Those revolutionary troops who take the responsibility of resisting the religious religion are undoubtedly a good choice! And he just saved someone casually, and he was able to have a relationship with the revolutionary army, so he had to admire his luck.

He returned to the cave and found that the middle-aged man had fallen asleep, so he didn't bother him anymore, but found some huge dead grass to lie on it, intending to leave

Take a night's rest, and go to contact the revolutionary army tomorrow.

When Wu Yikong opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the gray sky.

He turned his head and looked around, and found that the surroundings were covered with plants like mountains.

He heard a loud rush of water again.

He suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment, but he didn't panic like Zhao Si and Zhang San. He first got up and pulled some fluff from plants to make an apron, and then quickly walked towards the sound of water.

He soon saw a waterfall, and a smile appeared on his face.

Originally just arrived in a new world, and understanding the information of this world is the most important thing.

But for Wu Yikong, improving his strength is the key! The last time he crossed, when he completed his physical training, he was almost invincible in the world.

If he hadn't met a goddess who could compete with him, I'm afraid he would be the last winner among the many travelers.

And this also made him realize the importance of strength.

The vegetation around here is so lush, there must be many insects, and there will be no shortage of food.

In addition, there is such a waterfall! This is just the perfect place for seclusion and exercise.

Wu Yikong made up his mind to stay beside the waterfall, and when he finished his physical exercises, he would go out and sweep the world! When Peng Yuting opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the blue sky, and another A mouse with bat wings.

In fact, bats also look like mice, but there is still a big difference between the two! However, although Peng Yuting saw such a strange creature, Peng Yuting was not much surprised.

He had seen the video on the game website and knew that the world of practitioners and the world of the seven clans were already connected.

All kinds of strange monsters in the world of practitioners should naturally spread and multiply in the territory of the entire Holy Empire.

After the last time crossing, Peng Yuting's temperament has been sharpened very calmly.

At this time, he was not panic at all, and after sitting up, he looked beside him, and soon heard footsteps.

He didn't take the initiative to say hello, but immediately got up and hid behind a huge plant.

He soon found that not far away, on a flat road, there were burly soldiers wearing silver armor and silver armor, holding big red flags in their hands.

These soldiers formed a phalanx, and walked forward with their heads held high and their heads held high.

And behind this procession, followed by a huge carriage.

Behind the carriage, there were also a group of ant cavalrymen with spears in their hands and wearing leather light armor.

"Is this the... big man from the gods?"

"It seems that I am still in the territory of the Holy Empire."

Peng Yuting had some guesses.

He clearly saw that the carriage had the unique cross mark and yin-yang fish emblem of the gods, which were only qualified to be used by high-ranking gods.

But he didn't think too much about it, but walked along the road in the opposite direction of the carriage.

At this time, he only intends to ask an ordinary person to understand the current situation.

Chapter 240 The right guardian who wants to join the army!The left protector determined to protect the country! !

In the field sandbox class.

Northwestern frontier of the Holy Empire.

Hailed as the source of life by the Protoss, it is like a giant lake in Wangyang.

Once the capital of the Protoss Empire, it is now an important town on the northwestern frontier of the Holy Empire. It was first renamed Xibin City by the goddess herself, and then changed to the outskirts of the giant city of Xibing by the first generation of sects.

In a village that has just been robbed by a group of bandits and has no people.

Inside an earthen house.

Zhu Zheng, who was wearing patched clothes, was sitting cross-legged in front of a bonfire.

An iron pan was standing on the bonfire.

Some pieces of meat are cooking in the pot.

"The meat will be ready soon."

Zhu Zheng stretched out his hand to the side, and the ground beside him immediately hit the ground.

Some buds grew, the buds grew rapidly, and soon grew into a piece of wood.

He picked up the wood and pouted.

It has been 20 days since he crossed into this world, and he has gradually mastered his abilities.

However, although he has been working hard to train the various abilities of the Protoss, he has never been able to control Zhimu's abilities to a level of subtlety.

Not even trying to get a wooden spoon out.

This made him very dissatisfied.

At the beginning, the reason why he chose the Protoss as his body was because Zhu Zheng had already known that the physical qualities of the Protoss far surpassed that of the newcomers who could practice.

It can even be said that in terms of physical fitness, the Protoss is definitely far ahead of the existence of other races! When Zhu Zheng was the right protector, he had carefully studied the bodies of the Protoss and found that as long as he systematically took the magical medicine, the Protoss could It is also possible to open and expand the meridians, and practice the practice of accumulating energy in the meridians.

It can be said that the starting point of the Protoss is much higher than that of other races.

However, it wasn't until after transmigrating into a Protoss that Zhu Zheng discovered that the situation had changed a lot from the last time he transmigrated.

Although Protoss people have high physical quality and great potential, in order for Protoss people to practice, they must take different types of potions and gradually develop their physical potential.

However, the 3rd generation of the Holy Empire, out of hatred for the Protoss, artificially destroyed the raw materials of several kinds of potions that could improve the physical fitness of the Protoss.

In addition, the religion itself has a monopoly on potions, and all the raw materials for potions are controlled by the Holy See.

Zhu Zheng's idea of ​​using potions to change his physique cannot be avoided by divine religion.

"It seems that I can only join the divine religion first."

"But if I want to join the religion, apart from nuclear, the only way is to rely on military merit."

The examination of the church is very strict.

Those who can succeed in the assessment, except for the strong and the cultivators, although the strength of the rest can be weaker, they must be familiar with the various books of the divine religion.

Although Zhu Zheng used to be the right of the divine religion, in the past 400 years, the scriptures and meanings of the divine religion have already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Taking the assessment at his current level, [*]% failed.

Moreover, his current strength is also very low, and I am afraid that he does not even have the qualifications for the assessment.

In addition to the assessment, the only one who can enter the divine religion is only by virtue of his extraordinary military exploits.

Zhu Zheng is still very confident in his means of commanding the war.

Today, the northwest frontier of the empire is also full of bandits, which is just the opportunity for him to show his strength.

As long as he entered the Holy See with military merit, he would be able to access the raw materials of those potions.

Then, he must be able to find substitutes for those raw materials that are missing.

At that time, he will be able to improve his body and quickly practice the secrets of the exercises he learned when he was the right guardian of the gods.

Zhu Zheng made up his mind, picked up a bowl, scooped a bowl of broth for himself, and ate it calmly.

On a road leading to the capital of the Holy Empire.

A convoy of 600 people is moving slowly.

At the front of the convoy, there were rows of soldiers with sharp armor.

Several carriages among the soldiers were covered with thick purple cloth, and the thick cloth was also printed with the cross: and the emblem of the yin and yang fish.

Apparently, the great men of the religion sat in these carriages.

But behind these carriages and the heavily armed warriors, there were hundreds of ragged, yellow-faced, thin-skinned figures.

These figures are not refugees, but slaves.

These slaves are all the property of the religious personnel in the carriages in front of them.

Among these ragged slaves, Chen Guangshou, who looked particularly tall and burly, but was as unkempt as the other slaves silently looked at the carriages in front of him, his eyes gradually narrowed into two slits.

It has been 10 days since he disguised as a slave and followed the convoy.

He also learned about the state of the entire empire from the mouths of other slaves.

When he learned about the disappearance of the goddess and the huge beast destroying half of the imperial capital, he couldn't help sighing, feeling that such a powerful person as the goddess might also be more fortunate.

And when he learned that the entire Holy Empire did not perish just like that, he was immediately relieved.

However, when he saw that the members of the divine religion with full stomachs drove the slaves to work for them like enslaved pigs and dogs, he suddenly had an almost uncontrollable anger in his heart.

At the beginning, Chen Guangshou had assisted the goddess wholeheartedly since he surrendered, and was very proud of helping the goddess to end the troubled times and to create an incomparably powerful empire.

Unlike Zhu Zheng, who had a different heart when he followed, Chen Guangshou had great feelings for the entire Holy Empire.

After all, the establishment of this holy empire also had his efforts.

Now, those members of the church are corrupt and depraved.

These guys are attached to the body of the Holy Empire like blood-sucking worms, constantly absorbing the nutrients of the Holy Empire to nourish themselves.

Sooner or later, the Holy Empire will be pushed to the point of doom by these worms.

Chen Guangshou didn't want to see his original efforts wasted by these bastards.

However, he also always remembers his identity and understands that when he comes to this world at this time, he must quickly unite the comrades of the Anguo Bureau.

When that time comes, let's put things right.

But before that, Chen Guangshou knew that he had to get stronger quickly.

After following those carriages to the designated place and starting to reclaim the land, he will find a way to escape.

With the means he has, it is very easy to kill a few guards! Even, he wants to kill the worms hiding in the carriage at the same time as he kills the guards!

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