I Contracted Myself

【555】Dark Door Dragon

There is the Void Sky Demon King in front, the unkillable Skull Crusher in the middle, and the Infinite Shedding Snake in the back. The audience felt numb.

The prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower are too scary. So many scary guys are all imprisoned in one place. Can the jailers sleep at night?

Anyway, if they are asked to be jailers, they will probably suffer from insomnia every night.

Wuming continued to move forward under the gaze of countless spectators. Sure enough, the next cell was empty.

Suddenly, the Sky Demon Worm suddenly blocked Wuming's right front, and a tail suddenly attacked from the darkness and collided with the Sky Demon Worm.

The two sides fell apart as soon as they touched, and then the Sky Demon Worm's tail quickly lengthened and chased the tail in the darkness.


With a crisp sound, the Sky Demon Worm's tail quickly retracted.

The whole battle process took about a millisecond. Wuming looked in the direction of the tail's sneak attack and saw a deflated snake skin lying on the ground, with only the edge of the snake skin still wriggling.

This dark snake skin was hidden in the dark environment and did not move. It was indeed difficult to detect when Wuming could not use his mental power to perceive it.

He took out a vitality bomb and threw it over. In an instant, the snake skin was covered with the essence of the life stone.

"What happened just now?" Shui'er asked puzzledly at this time.

Wuming smiled and said, "Nothing, it's just that the snake skin of the infinite molting snake attacked me, but was blocked by the sky demon worm."

It must be said that the automatic protection ability of the sky demon worm is very strong. Although he could react to the attack just now, it was definitely not as fast as the sky demon worm.

This attack was still quite dangerous for him. After all, the snake skin of the infinite molting snake had been contaminated long ago. If it was touched, it would be troublesome.

"I suspect that the infinite molting snake may not be contaminated." Tianxing Mingyue said to Wuming at this time.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, there is indeed this possibility. Maybe every time it is polluted to a certain extent, it will shed its skin, so these snake skins look so strange."

"By the way, Mr. Gao, how did you catch the Infinite Shedding Snake?" Wuming suddenly thought of something and asked while looking at the screen.

Gao Shanggong replied, "Can't you just pinch it from behind? As long as you don't hurt its life, what's the use of its ability to shed its skin?"


Everyone fell silent after seeing this line of words, as if... that's right.

Although the Infinite Shedding Snake has strong combat power in the front, it can suck the target into its stomach and kill it instantly by opening its mouth, but as long as you go around it and pinch its head, it is actually no different from other snakes.

The key is that the Infinite Shedding Snake is now unknown where it is, and it is not clear how many prisoners it has swallowed, and whether its body will mutate as a result.

Wuming thought for a moment, turned around from the cell and said, "Let's go and take a look at the next cell."

The bullets cleared the way, and dozens of minutes later, they came to the next cell, which was still the same as the previous cell, and the wall of this cell had more cracks. Obviously, the Infinite Shedding Snake had an extremely fierce battle with the prisoners in this cell.

Wuming did not enter the cell, because on the other side of the passage, three monster snakes contaminated by snake skin slowly raised their heads from the ground, and their bodies staggered towards Wuming.

He looked at the Sky Demon Worm, and the Sky Demon Worm immediately rose from his shoulders, and his tail swooshed three times, and the three monster snakes contaminated by the snake skin of the Infinite Shedding Snake fell to the ground, all deflated.

"So powerful!" Shui'er finally saw the attack of the Sky Demon Worm this time, and said in surprise with wide eyes.

Before, she was a little dissatisfied with the Sky Demon Worm, because the shoulder where the Sky Demon Worm stayed was her throne before, but now seeing the Sky Demon Worm showing its power, she felt that it was not impossible to give the throne to the Sky Demon Worm.

Wuming then skillfully took out a vitality bomb and threw it over, saying, "Keep moving forward."

For the next half day, they kept moving forward, constantly repairing the cracked cells, and constantly killing the snake skin of the infinite molting snake.

The whole process was very boring, but because they needed to be alert to the unknown dangers around them, it was quite mentally exhausting.

Finally, Wuming felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, and after taking a few pills, he simply rested in a cell for an hour.

He sat in the corner of the cell, leaning against the wall, and took out the roast chicken, dragon skin egg rolls, braised deer legs and other foods he bought from the storage ring, and smiled: "Shui'er, can you eat now?"

"Of course, I want to eat chicken legs!" Shui'er said with a gleam in her eyes.

Wuming tore a chicken leg for Shuier, and then he ate the dragon skin egg roll while watching the screen, saying: "If the Infinite Shedding Snake can really eat the prisoners in these cells, in fact, we can use this characteristic of the Infinite Shedding Snake in the past to feed some of the prisoners directly to it, which not only reduces the pressure on the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, but also does not have to worry about these prisoners escaping from prison all the time."

Many viewers also nodded in agreement, saying that it would be great if the Void Sky Demon King could be fed to the Infinite Shedding Snake.

However, Gao Shanggong poured cold water on him and said: "The idea is indeed beautiful, but it is not very feasible. I don't think the Infinite Shedding Snake can really kill all the prisoners. I'm afraid it has indigestion now."

If it is really that easy to kill the prisoners in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, they would not be imprisoned in the Eternal Silence Prison Tower.

Even the Fat King is actually extremely difficult to deal with. If Wuming had not learned the Ancient Eye Cutting Eye Freezing Light Technique, he really couldn't do anything to the Fat King.

"There are only two possibilities now. One is that the Infinite Shedding Snake has eaten all the prisoners on the first floor and has even entered the second floor. The other is that the Infinite Shedding Snake has been suppressed by a prisoner in a cell." Wuming looked at Gao Shanggong's barrage and analyzed calmly.

Tianxing Mingyue said: "I think the latter is more likely. The last cell leading to the second floor is where the Dark Door Dragon is imprisoned. No matter how powerful the Infinite Shedding Snake is, it is impossible to beat the Dark Door Dragon."

"Dark Door Dragon? That is definitely not an existence that the Infinite Shedding Snake can touch." Wuming frowned.

The Dark Door Dragon is a miraculous creature born from infinite miracles in legends.

Each of its scales is in the shape of a door, which can lead to different secret spaces after opening.

The secret space is similar to the God's Hidden Space.

Different secret spaces have different rules. Some spaces have endless treasures, some spaces have endless trials, and some spaces have endless knowledge.

Until now, there are still countless practitioners looking for ways to enter the secret space.

The ability of the Secret Door Dragon is equivalent to opening secret doors in countless secret spaces. In addition to the conventional methods of entering these spaces, you can also enter at will through these secret doors.

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