I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [095] Version Update

"Ahu, tiger, don't sleep!"

Although Zhao Yanlong was mentally prepared to die, when he saw Zhao Yanhu weakly closing his eyes, he instinctively called out.

Zhang Ping stepped forward at this time, and his body changed from a body of pure water to a body of flesh and blood. In an instant, he felt that he could not breathe, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur.

In this environment, an ordinary person would fall into a coma if they persisted for more than ten minutes at most, and eventually die in a coma.

It has to be said that the vitality of the awakened ones is tenacious, just like cockroaches.

Zhang Ping then transformed into a pure blood body. He separated some of his blood and penetrated it into Zhao Yanhu's body, preparing to stabilize Zhao Yanhu's condition first, lest Zhao Yanhu die before he could think of a way.

When his blood came into contact with Zhao Yanhu's blood, he seemed to see a man for an instant.

This is a man with red hair. He is standing with a huge roc. When he looks up at the giant roc, his smile is as bright as the sun.

Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, all illusions had disappeared.

"Who is that person?"

He was thinking silently while treating Zhao Yanhu.

After stabilizing Zhao Yanhu's injuries, he then treated Zhao Yanlong. Sure enough, when his blood came into contact with Zhao Yanlong's blood, he saw a new vision. The red-haired man was flying on a huge firebird. In the sky.

The illusion also flashed by and then never appeared again.

After completing the treatment, Zhang Ping asked: "Is your father's hair red?"

"I don't know. Neither Tiger nor I have met our father." Zhao Yanlong replied.

Then he looked at Zhang Ping and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

"Just now, when my blood came into contact with your and your brother's blood, I saw an illusion, an illusion of a red-haired man." Zhang Ping replied.

Zhao Yanlong shook his head and frowned: "I'm not sure, maybe..."

He thought of something, but it seemed to be a secret. Even though he admired Zhang Ping very much, he still couldn't reveal anything.

Zhang Ping didn't care about Zhao Yanlong's concealment. He looked at the unconscious Zhao Yanhu and had an idea in his mind.

He gained the ability of the old king's blood by drinking Zhao Yanlong's blood, but what if he drank Zhao Yanhu's blood?

Because Zhao Yanhu's blood has the ability to control other living things, Zhang Ping had some scruples before. Later, because of trivial matters such as revenge for Su Jingyao, he never had the time or opportunity to consider this matter.

Now that they are trapped here, they can think about it. What if they get a suitable ability after drinking Zhao Yanhu's blood?

Zhang Ping

He looked at Zhao Yanlong and said, "I need some of your brother's blood."

"Aren't you afraid of being controlled?" Zhao Yanlong asked.

Not everyone can drink Zhao Yanhu's blood. Once he cannot repay the price, he will be completely controlled by Zhao Yanhu.

"Then give it a try!" Zhang Ping said calmly.

He wasn't even afraid of the spirit of the dark mist seizing his body, but he was still afraid of Zhao Yanhu's blood control?

Moreover, his absolute command is definitely higher than Zhao Yanhu's control. If he is really controlled, he will have a way to fight against it.

There is a way out and you are so confident.

Zhang Ping cut Zhao Yanhu's palm with a knife and filled some blood in a small bowl.

Then his hand turned into a pure blood form and repaired Zhao Yanhu's wound. He sat aside with the bowl in hand, took a deep breath of the sulfur-smelling air, and then swallowed the blood in one gulp.

Zhao Yanlong observed Zhang Ping silently. He was curious about why Zhang Ping chose to drink Zhao Yanhu's blood.

At this time, Zhang Ping felt a powerful force awakening in his body, and his limbs and bones were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

He immediately used identification on himself.

[Identification successful]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]


【Lifespan: 200】

[Level: Intermediate Awakener]

【Level: 15】


[Contract Gem: It can consume physical strength + mental power to condense the Contract Gem. Once the target voluntarily accepts the Contract Gem, the life, soul, and consciousness will be dominated by the Summoner, but at the same time, it will also be blessed by the Summoner’s potential and luck. After taking it for the first time , taking it again will slightly increase your own potential, and there is a 2% chance of awakening new talents. Note: Summoner Zhang Ping's innate ability was obtained by overdrafting his IQ, potential, and luck. Although it is very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Being too ambitious does not seem to be a good thing. 】

[Absolute command: You have absolute control over the summoned beast, and the summoned beast cannot disobey your orders]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s orders, and you will faithfully execute the summoner’s orders]

[King Blood Version Identification Technique: The target can be identified, with a 90% probability of obtaining target information. If the first identification is successful, the subsequent identification success rate will increase to 100% for the same target. Note: The innate abilities born from the thirst for knowledge of the summoned beast Zhang Ping and the summoner Zhang Ping were advanced into super-level abilities under the catalysis of the blood of the true king. 】

[Nightwalker of Dark Mist: Obtains dark night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, the movement speed is greatly increased, the weight is reduced, and the person is in the dark

The shadow is completely invisible. When the body is shrouded in the dark mist, the sense of existence is greatly reduced. 】

[Flame Eater: can restore physical strength by swallowing heat through sweat pores all over the body, and convert excess heat into flame energy and store it in the body. When releasing flame energy, the direction of energy release can be controlled.

Note: Nirvana in the flames! ]

[Wind Whisperer: The wind will bring you all kinds of news, whether you want to know or not.

Note: There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and there is no secret that the wind does not know.]

[Strange Eater: When swallowing special items, there is a 10% chance of obtaining the corresponding special physique.

Note: How can this child eat everything? ]

[Nether Mist Body: can absorb the fear and anger of creatures and transform them into controllable Nether Mist.

Note: The seven emotions of Nether Mist have been obtained. ]

[Pure Water Body: The body can be transformed into pure water form. In the pure water form, it can absorb water to restore physical strength and injuries.]

[King's Blood Body: The body can be transformed into the King's Blood form, and can be integrated into the target's body to quickly restore its injuries. In the flesh and blood form, it can absorb sunlight to restore the lost blood.

Note: Love what I love, hate what I hate, and leave no regrets! ]

[True King's Blood: The body can draw strength from its own pain. The more painful the experience, the more obvious the effect.

Note: Everything that can't kill you will make you stronger! ]

[King's Gem: You can consume blood to make King's Gem, and randomly give King's Gem different abilities.

Note: This is the mark of the king and the glory of the king. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Infinite Contract: In the process of making the contract gem, you can revise the terms of the contract according to your own will, and the contract gem will obtain three special forms.

The first type, King's Contract Gemstone - Martial Contract: can inject attack-type abilities into the contract gemstone to increase the lethality of this ability. If used in conjunction with the King's Gemstone, the power will be doubled.

The second type, King's Contract Gemstone - Treasure Contract: can integrate the contract gemstone into the equipment to increase the potential of any equipment, and there is a small probability of obtaining characteristics.

The third type, King's Contract Gemstone - Storage Contract: The contract gemstone can shrink the item package to one millimeter for storage, and the maximum storage target is one hundred cubic meters. 】


Zhang Ping looked at his attributes in disbelief.

Is this a version update?

Just drinking Zhao Yanhu's blood, the enhancement range is too large!

Although he felt like he was dreaming, the various positive feedbacks from his body clearly told him that his strength had really changed dramatically.

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