: "Oh, okay."

He took a few steps quickly to keep up with the others.

"Actually, Senior Lu Han was worried about you, so Sisi and I finally came out to look for you." Cheng Xuejie fell behind and quietly said to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping was slightly surprised, and felt a little different about Lu Han.

He was actually a little unhappy with Lu Han because Lu Han was too lenient.

"Don't blame Senior Lu Han for his irritable words before. He is actually very reliable, but sometimes he takes some things too seriously." Cheng Xuejie said with a smile.

Zhang Ping nodded slightly.

Probably as night approaches, there are more and more animals in the forest, and many wild beasts that rest during the day and hunt at night are also appearing in the forest.

Naturally, alienated beasts also began to appear.

Everyone quickened their pace and finally rushed back to Base 08 around seven o'clock.

"Phew, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I will soon be unable to hold Senior Lu Han back." Zhang Shouzhong was relieved when he saw Zhang Ping and others coming back.

Zhang Ping stepped forward and patted Zhang Shouzhong's big belly, and said jokingly: "With your tonnage, if you really want to hold Senior Lu Han back, how could you possibly not be able to hold him back?"

"Are you jealous that I have beautiful fat that makes me fat when I want to, and thin when I want to be thin?" Zhang Shouzhong patted his belly proudly.

Although the two had known each other for a short time, they surprisingly got along well with each other.

Zhang Ping and Zhang Shouzhong walked to the restaurant arm in arm

As he walked, he asked, "Is there any problem with that energy returning to your body?"

"No, in fact, the captain has tried it before. He took my weapon and used his space ability to teleport thousands of miles away. In the end, the energy didn't come back safely." Zhang Shouzhong comforted me.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Then you can lend me some more fat energy, so I can prepare it for emergencies."

"Okay, I'll get it for you later." Zhang Shouzhong readily agreed.

Zhang Ping patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "Thank you."

"Why are you so polite? Everyone's surname is Zhang. Maybe they were the same family five hundred years ago. Besides, you are the last hope of Pearl City. Everyone still expects you to deal with Tian Changhu and save everyone in Pearl City." Zhang Shouzhong said seriously.

While laughing, everyone came to the canteen.

After dinner, Zhang Ping returned to his room to rest.

Tomorrow they will go to the ruins together!


The place Situ Shibai mentioned before is actually a relic of ancient human civilization.

That place was hidden in the training ground of the investigation team, so they had to go around the mountains to reach the training ground of the investigation team.

"I don't know if I can get the weapons against the king."

Zhang Ping lay on the bed, thinking with some worry in his heart. Although he was willing to fight for countless people in Pearl City, the burden was too heavy. All the pressure was on him alone. He was worried that he would fail.

Once he can't get the weapon Situ Shibai mentioned...

Zhang Ping sighed slightly. He couldn't imagine how disappointed everyone would be then.

At this time, a Chu Deed flew out of his pocket and turned into a small Theron and landed on Zhang Ping's chest.

"Wow, little guy, you're so heavy." He immediately pretended to be uncomfortable and said with a hint of a smile.

Little Theron jumped twice on his chest angrily, and then got off him, curiously observing everything in the room.

There is actually nothing interesting about this room, except for the bunk beds, which are still bunk beds. Fortunately, the light is relatively bright, otherwise this room is actually quite scary.

Little Theron jumped between the bunk beds. When he got tired, he would lie down next to Zhang Ping and harass Zhang Ping from time to time.

"Are you hungry?"

Zhang Ping sat up, cradled little Theron's head, and asked.

Then he didn't care whether little Theron was hungry or not, he simply took out the plate and started grilling meat on his own.


The talent of ‘Fire Eater’ only has this purpose.

Fortunately, he hunted two deer on the way to the rendezvous, so he didn't need to worry about little Theron's food.

As for Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo.

Both of them are beings who can't die even if they don't eat or drink for decades, so he doesn't need to worry about them.

A night of silence.

The next day, morning.

Zhang Ping felt something pressing on his chest when he woke up.

He sighed helplessly and said, "Little Theron, weren't you sleeping in the deed? Why did you run out again?"

Sure enough, he opened his eyes slightly and saw little Theron lying on his chest, looking at him with ruby ​​eyes. He was obviously an ant but looked as cute as a chubby puppy.

"You guys are really heavy again."

He sat up slowly, put little Theron on his thigh, and then yawned hard.

He slept very comfortably this time, mainly because he had forcibly condensed ten contract gems before going to bed, three of which were storage contracts, and the remaining seven were ordinary contract gems.

He took out a contract gem from the gold treasure house, and after eating it, he saw little Theron looking at it eagerly, so he took out one and asked, "Do you want it?"

Little Theron immediately opened his mouth, looking like he was waiting to be fed.

"Aren't you very annoying?" Zhang Ping put the contract gem into its mouth and said with a smile.

After eating the contract gem, little Theron smacked his mouth, and then opened his mouth again to ask for more. It didn't understand why it didn't reject something it didn't want to eat before, and even liked it a little.

"No more, I will give you one in the morning and another one before going to bed at night, so if you want to eat it, you have to wait until the evening." Zhang Ping refused.

There is one thing about little Theron that is very likable, that is, when others don't give it, it won't make a fuss about it.

"Okay, let's go have breakfast."

Zhang Ping saw its regretful look, smiled, picked up the little guy who made people love him so much, and left the room directly.

Little Seron may not understand the power of the contract gem now, but in the future, when its accumulated potential is converted into strength, it will naturally understand how precious and powerful the contract gem is.

As soon as they walked out of the door, the whole base suddenly shook violently.


Zhang Ping hugged little Seron tightly, looking at the shaking corridor in doubt, and the next moment an aftershock hit.

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