I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [094] Desperate Situation

ten minutes later.

Under Zhang Ping's desperate attacks, the rock gradually cracked.

This rock is a very common granite with an irregular rectangular shape and weighs about 2 tons.

When it cracked, it was like two thick stone slabs, immediately sliding down in an 'eight' shape. Zhang Ping took a step forward and supported the two rocks with his scarred hands. The rough surface of the rock Under the friction, not only the white bones of the back of his hand could be seen, but also the palm of his hand was worn to the bone.

But at this time, he actually didn't feel any pain.

When the rocks fell heavily, a small, airtight space was formed, roughly shaped like the character for '人'.

This rock not only stabilizes this small space, but also blocks the magma from continuing to flow in.

"Phew, it's safe for now."

Zhang Ping kept holding the rock open with his hands, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

He glanced at the two brothers on the ground, then sat down with his back against the rock and said tiredly.

The sign that a boy becomes a man is not to reproduce with a woman, nor to fight bravely with others, but to bravely shoulder his responsibilities and bear the responsibilities of a man.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu were detained at the base by him and Lu Han.

Therefore, Zhang Ping believed that he had the responsibility to take the two people out. Even if they were proven to be evil people after they went out, he would personally kill them.

At least at that moment, he had a clear conscience.

Of course, he was not working blindly. He thought he could save it, so he worked hard.

If he can't save it, he will definitely give up and choose to be patient, just like those people who were killed by Tian Changhu, he can't save it, but he will remember this revenge. When he has the strength in the future, he will avenge these people and kill all Tian Chang. fox.

Zhao Yanhu gritted his teeth and propped up his upper body, staring at Zhang Ping with his bloodshot eyes, and asked in a harsh voice: "Why? Why do you insist on saving me and my brother?"

"Because it can be saved."

Zhang Ping lowered his head to check his familiar heels. Hearing this, he glanced up at Zhao Yanhu and then replied.

"Can it be saved?"

Zhao Yanhu felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

He thought of many reasons to win people's hearts and get information, but Zhang Ping's answer was just that he could save her.

"Rescue needs

Reason? "

"You have 10,000 reasons not to save, but if you choose to save, you don't need so many reasons."

At this time, Zhang Ping turned his body into pure water form and continued calmly: "The air here will definitely become less and less. You'd better pay attention to reducing your breathing frequency. I'll try to drill a passage to the ground to let the air Once it’s circulated, I’m afraid I won’t be able to take you away for the time being.”

"Can't you put people into gems?" Zhao Yanlong took the opportunity to ask.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "You are smarter than your brother, so you should be able to guess that this ability cannot be used casually."


Zhao Yanlong remained silent.

He did have some guesses about the conditions for entering the Chu Deed. After all, Zhao Yanhu's ability was biased towards summoning.

Zhao Yanhu was dissatisfied and said: "Why do you slander people? Why am I not as smart as my brother?"

"Tiger, stop talking nonsense and save air." Zhao Yanlong said angrily.

Zhao Yanhu shut up aggrievedly and simply lay on the ground and stretched out his body.

"Be careful. If aftershocks happen again after I leave, it may not be impossible for this place to collapse. I'm afraid I won't be able to save you in time, so you may still die." Zhang Ping gradually released the dark mist to cover his body. , said to the two brothers at the same time.

Zhao Yanlong said calmly: "I understand, life and death are determined by destiny. If it really collapses, it will be the life of me and the tiger."

"Hurry up and leave. You don't need to save me in the first place." Zhao Yanhu said with red eyes.

Zhang Ping chose a position and controlled the Mingwu to drill into the soil like a drill. His body of pure water was like a thin long snake, moving up along the channel drilled out by the Mingwu.

However, not long after drilling upward, magma suddenly seeped in from the side wall. He frowned slightly, controlled the dark mist to block the magma, and slowly backed away.

After exiting the passage, he blocked the passage again with soil.

"The situation is worse than expected. There may be a lot of magma above us." He said to the two brothers Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu.

His pure water body can feel the surrounding temperature. The problem is that the surrounding temperature is actually very high. Their current small space is like a sauna, with heat sources all around.

It was this heat that caused him to misjudge the situation.

"In other words, you are also trapped?" Zhao Yanlong frowned.

Zhang Ping said calmly: "We can't rush to conclusions yet. I'll look in other directions."

As he spoke, he drilled the hole to the right and followed with his body.

"Brother, have you ever met such a person before?" Zhao Yanhu couldn't help but ask as he looked at the hole Zhang Ping drilled.

Zhao Yanlong was silent for a moment and replied: "There are many in the story, but this is the first time I have encountered it in reality."

At this time, Zhang Ping slowly withdrew from the cave and blocked the passage again with soil and gravel.

He frowned and said, "It's strange. There is also magma here. Why does it feel like we are surrounded by magma?"

"Sorry, it seems that our two brothers have caused trouble for you." Zhao Yanlong exhaled a breath of hot breath and said with a complicated mood.

In the solitary room, he actually cursed Zhang Ping and others, thinking bitterly in his heart that if he didn't die this time, he would definitely seek revenge at all costs.

But now he no longer hates Zhang Ping, and even has a complicated feeling towards him.

His injuries were caused by Zhang Ping, and he fell into this situation because of Zhang Ping, but he blamed Zhang Ping the least.

"Brother Zhang Ping, why don't I come out and give it a try." Ye Changchun's voice came from the storage contract.

If he came out, it would mean that Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu would be crushed to death by him in an instant.

Obviously, in his heart, Zhang Ping's life is far more important than the lives of these two brothers.

Zhang Ping denied: "Senior, don't worry, I will think of other ways."

He has fought so hard, how could he give up easily.

Now is not the time of desperation, he still has time and opportunity to save Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu brothers, as long as it is not the last moment, he will not give up easily.

"Forget it, Zhang Ping. I, Zhao Yanhu, have never been submissive to anyone in my life. Now... Now I am submissive to you. You are more manly and more powerful than me. Let the old man of the big tree come out and give me and my brother a quick death." Zhao Yanhu said at this time.

The air was getting thinner and thinner.

In fact, he and Zhao Yanlong were in extremely bad condition.

The spirit just now was just the effect of adrenaline.

Now that the effect of adrenaline has worn off, he feels drowsy and feels like he will never wake up again once he falls asleep.

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