I Contracted Myself


Wuming had eaten many delicious dishes, especially during the time he lived in Baiyu City, he had tasted all kinds of delicacies in the world.

But he had to admit that this inconspicuous snack stand in Dahuang City was indeed unique. The taste of this big yellow bun was like watching a comedy movie, full of all kinds of joyful emotions.

You will feel happy when eating, but you know that this pleasure comes from the big yellow bun, not from yourself.

You can refuse this pleasure, but... there is no need to refuse this happiness.

"It's delicious!"

Shui'er also held a big yellow bun, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

At this time, the girl also brought up the small yellow bun and reminded: "The taste of the small yellow bun is a bit special. It's best to be mentally prepared when eating it."

"Thank you, I will pay attention." Wuming nodded.

Suddenly, a boy stepped on a dog and flew from the sky. After a "woohoo", he fell from the sky and hit the trash can next to the snack stand heavily.

He immediately jumped up from the trash can, and the flying dog immediately licked him and licked all the dirt off his body.

"Xiao Xing, I'm here." He fixed his hair and immediately went forward to greet the girl cheerfully.

The girl frowned and said, "You disturbed my guests."

"Sorry, sorry, everyone continue to eat, don't bother me." The boy immediately bowed to the diners around him, then turned around with a smile and took out a flower from his clothes behind his back: "Here you go, today is the 1,356th day we have known each other."

The girl rolled her eyes and said helplessly while cleaning the table: "Can't you find a good job? You are so idle all day."

"I have a job, I am the best courier in the city, by the way, Xiao Xing, this is your letter!" The boy immediately said proudly, and then he remembered the business, took out a letter from his bag and handed it to the girl named Xiao Xing.

Xiao Xing took the letter in confusion. She opened the envelope and took out the letter. After reading the contents of the letter, she immediately shouted happily: "Great, I was admitted to Wenxinyuan!!!"

"What! Really?" Her father, the chef who had been cooking silently, threw away the kitchen utensils and excitedly stepped forward to confirm.

Xiao Xing immediately handed the letter to her father and laughed: "Really, I was admitted."

"Hahahaha, great, guests, to congratulate my daughter for being admitted to Wenxinyuan, today's meal is free!" Xiao Xing's father read the letter, his face was radiant, and he announced with a big laugh.

The diners around congratulated one after another, and some talked about their children, and were annoyed that their children were not doing well.

"What is Wenxinyuan? They seem very happy." Shui'er asked curiously.

The guest beside him heard Shui'er's words and said with a smile: "The Heart-Questioning Academy is the best heart-beast academy in the whole Great Wilderness. It only accepts geniuses whose heart beasts have reached the listening state and are no older than fifteen years old. Xiao Xing was admitted by the Heart-Questing Academy, and her future is limitless."

There are also many different factions in the Inner Seeking Method. Generally, you will know which faction is suitable for you after entering.

For example, the Beast Taming School that controls the heart beast, the Artifact School that forms weapons, and the Lamp God School that is good at distorting reality...

These schools have higher education institutions in the Great Wilderness City, and the Heart-Questing Academy is the highest institution of the heart-beast school.

"That seems to be really amazing." Shui'er said in surprise after hearing the words of the guest.

Wuming pinched a small yellow bag, tasted it, and smiled: "It's really amazing. It's very difficult to enter the Inner Seeking Method. If you can enter before the age of fifteen, you deserve the word genius."

"What about him?" Shui'er looked at the boy with the flying dog.

Wuming smiled and said: "He is too old, he is already twenty-five."

"What!!!" Shui'er said in shock.

This boy and Xiao Xing clearly look about the same age, but their actual ages differ by more than ten years?

Wuming smiled and said, "Cultivators are supposed to live longer, so what's so strange about this?"

He and Lucy Phil are of the same generation, but Lucy Phil is actually much older than him, so it's not too much for him to call Lucy Phil grandma.

In the cultivation world, the only thing that really determines a person's status is strength, and age is not important at all.

Shui'er thought about her age and suddenly felt that she was making a fuss.

She held a small yellow bag in her hands, and suddenly thought of something. She looked at Wuming and asked, "By the way, are you interested in Wenxinyuan?"

"Well, I'm a little interested. The inner seeking method of Dahuang City has developed a very mature system. Compared with the inner seeking methods of many worlds, the system of Dahuang City is unique. Maybe I can learn from it." Wuming nodded generously.

Tian Xing Ming Yue couldn't help but remind him: "Wuming, don't forget, our mission is to repair the Eternal Silence Prison Tower, don't waste too much time here."

"Then do you have any good ideas?" Wuming waved his hand lightly, soundproofed his table, and then asked casually.

Tian Xing Ming Yue was silent for a moment, and suddenly said coldly: "Although I also like the perfect happy ending, sometimes there is no such thing as the best of both worlds in reality. If you want to save more people, you must sacrifice a small number of people. We can destroy the formation of Dahuang City, and then... all of this will be sealed with the essence of Shengsheng Stone!"

"Hey, hey, are you evil? Why do you suddenly say such terrible words?" Shui'er immediately hugged Wuming's hand and looked at Tian Xing Ming Yue in shock.

Wuming slowly finished the little yellow bun in his hand and asked: "But I like happy endings. I just want the best of both worlds. I want to save the people in Dahuang City, and I also want to build the Prison Tower of Eternal Silence!" "

"Wake up, this world is cruel. It's impossible to have a happy ending, it's impossible to have the best of both worlds. Look, I've turned into a stone now. Where is the miracle? I thought about it all night last night. There is no way to crack it. The only way to save more people is by sacrificing the people of Dahuang City. You don’t want the monsters in the Everlasting Prison Tower to appear outside, do you?” Tianxing Mingyue shouted excitedly.

His soul resided on the living stone and he didn't need to sleep at all. When Wuming was sleeping, he had been thinking about how to break the situation.

He had been holding back these words until he looked at the happy father, daughter and diners at the food stall, and he couldn't help but burst out.

"But doesn't the problem lie with Daji?" Shui'er couldn't help but interjected.

Tian Xing Mingyue said in a deep voice: "It is precisely because she used these people to blackmail Wu Ming that Wu Ming should make the right decision."

In fact, he knew very well that Wuming had the ability to break out of the big formation in front of him. The reason why Wuming did not leave was because Wuming really wanted to save the people in Dahuang City.

His words were intended to persuade Wuming to give up on these people.

Although this decision was ruthless, he didn't think there was anything wrong with his idea.

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