I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [096] From the King

Level increased from 10 to 15.

Potential increased from four stars to eight stars, lifespan increased from 99 to 200.

The classic version of identification technique was upgraded to the King Blood version of identification technique, and it has super-level ability, which means that Zhang Ping may be able to use identification technique to identify King-level alien beasts, and thus see through the ability of King-level alien beasts.

There is also the evolution of Fire Eater to Flame Eater, and the function has undergone earth-shaking changes, from being only used for barbecue to an extremely practical ability.

In addition, the pure blood body is upgraded to the King Blood body, the old King Blood is evolved into the True King Blood, and there are changes in the King's Gem and advanced abilities.

It is hard to say how much Zhang Ping's actual combat ability has improved, but his comprehensive ability has definitely improved significantly.

After he turned off the attribute, he immediately reached out and tried to use the Flame Eater to restore his physical strength.

In an instant, the heat around him quickly flowed towards him, as if the heat had become a stream of water.

After he absorbed all the heat, the whole space immediately changed from stuffy to cool, just like turning on the air conditioner.

Originally, his physical strength was greatly consumed, but by absorbing the heat this time, his physical strength was directly restored to its heyday.

"It's so cool, brother, I want to eat ice watermelon."

Zhao Yanhu felt the air become cool, and said in a daze.

Zhao Yanlong looked at Zhang Ping with surprise, and he couldn't help asking: "How many abilities do you have?"

He had seen Zhang Ping use four abilities so far, and now the air became cool, obviously Zhang Ping used some ability he didn't know.

"You can guess!"

Zhang Ping was in a good mood, so he was not angry because Zhao Yanlong inquired about his abilities.

These two brothers can be regarded as his treasure boys. Zhao Yanlong's blood allowed him to get the blood of the old king, and Zhao Yanhu's blood was even more exaggerated, allowing him to directly update the version.

Perhaps, this is good people get good rewards.

If Zhang Ping let Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu die in the base, then he would never have the opportunity to get Zhao Yanhu's blood again, and there would be no such exaggerated upgrade now.

Unfortunately, Zhao Yanlong was obviously not in the mood to play guessing games. Seeing that Zhang Ping didn't say anything, he simply turned his head aside.

Zhang Ping smiled and prepared to test the ability of the King's Gem.

The King's Gem is a bit similar to the Contract Gem. Both are condensed into a gem, but the gem comes with special abilities.

However, after he condensed the first King's Gem, he found that this King's Gem was a little different from what he thought. It was not a gem that could give others power like the Marvel Infinity Gem, but a similar existence to the Wu Qi.

It's just that Wu Qi requires others to deposit abilities,

while the King's Gem has its own abilities.

The first King's Gem he condensed has the ability to explode. Just throw the gem at the target, and it will explode as soon as you think about it. The power is probably about the same as that of a landmine.

It's better than nothing.

Zhang Ping made an evaluation of the first Contract Gem in his heart.

Then, he consumed blood again to condense the second King's Gem.

He found that although the King's Gemstones were all golden gemstones, their shapes were not fixed. The first King's Gemstone with explosive power was an irregular octagon, and this King's Gemstone was actually in the shape of a key.

Gemstone Gate Key.

This gemstone can open a golden gemstone gate, and directly reach any destination within a range of 5,000 meters after passing through the gate.

After understanding the ability of the Gemstone Gate Key, Zhang Ping's eyes lit up and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

There is always light after darkness.

Sure enough, men with squinting eyes are not too unlucky.

Zhang Ping played with the gemstone key and looked at Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu.

With confidence, he was ready to chat with the two to confirm some of his guesses.

He looked at Zhao Yanlong and asked, "Is your brother's purity higher than yours?"

"How do you know... what did you guess?" Zhao Yanlong was startled at first and almost blurted it out, but he reacted halfway through and looked at Zhang Ping and asked.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "After checking, I found that the names of your and your brother's abilities are exactly the same, both called Saint's Blood.

After drinking your blood, I got an ability called Old King's Blood. I was lucky just now. After drinking your brother's blood, the Old King's Blood I got from you evolved and became the True King's Blood. Do you think I would think nothing?"


Zhao Yanlong looked at Zhang Ping in shock. Can you get abilities by drinking other people's blood?

He said in a bitter voice, "Isn't there only one Infinite Awakener in Mingzhu City? You should not be Situ Shibai."

"Of course, my name is Zhang Ping, the second Infinite Awakener in Mingzhu City. Then can you tell me what's going on between you and your brother?" Zhang Ping admitted generously.

He has grown up completely and is almost difficult to be killed.

Especially with the King's Blood Body and the King's Gem, he can continuously create gems with various abilities under the sun during the day.

With just a few more gem keys, he will have a very strong ability to escape, and awakeners without space abilities can't catch up with him at all.

Probably because he was in a desperate situation and was facing Zhang Ping.

Zhao Yanlong hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you.

Tiger and I are both from the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary has a technology that can force ordinary people to awaken. Tiger and I are both artificial awakeners. I am indeed not as complete as Tiger."

Artificial awakener!

Can ordinary people be awakened by force?

Zhang Ping's eyes widened, and he was really shocked.

"Is there no limit to this awakening?" he couldn't help asking.

Zhao Yanlong denied: "How can there be no limit? This technology can only be used on children aged five to eighteen. If you are younger than five, there will be no effect. If you are older than eighteen, the probability of death will increase by 10% for every year older. If you use this technology after the age of twenty-eight, you will definitely die."

"This is also very scary." Zhang Ping said thoughtfully.

If this technology can be popularized, wouldn't all humans be able to become awakened?

Zhao Yanlong smiled bitterly and said, "You may have misunderstood. I mean that being able to use this technology does not mean 100% awakening. In fact, the probability of awakening is still not particularly high, but it is equivalent to having one more chance to awaken."

"That's not bad either."

Zhang Ping still thinks that this technology has great promotion value.

Zhao Yanhu didn't know when he woke up. He said, "It's actually not good at all. You don't know how torturous this technology is."

"Oh? How torturous?" Zhang Ping looked at Zhao Yanhu and asked directly.

Zhao Yanhu recalled: "My brother and I were both seventeen years old and could not awaken naturally, so we were sent to the sanctuary by the head of the Shangu Temple for transformation.

Every morning, we were whipped by two executioners, our fingers were pricked with needles, our skin was cut with knives, and we continued to take a drug of unknown material. After taking the drug, we had to undergo mental hypnosis. This was the case every day until we were injected with a dark red liquid."

"Then we awakened?" Zhang Ping asked curiously.

However, this kind of torture is really not something that ordinary people can bear. He immediately gave up the idea of ​​'making this technology popular sooner or later'.

Zhao Yanlong couldn't help laughing and said: "After being injected with that liquid, we realized that the previous pain and torture were not worth mentioning in front of the pain brought by this liquid. That kind of pain is truly unforgettable. Now I tremble all over whenever I think about it."

"That liquid... comes from the king?" Zhang Ping asked suddenly.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu were silent for a moment, and finally Zhao Yanlong answered: "I don't know, but I guess it should be."

Originally, he didn't know what the red liquid was.

But Zhang Ping just mentioned the blood of the saints, the blood of the old king, and the blood of the true king, which made him have the same guess as Zhang Ping.

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