I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [092] Reasons for being trapped

Feng Laixian and others were teleported away one after another, while Liu Sishan and Zhang Shouzhong volunteered to stay until the end.

After everyone left, Zhang Ping and the two of them walked into the teleportation array.

"Wait, we forgot two people!"

Just as he was about to teleport away, Ye Changchun already had the Chu Deed in his hand, and Zhang Ping suddenly thought of brothers Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu.

These two brothers are still locked in a solitary room!

Ye Changchun stopped and looked at Zhang Ping, but did not return to Chuqi immediately.

Liu Sishan frowned slightly, and Zhang Shouzhong next to him also realized who the two people Zhang Ping was talking about were.

He even said directly: "Zhang Ping, don't worry about them. They both deserved to die in the first place, but now it's not us who killed them, so we can't care about that much."

"You guys go first, I'd better go take a look." Zhang Ping hesitated for a moment and finally walked out of the teleportation array.

Liu Sishan said, "I'll go with you."

"I can turn into a body of pure water. Even if it collapses, I won't die. The worst I can do is use the dark mist to slowly drill into the ground. What if you have something wrong with you? In this way... you and the fat man go first, and I Just come and go." Zhang Ping refused.

"Why are you swearing? But Sisi, what Zhang Ping said makes sense, let's go first." Zhang Shouzhong glared at Zhang Ping first, and then helped Zhang Ping to persuade him.

Liu Sishan looked at Zhang Ping and finally compromised: "Remember, you must come out alive. If you don't teleport out within fifteen minutes, I will come in to find you!"

"Okay!" Zhang Ping nodded.

Seeing the two people leaving, Ye Changchun asked: "Who are those two people?"

"The two enemies we captured before were detained in the solitary room because they were seriously injured." Zhang Ping replied.

Then he looked in the direction of the confinement room. The passage there had almost collapsed, but no magma had flowed in yet.

He looked at Ye Changchun and said, "Senior Ye, I'm sorry, please hold on a little longer, and I'll bring them two out."

"Haha, go ahead, it won't be a big problem in a short time." Ye Changchun chuckled.

He knew very well what kind of person Zhang Ping was.

It is not surprising that Zhang Ping would make such a choice, but it is in line with his understanding of Zhang Ping.

It was precisely because of Zhang Ping that he and Su Qingbo chose to follow him and protect him.

Zhang Ping transformed into

The body of pure water moved quickly towards the passage of the confinement room at the next moment. He actually hesitated whether to save him or not. As Zhang Shouzhong said, the two brothers were their enemies in the first place. They could just leave them alone and let them fend for themselves. .

But at the last moment, he thought of the many rescuers in his previous life who were waiting for help. Some of them were in collapsed caves, and some were in dangerous jungles.

Everyone's eyes filled with tears when they saw them, and their eyes exuded the light of hope.

Finally, he thought of himself.

The feeling of being buried alive is not pleasant.

If Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu died here, it would be the same as being buried alive.

"If I had done this in my previous life, I wouldn't have been called a Virgin, right? Forget it, as long as I wasn't a Virgin bitch." Zhang Ping approached the solitary room and couldn't help but think mockingly to himself.

He used pure water to open the door of the confinement room. Sure enough, Zhao Yanhu and Zhao Yanlong were both awake, but they were unable to move because of their serious injuries.

When the two of them saw Zhang Ping appearing, they both looked surprised.

They all thought that Zhang Ping and others had escaped long ago, so how could they waste time on the two brothers.

Zhang Ping was too lazy to talk to the two of them. He rolled them up and a large amount of dark mist immediately poured out. He turned around and fled quickly. Not long after they left, the confinement room collapsed instantly and was buried directly by the rocks.

"Why are you back?" Zhao Yanhu asked incomprehensibly as he was led to move quickly.

At least if it were him, he would never come back to save others, and would even laugh at the other person for dying miserably.

Zhang Ping laughed at himself: "Because I love being the Virgin the most. I feel uncomfortable if I am not the Virgin. I am the Virgin just because of my interest. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

He quickly returned to the teleportation array, placed the two brothers in the teleportation array, and then looked at Ye Changchun.

Ye Changchun chuckled and quickly returned to the Chu Deed. At the same time, the Chu Deed quickly flew into Zhang Ping's pocket.

In one breath, Zhang Ping quickly activated the teleportation array.

But at the same time as the teleportation array was activated, a 'click' sound also sounded!

Because of Ye Changchun's departure, this space suddenly lost its pillars. The ground first cracked, and then was squeezed and arched.

But the splitting speed was far faster than the squeezing. As soon as the teleportation array started, the entire teleportation platform split in half, and the teleportation failed.


Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, and then he felt something falling from above his head, and he quickly used his hands to hold it up.


There was a loud noise, and the entire space quickly collapsed.

Zhang Ping held on to the rock above his head, his whole body was bent over, and he resisted the pressure.

"Ahem, it seems we can't escape." Zhao Yanlong's face turned slightly pale, he barely looked up at his leg that was pressed by the boulder, and coughed.

Zhao Yanhu looked at Zhang Ping and advised: "Save your strength, can't you turn into water? If you turn into water now, maybe you still have a chance to survive."

"Damn it, stop chirping, it's so noisy." Zhang Ping gritted his teeth and couldn't help cursing.

He is trying to figure it out.

Although the space collapsed and he turned into a pure water body, he still could not die, but Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu would definitely die, and they would die bit by bit in front of his eyes.

"Zhang Ping, do you need my help?" Ye Changchun's storage contract floated out of Zhang Ping's pocket and asked.

Zhang Ping frowned and said, "Senior, the space here is too narrow, can you come out?"

"It seems... it's really impossible. Although I can expand the space after I come out, I will crush them to death." Ye Changchun thought about it and answered helplessly.

Zhang Ping can turn into a stream and is not afraid of his crushing, but Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu brothers can't.

At this time, the earth shook violently again, and magma rushed in all of a sudden.

Because Ye Changchun's presence just now changed the terrain here, there are still many raised mounds in front to temporarily block the magma, but the magma still slowly penetrates through many gaps.

The stone platform for transmission is higher than the ground, so the magma can't hurt them for a while, but the air is thinner.

At the same time, because of this violent shock, Zhang Ping's body was bent even more. There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. Because of the excessive force, his eyeballs were full of bloodshot, and the blue veins on the surface of his skin were all bulging, which was extremely hideous and terrifying.

"Don't hold on, let us die quickly." Zhao Yanhu looked at Zhang Ping's hideous appearance and said with tears in his eyes.

Zhao Yanlong turned his head to one side, closed his eyes as if waiting to die, but clenched his fists quietly.

They had all seen Zhang Ping's pure water body. If combined with the powerful penetrating power of the dark fog, it can be said that this place cannot trap Zhang Ping. It is the two of them who really trapped Zhang Ping here.

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