I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [093] See the good and learn from them

On the other side, Liu Sishan and others were waiting on the grass for Zhang Ping to be teleported out.

"It's been more than ten minutes, why hasn't that guy Zhang Ping come out yet?" Bai De said to himself anxiously.

Others are also very worried. After all, the key to their actions this time lies in Zhang Ping. Without Zhang Ping, they can't do anything.

"Look over there!" Zhang Shouzhong exclaimed, holding a telescope in his hand.

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and their eyes widened suddenly with expressions of disbelief.

A huge firebird is raising its head from the burning woods. Above it are red clouds and lightning is constantly falling.

"Could it be that it caused the earthquake?" Cheng Xuejie guessed.

This firebird seems to be bound to the earth by something. It is constantly struggling. Every struggle will cause a strong hurricane, and the earth will also shake due to it.

It's just that the distance between Liu Sishan and others and the Firebird is too far, and they can only vaguely see the outline of the Firebird.


Suddenly, there was a loud thunderous noise in the distance, and then an extinct volcano suddenly erupted.

If Zhang Ping, Su Qingbo, and Ye Changchun were on the ground, they would find that the extinct volcano that erupted was the same volcano they were on before.

It can be said that every drink and peck are determined by God.

If Su Qingbo and Ye Changchun had not left with Zhang Ping, they would probably have died in a sudden eruption of the volcano.

"I have a frightening feeling. If the Firebird breaks free, it will definitely bring devastating damage to the entire endless mountain." Zhang Shouzhong said tremblingly.

Feng Laixian said solemnly: "Is this the so-called king-level alienated beast?"

"I don't know, but now we can only wait and see what happens. I will go down to see the situation first, and I must bring Zhang Ping back as soon as possible." Liu Sishan said seriously.

However, when she walked into the teleportation array, she unexpectedly found that the teleportation array could not be activated. Her expression suddenly changed and she said, "The teleportation array is malfunctioning!"


Lu Han immediately stepped forward quickly. When he saw that the teleportation array could not be activated, his face immediately turned pale and he knelt on the ground helplessly.

Then he muttered to himself: "I just said that Zhang Ping shouldn't be allowed to mess around. His temper will cause trouble sooner or later. It's okay now. Pearl City is over!"

"Zhang Ping may not die, he can turn into water

, a rock collapse wouldn't kill him, but it might not be easy for him to get out from 1,800 meters underground. "Baide said at this time.

Zhang Shouzhong immediately said: "Then we dig from top to bottom, and he digs from bottom to top. Is there any chance?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground shook violently again, and then the huge volcano ejected a large amount of magma, and all the surrounding trees turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur.

"I'm afraid that an unavoidable forest fire will spread to all directions soon. It will be too late." Liu Sishan said with some despair.

She felt very regretful at this moment. She shouldn't have had the slightest compassion at that time.

1,800 meters underground.

Zhang Ping was almost forced to kneel on the ground. He clenched his teeth and held on. His whole body was soaked with sweat. There was only one belief left, that is, he could still hold on.

In fact, when most people save people, they often don't think so much. When they act, they only have one thought: to save people.

In Zhang Ping's previous life, there was a big brother like this. He saved a child crossing the road and gave him a leg.

Later, Zhang Ping visited the hospital and asked this question. He just smiled and said that he really didn't think much about it at that time.

Later, he himself participated in countless rescue operations. The process of rescuing people was often difficult, but the moment he successfully rescued people, he was only happy.

This kind of happiness is pure.

Zhang Ping did not want to get the gratitude of Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu, nor did he want to win people's hearts and make them obediently become his summoned beasts.

He doesn't know what to say.

He didn't believe that saving a life was better than building a seven-level pagoda.

If you really want to say what prompted him to do this, it was probably... seeing the wise and thinking of others.

In his last life, Zhang Ping was born in a country where heroes emerged in large numbers. He had too many role models to learn from. He would cry for the sacrifices of heroes, and he would also be happy that the rescued would later become the rescuer.

After gaining absolute control over his body, he knew very clearly whether his thoughts came from his body's desires or from his heart.

He knew he just wanted to do it purely, and if this was the Blessed Virgin, then so be it.

Zhao Yanhu said in a tearful voice: "My brother and I don't need your help. Do you hear me? Get out of here."

"That's enough, stop acting. If you want any information, just ask. I'll tell you it's not enough. Don't stay anymore. Don't..." Zhao Yanlong said tremblingly.

Zhang Ping didn't have the energy to speak. He gritted his teeth tightly, and his eyes even bulged slightly from the force.

He can still hold on, the power of the old king's blood is strengthening his body, this little pressure can't defeat him, it will only make him stronger.

"Hoo, ho, ho, ho, ho, drink!!!"

He adjusted his breathing. His voice was low at first, but at the end he shouted loudly. The strength of his whole body burst out in an instant, and he even lifted the rock a little.

In fact, the technique he is using now is the stubborn body of the Beast King Fist.

Feng Laixian used this move to explode all his power in an instant and break free from Zuo Xiangming's restraints.

However, this move actually requires special medicine to practice, otherwise forcibly practicing will hurt yourself. If you practice improperly, you may even become disabled.

The problem is that Zhang Ping has the blood of the old king. Any pain will only become his nourishment. As long as he doesn't die, he will become stronger.

Therefore, after using the Taowu Wanti, he not only burst out with stronger power, but also his body became stronger due to the side effects of the Taowu Wanti.

It really works!

Zhang Ping was refreshed and his eyes were slightly bright.

He looked up at the rock above, took a deep breath, and used the skills of the Taowu Wanti again, but this time he tried to concentrate his strength on his right fist.

With one punch, the rock suddenly sank slightly.

Zhang Ping's mouth corners slightly upturned, and the next moment he gritted his teeth and burst out completely, and his fists madly bombarded the rock above.

"Hula, hula, hula, hula..."

His muscles turned red, as if they were burning. Along with the breathing rhythm of Taowu's stubborn body, countless fist shadows smashed the rock crazily. The rock sank upwards little by little, and the space that was originally compressed to only 40 centimeters was gradually widened.

However, the change of the rock often affects the whole body. As he widened the space, the little magma blocked outside was squeezed in.

Zhang Ping's heels were immediately covered by magma...


His face was red, and he raised his head and roared, but his fists did not stop. Instead, he smashed the rock with a more ferocious posture, and countless red blood spots gradually covered the rock.

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