Peng Yuting pulled up the reins, and the carnivorous insect under his crotch made a squeak, and quickly ran towards the members of the cult.

And the suggested aide was slightly taken aback, his eyes suddenly turned red, and immediately.

Carrying spears followed by Peng Yuting, the other cavalrymen also followed silently, and many cavalrymen were even more tearful in the process of advancing.

King Peng is still the same... King Peng.

Not with the wrong person! This is the common idea of ​​the staff and the cavalry.

However, unlike Peng Yuting, who was unwilling to give up his subordinates, Zhu Zheng and Chen Guangshou saw that the situation was not good, so they all took the advice of their subordinates, decisively changed armor with the soldiers beside them, and scattered among the defeated soldiers.

But for this, the goddess of the gods did not care. In her eyes, as long as all the soldiers here were eliminated, those nobles would not be a problem! Moreover, the number of gods is limited, and it is impossible to All these hundreds of thousands of troops were surrounded and wiped out.

In fact, the goddess expected the escape of those in power. After all, these selfish aristocrats would only think of themselves when they were in danger.

This is the nature of those hypocritical nobles! "Come with me!!"

"This king will take you out!!"

A very discordant voice attracted the attention of the god and the woman.

The goddess frowned slightly, turned her head and saw a guy with a pig's head rushing towards more than a hundred religious believers.

And immediately behind the guy with the pig's head, countless arrows flew up.

The religious believers who were standing in front of the pig-headed people avoided them one after another.

Then, countless cavalrymen followed the pig-headed man and rushed into the formation of a hundred religious believers.

Chapter [*] Bloody Battle!The end of the benevolent! !

Peng Yuting has experienced countless bloody battles.

He had been wiped out.

He was also driven like a dog by others.

What a tough battle he fought.

It can be said that Peng Yuting was killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, but even so, he still couldn't calm down in the face of the religious believers with powerful supernatural powers.

The power gap is too obvious.

Now he just wants to bring as many people back as possible.

A thunder light lit up in the hands of a religious believer, and Peng Yuting immediately.

Pulling the reins, the carnivore understood his intention and quickly spread its wings.

Then, the carnivorous worm flew up, and then fell suddenly, the thunder and lightning from the hands of the believers of the gods finally slammed into the air, but Peng Yuting suddenly threw him down, stabbed him with a sword and stabbed him to the core.

However, even if his heart was pierced, the believer still tried to pull it out... A dagger was sent into Peng Yuting's abdomen and Peng Yuting groaned, and pulled the dagger out directly, without looking at the wound, turned over and sat down. The carnivorous worms continue to rush forward.

He was used to injuries, and to him a little injury was nothing at all.

And the more than 300 iron cavalry that followed him also launched suicide attacks on those religious believers in a way of life-for-life, and indeed achieved certain results.


A believer of various gods suddenly stopped in front of Peng Yuting at a very fast speed.

Peng Yuting recklessly drove the carnivorous worm and rushed towards it, but he didn't expect that the believer of the divine religion suddenly jumped up, gliding directly from the low altitude, and dashed in front of him.

Before Peng Yuting had time to react, he was strangled by the neck, and was directly thrown off the back of the carnivorous worm by this religious believer.

The Divine Sect believer was so powerful that Peng Yuting couldn't breathe, and his pig face was instantly flushed.


Peng Yuting was smashed to the ground violently, gold stars appeared in his eyes, and just as he was dizzy, an ant suddenly ran over and knocked the new disciple of the gods away.

On the back of the ant, the staff who had been following Peng Yuting raised their spears and stabbed the religious believers in the head.

But even if it was forcibly knocked away by the ants, the religious believers who were not injured stretched out their hands and grabbed the spear, then pulled the staff member down with force, and punched the staff member's head with another punch.

In an instant, the head of the aide turned into pieces as if a watermelon had been hit by a hammer.


Peng Yuting shouted angrily and rushed towards the believer, but unexpectedly a spear suddenly flew from the side.

He was forced to back away, and the spear stabbed to the ground with a bang, and the whole spear sank directly, leaving only a fist-sized hole in the ground.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on Peng Yuting's head, he turned his head suddenly, and saw a burly religious believer throwing a spear at him.

This time, he couldn't escape.

At the moment of crisis, the middle-aged man with only half of his wings on his back suddenly rushed in front of him.


The spear instantly pierced the middle-aged man.

"Go away, king!"

The middle-aged man spurted blood from his mouth, turned his head towards Peng Yuting with a tragic smile, and said.

Peng Yuting's eyes were splitting, and at the same time, a hundred cavalrymen had already rushed to his side, and then surrounded him and rushed forward.

Immediately after,

Hundreds of thunders and dozens of ultrasonic waves shot directly.

The cavalry burst into blood for a while, and most of them died quickly! However, more cavalry rushed forward and surrounded Peng Yuting to death.

"You leave me alone!"

"You go first!!"

Peng Yuting shouted loudly.

However, the cavalrymen who had been obedient to him all now disobeyed his orders one after another, and continuously attacked the believers of the gods ahead with their flesh and blood.

The blood spurted from a soldier's body splashed onto Peng Yuting's face.

Peng Yuting felt that everything he saw was blood red, but he still recognized the soldier who was spewing blood.

This man joined his army not long ago, seems to be only 16 years old, and got married last year.


A human head flew through the air and happened to land at Peng Yuting's feet.

It was one of his cronies, who had been with him since he first became king.

Recently, this guy became a high official and married several daughters-in-law, but because of some illnesses in the past wars, he has never had children.

Another cavalryman was split in half with his mount.

Blood stained Peng Yuting's armor.

This cavalryman used to be a nobleman, because he admired Peng Yuting who traveled thousands of miles to defect, and he also wrote a love letter to Peng Yuting.


A steel knife slashed suddenly.

The light of the knife caught Peng Yuting's eyes.

A burly figure suddenly threw him down.

It was a half-orc with a bull's head but no bull's horns.

Peng Yuting didn't know this half-orc, he should be the latest to join his camp.


The steel knife was inserted on the back of the orc, and the orc spit out a mouthful of blood, but his hands tightly held the blade that penetrated his chest.

It was for this reason that the steel knife did not stab Peng Yuting.

"Big, big, big king, go!"

The half-orc looked in pain, but when the steel knife in his chest was pulled out... he suddenly turned around, jumped up ten feet in place, and kicked a religious believer in the face, sending him flying. go out.

But the next moment, the void in front of the orc suddenly distorted, the half-orc trembled all over, blood spurted from the seven orcs, and was shocked to death on the spot by the ultrasound.

Peng Yuting was also affected at first, but at a critical moment, a carnivorous worm suddenly galloped, grabbed Peng Yuting, flapped its wings and flew towards the sky, finally jumping over the interception of all the religious believers.

But soon, ten religious believers with butterfly wings gathered around and slammed ten spears into the carnivorous insects.

Blood spurted from the mouth of the carnivorous insect, but the mouth holding Peng Yuting's collar was unwilling to let go... until a steel knife cut off its head.

Peng Yuting suddenly fell to the ground and was thrown into the ground, and his hands tightly hugged the head of the carnivorous insect.

Dozens of religious believers rushed to Peng Yuting's side and surrounded him to death.


"You are different from those nobles, I can give you another chance."

A cold voice suddenly reached Peng Yuting's ears.

Peng Yuting was shocked all over, turned his head slowly, and saw that the silver-haired girl stepped on a green dragon, already galloping.

Chapter 190 Undying Skills!The benevolent die! !

Peng Yuting clearly felt the weight of the carnivorous worm's head.

And not far from him, the bodies of countless cavalrymen had piled up like a mountain.

The silver-haired girl, who was the main culprit in killing these cavalry and carnivorous insects, had a calm expression on her face, and even made him surrender with a hint of pity in her tone.

In that way, it was as if the gods standing above the nine heavens were talking about things that had nothing to do with them.

Peng Yuting never thought that one day he would hate a person so much! He put down the head in his hands, and took some soil, and slowly sprinkled it on the head of the carnivorous insect.

"The goddess is asking you, are you deaf!!"

The deputy leader of the gods, the green-robed youth who had regained his youth with the help of the goddess, had blue veins on his forehead, and asked very angrily.

For him, the goddess is the center of the entire divine religion, and he cannot tolerate the slightest insult!"

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