Among them, Zhang San, Zhao Si, Wu Yikong and Zhou Xiaoya were all thrown into the sand table of the new type of small human by him.

As for the other new players, they were all thrown into the sandbox of the domain where the Eight Clans were located.

After doing all this, Lin Ziyun leisurely sat in front of the RV, and then let the system restore the time of the domain sand table.

He adjusted the domain sand table where the eight clans were located to one day in ten thousand years, while the domain sand table where the new little human was located was changed to 100 days per hundred years.

That... Copda people cultivate a perfect species, and it takes enough time for a perfect species to find the exercises and establish a civilization system.

And if the world where the eight clans live does not have a civilization system that can fight against the new type of small humans, Lin Ziyun will not let these two worlds connect.

Lin Ziyun poured himself a cup of hot tea, and while drinking it, he called up the evolution video of the system, and began to watch the performances of the passers-by.

Inside the sand table of the new type of little humans.

A desolate land.

Zhao Si slowly opened his eyes and saw the blue sky, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes immediately.

He kicked a carp upright, turned over suddenly, looked left and right, and found that there were huge boulders under his feet.

"Great, this is a world with practitioners!!"

Zhao Si looked at a few plants in the distance that looked like weeds and were as tall as mountain peaks, and the corners of his mouth were greatly raised upwards.

In a world where there are practitioners, General Zhao has put in the greatest effort and achieved the greatest achievements.

Naturally, he has the deepest feelings for this place! "I just don't know what time it is."

"I don't know if the successor I chose...governs the country well."

"Anyway, let's ask someone first."

Zhao Si looked left and right with his hands on his forehead, but he didn't find any traces of possible people, so he had to walk towards the few huge plants in the distance.

When he just came to a huge plant and wanted to collect the fluff on the leaves to make a waist, an arrow suddenly shot obliquely from one side.

Zhao Si stepped back almost instinctively, quickly dodging the arrow, and quickly slid into a rock.

Then, Zhao Si heard a rather immature voice.

"who are you!"

Listening to this voice, the speaker is still a woman.

Zhao Si stuck his head out in surprise, and suddenly found that a large hole had been broken in the plant at some point.

Inside the cave, a rather skinny little girl in tattered clothes with patches, pulling a bow and arrow, is facing him.

The girl's face was covered with colorful plant sap, Zhao Si couldn't see what it looked like, but he frowned slightly after seeing the little girl.

He has already solved all the refugee problems when he ruled the General Dynasty.

Such a little girl would never have appeared under his rule.

What happened, is there something wrong with the dynasty I established! General Zhao suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Chapter [*] General's wish!King Wu found traces of the army! !

In the sand table of the domain of the new little human.

A little charcoal is slowly burning in the mud pot.

Zhao Si sat cross-legged beside the mud pot, in a daze.

There was a small bed not far from him, with some rag-like bedding folded on the bed, and some clay pots and pans beside the bed.

"Why don't you eat"

Opposite Zhao Si, a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl with a dirty face was holding a broken bowl, a pair of chopsticks, and bulging cheeks. She chewed the food in her mouth and said vaguely.


Zhao Si looked at the little girl and didn't know what to say.

According to the little girl, there are many residents like her on the huge plant nearby.

And not far away, a black market is held every night, and people nearby will spontaneously gather to exchange goods in their hands.

According to the meaning of the little girl, the reason why these people like refugees are sneaking here is to prevent the nearby sects from arresting them as coolies! Zhao Si is absolutely never expecting that the general dynasty he established, Now it has been torn apart.

The Zongmen forces that he completely wiped out have revived once again! And this time, the practitioners can be said to have intensified their efforts, and they have completely ignored the common people! It is simply outrageous!! The more General Zhao thought about it, the more angry he became. , there is still the mood to eat.

Not to mention that the little girl didn't get much food from the black market, and Zhao Si couldn't bear to grab her food.

"Are there any... monsters around here?"

Zhao Si suddenly asked.

When he was in charge of the general dynasty, he had swept away the dangerous monsters on the entire continent, but he still kept some of the more docile monsters, and even some were domesticated as livestock.

"There is an ant nest nearby, what are you asking about"

The little girl swallowed the contents of her mouth in a few mouthfuls, and said very puzzled.

"I'm going out."

Zhao Si got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.


The little girl looked at the back of Zhao Shi's departure, pursed her lips, and suddenly took out a hidden dagger from her back.

She has always been wary of a sturdy man like Zhao Si who suddenly appeared.

The reason why Zhao Si was entertained was because the little girl felt that she would definitely suffer from a fight with Zhao Si, and it was just a temporary compromise.

But looking at it now, this refugee who doesn't even have pants is quite honest.

At least they didn't rob her of food, and they didn't do anything.

The little girl watched Zhao Si lift the green curtain and go out, and suddenly took out a longbow and a bag of arrows from the bottom of the bed, and followed quietly.

When he came to the outside of the cave, Zhao Sichao looked behind him. With his keen hearing, he knew that the little girl was following, but he didn't care at all, and strode into the night.

At this time, the General Dynasty had already existed in name only.

The sect appeared again! And among these middle sects, countless powerful practitioners were born.

When Zhao Si first crossed into this world, those practitioners still regarded the common people as slaves, but now, those practitioners have regarded the common people as ants! All the efforts that Zhao Si made during the last time crossing, Everything was in vain! How can this make General Zhao not angry!! But after the anger, Zhao Si resolutely decided to lift it up again

The banner of resistance to sect tyranny.

He wants to pull all those high-level practitioners down to the altar once again! He wants to rebuild the prosperous world of the human race!! In the dark night, Zhao Si's eyes shone brightly, as if a fire was burning, striding meteors, three steps Jump forward.

The little girl who followed him frowned slightly. When Zhao Si started to speed up, she couldn't keep up, so she could only stay where she was in surprise.

When Zhang San opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the same blue sky as Zhao Si.

However, unlike Zhao Si, he also heard the rushing "Wow!" in his ear.


He immediately.

Sitting up, he turned his head and saw a river not far away.

"Have you come to the world of practitioners again?"

Zhang San stood up and glanced at the surrounding environment, the corner of his mouth immediately.

Slightly tilted upwards.

"Well, Zhao Si, I won't lose to you again this time!"

Zhang San clenched his fists hard.

In the past several times, Zhang San had the last laugh, except for the last time, it was a stain on his life! This time, he must be ashamed! And soon, he carefully observed the surroundings.

"I don't know what's going on now, I have to quickly find someone to ask."

"That... Zhao Si has been in charge of the General Dynasty for more than 100 years, and he must have made a lot of arrangements."

"I have to move fast!"

Zhang San frowned tightly, but found no trace of anyone, so he had to walk along the river bank.

In the era of fierce monsters, the human race reluctantly built high walls.

Later, after Zhao Si swept away the vicious beasts in the wild, the human race happily built countless villages without walls along the water source.

Zhang San walked along the river bank for a long time before finally finding such a village.

However, what Zhang San did not expect was that the village was extremely dilapidated.

There are broken walls everywhere, and all kinds of broken wood and dregs are piled up together, like a piece of ruins.

Zhang San also found that many places in the village had scorch marks, and it seemed that the place had been abandoned for a long time.

"Is there a war here?"

"An army has captured the village"

"It seems that something has happened to the General Dynasty."

In Zhang San's impression, there were no horse thieves or robbers in the entire general's dynasty, and there were many human-sized boulders everywhere in the village, which were obviously polished boulders.

Such boulders are only suitable for trebuchets.

And only the real army can be equipped with catapults! Zhang San already had a premonition that there was a big problem in the General Dynasty, so he first found some tattered clothes to wear on his body, and wandered around the ruined village for a while. , and found some footprints leaving the village in the corner of the village.

"Those troops who have harmed the whole village should be heading in this direction."

"However, these footprints are a bit messy, and these troops should have taken some villagers."

"It seems that this army not only attacked the village, but also captured many prisoners!"

Zhang San's eyes narrowed slightly, he pondered for a while, and then quickly followed.

Chapter [*]: King Wu saves the prisoners!King Jing meets Rat Man! !

late at night.

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